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rie CTs: CREAN A 4\Onevreo Burnt Fon ‘wl stenthening the positions of hr especie cer cies: tn Tour caestudy ares apo creating a tanita loa Js teen heal transit ridership gains mated by sustain ee ‘vate auondb sage le City with allem Satelie ola, Sreden acs us the Beis of coding mew town deslapment est srces wi a ase. renal plang fae. heen go, the ein adopted ison of concnrating row fom the ey center into rel soved stelle. Eat ews ee meant 0 be pty selena: owen th ime the Fc paring se comma oer ti she of dons oth even ra sce ovat ond link ke dest housing ora ps Many suburban al sops 1s arguably the best example anyehere of coordinate pan il ans and win deepest. Sckholm, Sweden: capita to the coe bya regional ral syste, Tunnebana (Map 4.1). Therein Starshape,muldcentered but frm ithe ree outome of comp ei planing campaign hat rete onerspil ro afer World War Io mosterplaned, alse sabusb= ‘Neasly century ago, Ebencrer Howard at adancod the Mes of twin Satelite ew tone separsted by provnie and connected by Invermineial away" as ated in Chapter, Howards son sae £9 bl scaly and economically slitting communis that would ‘lete London from ovrerowding and scumswadaie sme of Foor Sida he same te apply elueapture pins to nance iran. {are and services? The pls! element of Hows law featured rine though pyscly separated and wer, strait landscaping, {hd cuvnear rde separated pussgesye ‘Many of Howards flowers fared rom and extended the notion of tng apc slit commanies surrounded by ereenbel “Shas embodied in plane forRadbar, New fers y Henry Wight nd atone Sem. and Gre Bai ery arden suburb, Letchworth, Flamed a Wty, designed by Ragmond Unwin and Bary Pasko Mon ofthese places were designed ona superlock sale with clstered Tung raped around emma ercns and connected by dein Wve (peuap) alte Howards garden cites, however, hey were Dot Finns as sl contin towns they were more ke dormtory wigs Wt the sours of mplymcnt fo ein ally in ear ies, Nor Aa rast romincat eur of cry Brith o American new Ww Ira only when Soro began balding ater World War, what ‘tert be seltcontnined satelite communis surrounded by pote (hen spaces and served by al tnt that Howards son of les of {torn Began fo ake orm Buin a Tait Metropalis ‘Over the pat ity sas Stool ha bees tasfrmed frm a prewar ‘umootns yf 2 portearpojeenie mewopols. The backbone of the mulicentered Stem pons te Tunabana meto, Ove tine, ‘Sclbolssetlenet pattern serail network have boome inimaeiy ‘Sonnected a need, separa, They aos he pret perp the most compehonsve and ambious seo lnaing sleet in ths fo induc wert What mater the Sco story so remarkable tha the rapid transformation oa tat metropolis occur ina well nation dt Ungaro tener hy, Sdn of i war ns ‘Mace county, wit 1995 CDP per spt of USSI8.200 als ha ‘he of Oe hips aon owes re (20 ear er 1.00 Sa fant) In rope? Mach ofthe atin wah econcorted great ‘Stockholm among Seder iw companies with more ha $00 ‘mployens forty have tr ma ies nthe Socal resin. cau Sweden war song the le coum in Europe to Indust lize grew as api pace fellowtng Wert War parca tba [rots Civen tht Sued isin tare at oes country many ‘lal snip Ive flowed highuay-orented dveopment pater. Yet ‘Sunnis most prosper county and Ws capital ety took olf on & ‘daly ferent suburtanisaton path than Sid Ameica and much of Europe Why? ‘fechas propreiveminged ety coun deverves rch of the me PT / ape Ce einai Od Bil Fr rel for orchestating and cooroting land-use and rangprtation ‘Eelopment over the postwar period Sut planning would mote ben "as ems te oe na ee 1504, he Soca ty coun pan purchasing lan for Fre expe sion decade in dance f ned By 98, cnet percent ofthe 15S Square land wins bounarcr and 600 square Meters tad beyond he ity init As the iy reso ta founari,Sc> ‘nd, Sweden socialization of public seceded not only pubic transport but the hoasng rea a well From 1904 1903, Sweden was {Boernod by Soil Demecsts, commie to seving the county any ‘cll neds, incuding beter Fosng. During the ost Weld Wa Ips ‘of Indust expnain, Sweden sflered «scree using hora hd as unable to provide adequne sl for new igre rd I {ory workers. Quarters were cramped, wih few Lichen and weshing inch ce pe pr the Sue rene bann com ‘racing mulstry sparen nthe tsi of metropolis More than 90 pereeat of dengue lt betwee 1946 and 1770 silt on thet landed some form of sate ub Mon were Buty muntipaly med using corporations snd tenant coop rater Today. abt two-hinsof Sl Sockolm ows Eve fo ‘mult comple Asn Toronto,» prac poverment bec ltl in housing production 3 ie of pd rr a hee ‘onl ronal ra evs “The blueprint for balding Stockbols rast metropolis was Sen Markets Genera Plan of 1945-32 Maren, an archi! y sg Uelered that, we mburtaniation sas ineiabis and cle to Be stcommodated: Stein’ way al preeminence ete eon come terial adele bat be preserve a cot Tis was to be ‘comple by bing satelite ee tow connect to Secon by fallihat I by putting Howards pardon iy conapt in prectce® Despite uve hat showed Swed prefered low made suburban tame, Marla abt ling at donc lect tat ton radon cou be within walling dane fal sop. Be hoped thar by doin so, many melds woud fl tanesemary to ow ot ‘ee arto reach downtown Sect, Tn designing Stocoim’ fet generation of mew towns—Vllingy (195054), Farsi (1953-61, and Shatolmen (1981-68.-ay planers outta "docmior town eneonment” An even race ‘wast dsribute nds and oes satcies rouhly in proper o ‘dental popationaat to schieve aoe housing ane, Public ont flan allowed has nents wee ued ie nds to Sew towns aod promot conga pried employee ous New {ons wer ls planed fort tito busing = gay ad tmultenant etdencs) aswel at anos, ice vc Buln ind shop ermine Markel plan didnot intend to make them complete tous, how ver Residents woe silt think of themselves s Stckolmers. Aor iia Markle dovaed the rl of fate: al he working Inbatants ‘rol commute oot of new tne and al af the workforce were to be {swe tom staewhere. Than i contrat fo other postu ne Tone ‘otbly the Mark I new tors designed by Sr Patek Abercombl to indie tondons ovrpil growth Stackholm satlites were nen fate be ful edfcortlnad™mare Ike “hal coninined’-even though ‘hey were planned fora balance a jobs and busing nis Balding « World-Class Transit System “The regional rail stem, Tunsebans, became the principal device to chi Marler’ vison of aleconainment. Alsough malay a nderground system, in outer afew ne monty above ground) Radiat in'orm: the 11Oaiomece 100sation Tunetbana sre war desig tofoou on Stockholms reetloped core® Unrte reginal play sc Ite abcenter woul function or cuntermagnes So central Sock, Inducing eficieny, idrectnal ae lowe hs ean ulkingTonae bans in cance of demand and incuving huge operating ec Ue ‘ute bat with he expectation thatthe oven would bain opel! the now setement pater ont form (ap 42) “The co-deveopment of rasered new own andthe Tanelban 6. tem fom he ne 194010 the eat 1980 the reo sent pio of _gowtrset the sag or powell anid use nes Ins see, Sctholn experiences dese paral those of Toronto, Stockele ‘experience ile, heer, in tbe ongoing coordination of tans and inngerea development ensuing year sided bya protective peenbelt lind works planning famework made possible by pale owersip tla ogi tran offering go wel Beyond mainline ail serves, Soc holm ar one of the st Western Eropean esto crete Fl inte {ated patie want satem. Since 187, bus amy. and eto Se {ire hae ten panocd and coonntedthugh an iatrument othe ‘Steck County Coun, Stomiockhlms Lokaleak. Service Ueto Sram fre ar ly nteratd mong cavers Because ofboth sevice ‘i land sue otgrton, Sokol today har one af he high wok ‘ep modal py transit Europe. About hal ofl worker commute [yeni orb, easy tie the share found niger rallsorved a ‘ran metropalser suc as Brin and even higher hun loner Landers ‘markt share? Pehaps mst impress, Stockom Is oe of the ew ‘laces where sutomobity appears toe rosding, Benen 1960 and {obo twas te only ity Int sample of try seven bel cer arom four cooinnts tha rotated sper capita dale near soa drop 19501990. Souce Cy of Stackhalm, The Development of Shel, 1950. 06229 annual llometers of rave er person Per cape rant er Ships the other hand roe by TS pret during the 1380s. thas com Searing per ohne Alough many actors havea an ina isucet, one have been more important than the emergence of ‘Steckbln railscredstlite om owe Stocdboln’s Rail Served Satelites Few subrn enironments reat conde to tant riding at Stock: Tending of community and transit acy design in metropolitan Stock hater Og the Cy th Baler Sti, Sti ns oli ole bya reo several dininet phne f new own dev ‘pment oer te pat ty yar. Transit and Community In greater Stekol, the relaonshlp betwen ruts ad the urea Ing community is que unique Rall stations ae ysl and sb tally the hub af the community In nat tasteglanned sow oa, the fal sop st squarely in the town center Upon ening the sation one Steps i's carte pubc square mound ty shop, ssi ‘School and commnty fe. The cv sate, ote adored with benches, water fountain, ad greene othe commansys central ath ‘lng spotra place ora and soll a sting for pec erent ‘ether nana aida, pbs elttions, parades or cial eon ‘ratlons (Photo 41), Its he aga of mare suburban ie fen ‘esquare doce doe day sea lace fo fares sel thet pede ot ‘Meet artist to peefom changing chameleon fom ah eat ‘market one day toa oncet venue the nox. The serene of ower Stalls sidewa ene, newestunds, and outdoor vendors dotting te Pro 4.1. New ce at A dentin iy carne sue ‘os a Vga tw ei i ust ohms fy teh ww par tin po a lan a ‘Say cnrane It heel (ented by he Pag squire, combine with the musings and conversations of fs sting In the sgiare and everyay encounters among fda, alcool ‘eats ito he community sta burton resents suocae the ce quae as the focus of ‘he Community hey sso auoctate the rl sop a the gateway to the Fein at lrge Tran the window tothe ra a the eon the oe that bind one on place of rsceneor wor toe penee eto ‘he Bening of Tunelban stops ito the town ese in bs desgn std a smbolic sense, makes ral ran an otal component com ‘uni ng. ‘Stockholm ralsarved new tons have aoe over seeal tne stages of community desig, relecing »sacamon 0 Hesegcs shent ‘sit consis 3 able and fuel commun What cero ‘ich phase, however an unvavering comment oar ar sce {a eatre of community fe Ar called orn Markus eal ester fan tant Became the rumen forking ey and sr a3 wel Ferpeseraing gee spect andthe srounding county irstGeneration New Towns During 194557, the int thre Tames nes were bul, which allowed the fist satelite owas toe builtin pass Sokbolns ft fseration of pew town, called ABC town Cacheasng, Bibs, td (Cservee) wee desgned wing a common fra + Balanced communities of 90,00-100000 people, with more than 60 pescent mula boing a 80 people po ace). A hicerchy of cemers, wih 9 main commercial ad crc center ‘eat the rl tation, border by neighborhood ces nie ‘hools and community facies (within 60) met ofthe a + Tapering of densities, with he densest reds declopment rounding the rail sation, flanked by mudee parent, ond Tewer-densty housing fre fom te center chs rangement pce te majority oct win ancy malt rb of + Separation of pedestrian an beep fr automobile ali Including grade separ at insects. Bull ons monumenal Le Corbusier le sls, wth bung se 00 ‘st supertleksIn the center ofthe community, fest encaton how {ors wee ound erie by Swish ahs sl scloists ‘nao stoma and tele Ce charged the ack fms hapler obig he iy wih Ra Sr Sele Sa fale o impart a sense of community attachment, Repair, suey stowed that residents of fest generation ne tvs were gute ples ‘sith tr suroundin, despite what exper thou ‘Valingb. community of 5,00 ester ated 13 klometere west of downto, was Stocols frst nw tw, completed n 1934 Rang {ng ValinghyTunelban station se highse "tower ia the par: syartment Farther fom the sation ira wider variety of nts, lid ‘ache sing ary homes Phono 43) The cent Tunnalbans ato ‘otro args open cobbenone paz, reecting pool at i ‘omple, The ail sop also share space wth» large moprmarke, ll ing rearing commuter to do thr daly shoping onthe way hoe 0 the evening Avo nearby aze care cmers.comenicmly site 50 toms apd dds ean wal othe town cee ith the Ke each mo {ng eop them of and exch te train fo work Valingys road newer comin of oop enccing neighborhoods witha secondary gradesparatad pedestrian and bike path fysem. Al el y's Si allay we md core widespread astomobie ownership, wae pls th relly Ide parking a score mo nephtorhood, crear prope n> tal elastred poking nt ‘Pa 4.2. Mag a ee on Ts Van Te freon sows er ing oer ine unig he Rn ou ‘Bound shows lowee-ensty hang and Weesaped aTounng neighbors ‘The vcond slit to be bull, Fata (sent population 42,00), iy 2 esters fom dowrtown Stock atthe termini, of the ‘Suheramost Tetons out Te farm at Fata es parcase by he {Sp in ots banked” a irgin ad aed opened to development 956, Betas Fast wae bul by priate developers, Indstaized building rsh and pcabitd cones materials were used (0 Be ‘Tegel the ror and coe gona governance, Bit atonal ectves ie been stun nfucnce n egg sbout cordate growth oo Pe To / ape Ct: Crag Nat reed ul orm Copenhagen’ init for coordinating velopment has ees the 1947 Finger Plan tn fs sbeequent incarnations Ar in grester Stock thn tong regina lands sion has gen ise oa Fai al sys tte tht ele inks maserplanned sbur. Today. Copenaen Stands as one ofthe best examples anes of ow aspen vison the turers by an extensor nerwork and Fender sence fas produced able stand ener InsitionlLndsage Greuer Copenhagen’ iesonal landscape oct hardly be cll Streamlined” Over the years bt landse plnning ad pe asap Sevios hve een shaped by 2 mule of agencies ad autores operating a diferent ters of goverment and en competing for te ioe lini remus Lande and ener! avs and Sevelo ‘Bont ae nationally ap. Sil thre ext enough checks snd bal tc a pol of gene perma, oes thal development ee sbi well coordinates Public Pansts Organizations and Services Regina al serves are one and operated by 49 dierent ents. DSB the Danish state atuay agency. operates the Sa. which fae fons mally ara smear aad within 300 aD meter a i Copentagens core The T70lilometey tation Sein seem, ‘Shown in Mp 5.1 rates slong greater Copenagen's usted fre Ura rl serves, which to most customers are indstinguse fom she Stain, concetate onthe sore reglon and are opened by ‘Store tran ie Hw or odoin ec SE) cordate and operates ts 100 bapes at presently sere north ‘lan asin Stoektoln, plats cll or eventual compestvely co tctng otal bor serie. Sine 189, when compete tenn ‘pan 896 ts oeating confab 18. rent nel oe Denmark’ Hierarchy of Land-Use Planning 1m Denna, physic land se planning conde Nerorchially with the naonal geerment pred fey the top. National ccs ‘pe Regional Pins hich a turn shape Munilpal Plans ech ar Spe Lea elghborhood) Pan, hapterS The Han Shaped Matai Coenen 0s National ists an Policies Since Word Wa I the national goverment hissed policy gains ‘ry far years ame at shaping the county’ pica deepest A ‘Sorersone of Denna ebarzation ply bes bee the chanting of ‘owt wo the south and west of Capenagen proper leading to he ere {ence of masterplanned new tows long rail crore? The central oterament also sought to more andor spread’ development Tiroughout the country while preening famlnds and open pace ‘vough set matinal ning we ‘Or the pst devas ees of rational iets have called fo te sing eter Copenhagen utere growth round ral tai stains $F dectves spate tat all future urban development sould acct ‘thin Ulmer catchment of eather land al sop: We “hey donot exnty ea te fc of av tional descr py that locales ae to make god falth efforts In encouraging Wars at ttned development the sational Milty of Environment fel ater ‘is ithe eto power ver propose local development pret These ‘to powers have xo far been exceed sparingly, ange pat octne ‘now localities strongly support sasanabl ateras of development. atonal i laws have alo played il role in promoting coord sated repomal developmen Denmark tues ppl, et Corporations of [ind Tham alms ll public revenaes come frm personal nce sink ‘tie tance. Thr bas evel redoced fal competion for at base, In‘sharp contrat tothe United Staten whee the competion for Mik roperty tailing land nes hasbeen Hamed for rated stems Patterns and pes x Dena, manips ae lee lined one Ineommerll and uses nd ane ut apartment Every fur year the thre counties and t40 munpaliie of greater ‘Copenhagen jen prepare Regional Plan in scone wth mations “iectv By law the Plan mat be capable of accommodating the nest fnche year of forcasedreporal growth, Fr 1974 to 1999, the (Gest Capenagen Cound prepared this pla: however replonal one. tance wa abalshed in 1989 under pressure Irom cl polis ational i algo egues each of the freight independent mcg ‘es within greater Copenhagen to prepares Master Plan every our years that ie coodnatd sd conten with he Regional Plan. 8 Manipal an reviewed by the county that a municpalty hs within and by the Ministry of Evironment. Higher level of government can reject Manic Pal Plans for being inconltent wih regional poles snd anal dive Below the Manipal Pan ave Local ane wich spect soning an mle uses for ech pure of lan within a nelghborhood By maton et then, every pac itin = lometr of ara sop tt be Zoned fo tan aves While his planamating procs rab iptopon a each tp theres boston ap parteipation Regina pl ng revon, for earpl st be posed by public dee ating ‘okt weeks sponsored by county coele Blan of Copenhagen’ Land se Tron Plas A steady seam of Relonl Plans has exohed over the pat lei ‘hat aneqfsocaly embrace principle coon nad wean a pet planning With one notable ep. ll ae ough to eaten nd Feline what has come the Bescon of ll pea! planning within the The Finger Plan ‘The capital elon population supase | millon ding Won! Wr ‘With alsigae potred toward steady fare roth al» popresie Fo rent i place the sage was st fore adoption of oben Spd Torvardleking regina plan. lene by portwar rh ow blnning principles he end product the 1987 Pger Plan eal or focusing growth slong arrow finger: that poi in th Ginn offic historia! ret towns io north Zeal (ap 2) Yet unl Aber ‘rombic sty for greater Landon, wih featred De to sited on ‘heuer ges aa wide rene the Finger Man sented Copeagss ‘expansion to conics torah stung dng welds coors ‘ved out by atin, th open gee wedges presrved betwee he ‘Eeloping fingers? Src urban rue soning wat subegueny ace cates he Hn, ‘Ache ase f Stach central premise ofthe Finger Plan was ‘ha! lining development aiong webinars age share ‘the eons vk fore col rach obvi ral a ges Speed ith green wots, wuld slow fn, ral ral commas {to the coe and ino dong lp o nti a vble cently The Mr 52. Ti Pa an "tlingsetiement patter woul aio presen atria and on ‘Sn Infrae development cost Many ofthe sate objectives of the Png Plan and subsequent with table cations in elation t labor suppl ad preserve the ‘updates fave ben famed around principe freon asses ad inc between bileup ares ad open lade, As stat Inthe 196 ety th roy wisp a ih ne cee aes eee ‘arty postwar jars were tht common or wel alt Arg he Steed abjectves wor: reduce diy te sane nd nes: mine ty means of consistently concentrating all new develo tate congestion im the central ly, Provide Contac aad indses rent long suburban aaa sould be one of he eee | rs ano! Apne Cex Cran Matte a Fo ‘stents of planing no ony oer the speedo {he tanoport service bat so ors he ca length tft Journey to work mo more than 95 ites ‘Overthe yeas the Finger Plan hs come the eon’ con taking on 4 sanctity of teow The imagery of & hand with Ene fingers proved > fave wemendocs martin and publeeaions rl. The cont fae could esl visualize and vet os hand ss ema eldin fre urben growth To the layperson, li seem single yet eo qs an conpeling Ths inarge pt ype separ othe ln ‘Se remain drok slid oer te pat halen A Multicenter Metropolis? By the ary 1970, eave poate planing lots gan to pea we to ambitious and ot of ich tose acne Paes had occa {er iore rohan actual toot pce Automobile ouersip ans el vere eapinding and thee we ing te of pode set ‘ct, Fr theft tine, te Fiager ln cane ur srr Salen ‘To 1975 Regional ln uate popoed tchng tay of he Pinger anspor nvr of creating ae nod cen thout he ‘gon iterconoected yng ond od ral ont nes cobe in: Bach mode was to broom a supeenir nt pest i ‘Stee the recon ws to change Hm a ingles 8 mkt ‘tropa Acdr of progres lanes ab cies aa ‘hs peraigm shit carping thatthe Tn ws suredeing oo Armercan-sle puters of eardominaed opal, Nerd the genet pop tice conde fo abrsdoning the Pings Pam ay were spree about the prospect of rp suburban and te Tone a ling ‘pun space oly ok the convene oto Cente wera ‘arg and cenlogy movements el he te of Copan te ‘nent maicemered planning ovement. vane “dsc ater sutseqcrRegonal Pan updates hae refined sine othe erga Pinger Pla ante impure of bl alc "rant The man male comment ha ee ie conting Selon ‘eof Loonie new sows predeminany nthe ha te ‘Pow conor an the fring eset oro the ge Pan New Ton Detelones ‘Aci tocol, tas ben the uel coupling fall want inves ‘tents and new tow deveapmentnde the pane te Finger hth has eared Copenhagen place at at tans trl ater Pend Shaped Mepis Copan be Today, new towns ae doted along the eo eager, which extend south to Kage, southwest (0 Ras), ws (Feder) orth ‘esto Hilo an he perk ss, eed mot (othe outa tow a Helsingor (hap 51). Most ne tows devaopmeat as been concent fd inthe south apd southwest, designed, anced, ad implemented by {he Danish government undr the asap of the Misty of Enon ‘Compare o Sco, fr ls conidraton ha Been gent mak ing prner Copenagent new tne balanced and contained At ‘Sint in Table Sao towns rch as Glens ad Abortnd i the “able 5.1 Baar aso Commie Sass ons New Towns ao (Cours Aness, Guzen Covance, 1991 pled ato: — Morning Comms Reds Workers WER Dit of tutes 0° CSpwcans shane ses fat shan ater serbars ne suburb ing (and nin long the southwest finger hase cone ‘opment enclaves, featuring age reall ener nd Indias plete hdd round ra sans In contrast, rt eibserved es {owns inthe ter subs (Greve td Slr Strand along the south ‘7 inge) hae eae int Bedroom commie, When compere {Copenh oder marke tuna tthe ernie feo al Ines (eg, Reside), and the tne sububan canis sex whole, the “lac os x be ead ‘evel in able 1 by rats, ployed teint that ae fa low or above the aie) Jobe ousig inblances hae ested of more eternal (out-icormunty) cotmting among elena ‘workers of alse nese town. Te Indenence eas In Table £2 show x artical high degre of exer sommuting among aleve ‘ow oun ringing Copentagen ty: In conte, Cpernagen yo he Fstoncal market towns serge sens higher rae of wikis ‘able 5.2 Pare of Conse: IerEADENCE INDEXES AMONG Nive ‘Towns so Couanson Aras, Gusts Conencen, 1991 ie of Comat ip ‘onal Independence Internal iConinuteOu-Coms nde = a ie ager) The nd Shape Mera Copenh ewmmting. Ths, even more 3 than inthe case of Socom, greater ‘Copenbagsis new towa residents and workers hive become Benly Sepondene spon mechanized mos of commuting "Tis tthe stage for what une to boom radi Sal pater of commuting, which beens ofthe ntgaton of ans and new tn Ssslopmen has bec predminuy by Tall. About a thr ofthese Stoning he city of Copenhagen toy comm by ble tansport (th anon others walking end cling ook). Among hare ng = ‘burn new ows ae en yon earn ‘Stimucd 0 percent oll cout tripe Acnsequence of bing Sj ainel centred mettopol however har been directional alee Tso 0 percent of Sai patronage frm 7.0439 a was te {ound destin. By 1990 tis share had aon to 72 perent emp ‘ent decentralized, Sil al tans ug In Copenhagen ema dre ‘Somly ened during peak rs, apelin compartson to Cope ‘agent Scandinavian peer, Stools "Fee notable phates of ew town evoton in greater Copenogen Inve ben the ey detlopment ofthe outs Rnge: the opening ofthe ‘ogo aghip newton Hoje nat, and os roen theeretion ‘fa sath age othe planned new ton of tested. These are labora ‘pon belo South Finger: The Thumb The south get, of thumb ofthe hand ody extend othe charming ‘oda town of Kage gg the by sore for some 30 llores in [Rout Doscloped inthe at oer und pct ntinal lepton the south corndor was targeted forth of the overspll gow of the ‘Re nrg cla ne fn aoe, ial “rc loeal plans ie the natonel goverment provided Tas 'maforncctry an hong evelopment ng co ‘dee Whe cine socal fom a waneporaon point of ew ‘ith some tort f employed reridets rom mew towns long the ‘Shut ing Sommuting by ana the south finger new towns Were Fmiy etc yo architect for he igh se socal Hows and ‘Soe, iatiatonal quale? Danish artecral ete Petr Olsen itmente that srs slong the south finger have been “shgured by fainreting Nigh rise Mack malt-sterey Sat aor thd rate Inline and presi the ral served new town of sto bethe me Wr one pends high se bors” (Pho 1)? St porta that te south fingers tow towns se allorble and desis leans Fer'many lower income and startup howseola. Alo, considerable pores has be nae ining commerce, ndastes a tal shops {Sumy new tonsa in eaancing he designs and usted character Hoje Taastrap arty i eaton to the shorcomigs of Une south fager new tons ‘eating nthe mi 86, epsom planner mbar onan ee ‘state amore huma-eae und lance ne town ht wal sone ‘mode for fre generations: Thelr choice wat Te Tarp, ese slog the southwest finger Bile ss‘ slscontaned comming ad ‘ested expres aroun ral sna Hye Taarapcsey flan ‘sign aitons of Erte and Snes now to (ge S1) Pst for evensal population a 400,00, Hote Tasrap was conte a ‘ces fella tighbobood such actommoating the ete ot 1000 fats and ireonnate pathway ste In art fo etsish ‘momentum and make mbes tational orinent the owner ‘eal are as but the easly 1980s sven bore bing esp (Photo 52) Wid 1983 yopulstion of only eens ulate gee Ue ary ill ca on whee Hae ast wl ever to ene tnllons To dats, however haa proven te» popular pe of esos ‘ona midle-lse households ad's powing number of highscccl 1 firms ave chosen to locate there And etn = bi sania, Hoe Tastp has been an ungialiiodraens, wih easy hall ofl roa 3, Th Hae Tac nr at The pl etre 9 cme a ‘Exp ro has lta. Sco aspen BS Ene pemenn ond uns commerce intrainge comme y the community employed riders mae via Oresad Redevelopment A sth finger now aking form to the southeast, toad the ler ‘onal apt ads panned bridge ha wil sone Denanack with Soe dent 1992s mationa ac set dea Ohare aren kn ao ed, tre new-ownntown rented sro» ler ne al ee ine The hope to eet are “one with sre 70,000 ‘bean 1400 18,00 resident: Email be poston atcsng reserch asd and high-chnalogybusiannen appered bya ncaa 1, Give fanetions, anda divert of housing. Baopment mil be ey asl sod an advanced ght rail tine called iy Lie he ting modeled afler Toronto and Vancouver Shite oa tos Docklands igh al atm cit lmplanent the projet, dewlpment corporation, Ores. bes bee formed, wath nner pit btn the manip Copenhagen aod the satinal goverament, The corporation as to finance bank Ios throu eaptring the ah sled fom ning property development an by sling ff land reais fom te soa Inlenary aga The proses rom the sale of lly seed sy wal ‘ed to repay the inverts lan soured to nance the Cy Lie ed ‘he tosh main intact Copenhagen emerging sth finger has po escape ics, Some pponents charge thut the Greta redevelopment resem bat mong publi oils ward grand poets inthe Preach Hasna ion, Money cou be beter spent crc arg, by rleelping es tng rail station areas. Some even fer that Copenhagen sneer ed fre figerhaod—the guile to physical growth ne the posta ral {we ireoabiy tansiormed ino dled appendage msnbc one ap scl sno am ang na dete, Wit pol ob [ow resting onthe poet and nwansingsnceiment ee ‘eam has 0a al to sow dread pores Development ad Trashy Trends Decetrasation has pst serous thet to Copenhagen Finger Pan ‘fr the past four decdes Table 3.3) Stating te lt 13TOe eae growth began ntade nwo the green wedge tthe Ene Baers ing Slowdown In regional growth many manips welerned the ral of new Indies and busines ven nse Wanting eat oe ‘he aren wedges. in hopes of atuscting works to lal sens hog re ientltion —_Enplement—__ ToS 1995 Change 19551987 hae nla acme a lets). Ths dete he sence of proper or corporate tases that might promt sal sing sone mune wilt accepted new commerce and Indies even it mea empomising the Finger Man cherished principe, ‘Despite the very best intents of erating rban development and ‘east, Copeagens Pinger lan and ral ral inestnens ae eto sivagihen the canal city nea bose of cnploynce taeed, Tina as ute ly heped to spr Goceaealieton The sf of o the suburb Is reflected in commuting nists, Fromm 88D 1990, the numberof suburb tonsa work tps win he eo ee 147 percent wera racial cots el by pore and communes in ingers fll by 8 percent With tp orig aad destinations I singly satteted in all rections, amis desi ba lee ‘italy all of Europe. The annual umber of pele wus eins he rend toad mor spread out ptr of development has not ‘usrined al forms of ase trans Tay bas rds eres {eco per year: During he 190s ership om the S Bus syste ps ‘isn qualitycossown ave kipatop rice at overt ed ‘feches—hes bn ring by 67 pers analy versus the to Po ‘et drop along oer bus routes 1 general, poate commpleny nee Bar has led to greater segment intel mode chee Ral {Est continues o handle mal ada trp. which consti» deta Tig shre ofthe market Bus ran cates ail wo crosstonn tonal sareny comprising 15 percent fall mass transit rps and growing [Beso icrensingy sere adap win ges whose origin and Aetnatione ae to fa om ral tops Tt would te wrong to ame fletng ridership sly on decentain tion and nanacone othe Finger Plas Mast tats Siminishng le In pester Copenhagen can be atsibuted to atest wo oer factors trl apd inerenues in prt ec ownerhip (Septem punitive vei SS test) and detning veal motoring css, Aste for Inflation, {he pce af moter fol el by 50 percent in Denmark between 1960 ad 1904 whe aos ent ares os y 88 percent over the same period ‘These pie dle huve evialy encouraged motoring ince Trellknown that tasters hei weigh conpicaus, ut of pocket ‘Sent efor mana bre when making made choice decison Shoring Up th Finger Pan Pou 1980 patterns of repo developmen and their implication for ferare sustinailty have ot gone unnsie Tn response fo spread

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