Ece 255 Gpul New Letter

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GPUL Head Start

Class A
Teacher Maria and Janet :
It is important to take the time to talk with your
child and ask them about their day. It is not only
important to your child but to you, as a parent
to communicate. Time moves too rapidly so now
is the time to enjoy the time with your child.
In in this month we will be working on
recognizing numbers, counting and write the
actual date in their journal every day. Also we
are encouraged reading book with numbers and

February, 7 parent meeting 9am to

February, 18 thru 22 no school. (rodeo)
February 26 parents conferences starts.
February 28 the Librarian will be
coming to share some books with the

February 2016
The children in our class have started to get excited
about numbers. Therefore, we will be exploring
numbers by counting and identifying each symbol,
measuring and comparing items around the room.
Will ask children how may chairs we have in the
classroom? Where you can found numbers? In the
science area we also be adding measure cups,
measure spoons, water dropper, containers with
water and water colors for to children to explore
It is very helpful to your child if you encouraged
simple counting skills in your everyday activities in
the home. For example: While setting the table
count the plates, silverware, cups etc as your
child put them on the table.

Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember,

involve me and I learn.
Benjamin Franklin

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