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The Anoixi Herald www.theanoixiherald.weebly.


March 2016 edition 25 20 cents

E = mc2

Albert Einstein was a German(14 March 1879 18 April 1955) physicist who developed the
general theory of relativity who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. He is considered one
of the most influential physicist of the 20th century. Einstein came up with the most famous
equation between mass and energy(E = mc2 ).
This equation describes the fundamental interaction of gravitation as a result of spacetime
being curved by matter and energy. E is the energy, m is the mass and c is the speed of light in a
vacuum (3108 m/s). The energy equals mass multiplied by the speed of light squared. Because
the speed of light is a very large number in everyday units, the equation says that any small
amount contains a very large amount of energy. Some of this energy may be released as heat
and light by nuclear transformations. In inertial reference frames other than the rest frame or
center of mass frame, the equation E = mc2 remains true if the energy is the relativity energy
and the mass is the relativity mass. It is also correct if the energy is the rest or invariant energy
(also the minimum energy), and the mass is the rest mass, or the invariant mass. However,
connection of the total or relativistic energy with the rest or invariant mass requires
consideration of the system total momentum, in systems and reference frames where the total
momentum has a non-zero value.
Theodosis Dervos, C1

Sirens were sea nymphs in ancient Greek mythology.Some ancient texts
represented sirens as women.Other texts described them as having the body of a
bird and the head of a woman.Their paternity is also disputed.According to some
myths, the Sirens were supposed to be the daughters of the sea god Phorcys, while
other sources claim that their father was the river god Achelous.The Sirens were
such accomlished singers and had such sweet voices that anyone who heard their
songs became 'hypnotised' and confused and was lured into crashing their boats
into the eocks on which the Sirens sat and sang.The well-known Greek hero
Odysseus was the only sailor who managed to pass their rocks and survive because
he plugged the ears of his companions with wax and asked them to bind him
firmly onto the mast of the ship so that he could hear the songs without being able
to do anything.
Martina Nure C2

The cupcake became popular in the USA in the 19th century . It

was more confident than cakes because it was baked faster.
There are two theories about the origins of the name of thecup
cake . The first theory says that the cupcake was called this way
because it was baked in a cup . According to the second theory,
the ingredients were measured in cups and that's why they named
it cupcake .


Chocolate cupcakes
- 1 1/2 cups flour
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1/3 cup cocoa powder
- 1/2 1/2 cup oil
- 1 cup water
- 1 teaspoon vinegar
Preheat the oven to 180 C . Put the flour , sugar , baking soda ,
soda and cocoa powder into a bowl and mix them . Add the oil ,
water and vinegar and mix again . Bake the mixture
for 25 minutes . Decorate with any frosting you like !!!

The Barclays ATP world tour

Finals is
a mens tennis
tournament that was played at
the O2 Arena in London, United
Kingdom. In November 2015, the
two of the top players, Djokovic
and Federer, managed to go to
the Finals and play an amazing
tennis match. In their first match
the winner was Federer. The
second match (the Final) was
more difficult for Federer than
the first. Djokovic played better
in the Final and managed to win
the cup. He managed to win the
Barclays ATP world tour 2015.
By Karolos Anastopoulos A2

Penny Boukaki A2

A huge scientific step

In a discovery that changes the way you tackle Mars researchers proceeded in the USA,
in collaboration with NASA, who discovered clear signs of the existence of water on the
red planet, with which they opened again talk about the possibility of the existence of life.
The water that they found, its not just like Earths, because water is in the form of
hydrated scales. Alfred Mac Gioyen, professor of planetary geology said that, on Mars
there should have been water in liquid form recently since we found soaked salts.
With this important discovery on Mars it is possible that in a few years people from
Earth will be able to survive there and they might even be able live on the red planet as we
today on Earth.


How amazing can that be,ah?!?!

My school bazaar
Last year, the 6th grade organised a bazaar. It was very beautiful. The bazaar helped to raise money for
the poor children and Unicef.
The bazzar was held on Friday 19th December and it went very well.
The pupils had made chocolates, lollipops and cupcakes. The school band played
Christmas carols, it was a wonderful experience!!!
My headmaster Mr. Gerasimos Paganopoulos handed over the money we raised to
a representative from Unicef and to poor children. It was an excellent experience
and we enjoyed a lot!!
Dimitra Doxaki A1

Dealing with stress

Can you deal with stress, or do you find it too tough? I couldnt
because I thought that it was impossible to deal with , but now
that I have read some articles and methods to face it, I can.
I find exams and tests stressful, because they make me anxious.
I think that most of the students find them stressful too and
can't put up with them and stress they cause. I am always anxious when I take a test or I am
examined but with some methods like deep breaths, I get over it!
I try to deal with stress with logic! First of all, I try to think of better things, or things that I like!
Also, I try not to think about the things that make me anxious and I try to talk about it with others to
give me advice or to help me to pull myself together!
I believe that these methods are very helpful, because when I get into these stressful situations they
always help me to get over them, and I think that they can solve your problem too!!!
Eleanna Giareni C1

Amazing facts we know nothing about!!!!- An Ancient Drowned City!

This is an underwater city in

Chinas Qiandao Lake.
Curious thing about it is that
the lake itself was created
by a construction company
in order to build a hydropower plant in the 50s. And
so the 1300-year-old city
was drowned and forgotten.
What a waste..!

Aris-Dimitris Tsarmaklis B3

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