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Back to School Night

5 /6 grade combination: Kat Holmes



Back to school has recently been changed to meet the teacher.

The day before school parents come to meet the teacher and
learn anout the classroom and certain expectations.
Parents sign up for parent teacher conferences, sign up for
classroom volunteering, and all back to school paperwork is on
the students desk for the parents to take home and complete for
the next day.
Open House
5th/6th grade combination: Kat Holmes

Open house is all about showcasing the kids work and what they
have spent the year doing.
Prep room with students work throughout the year for open
house so there is no rush the week of.
Students are in charge. They are to show their parents the work
they are proud of and things that they learned during their time
in the classroom.
Open house is all about the kids
Take pictures of the students working throughout the year and
put in slideshow to show at open house for the students and the
parents to enjoy.

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