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Objective: I can

Change between logarithmic and exponential equations

Evaluate logarithmic equations
Graph logarithmic functions
Materials: pencil, paper, scientific/graphing calculators, prentice hall book
Standards: CCSS.Math.Content.HSF.LE.A.4
Whats the general form an exponential equation?
I deposit $120 into a bank account with continuously compounded interest. The annual
interest rate is 5.3%. What will the amount in the account be after 8 years? (What
equation do we use?)
You are working with 100mg of a radioactive material with a half-life of 17 hours. How
much will you have left after 90 hours? (Whats the b in this equation? Why?)
Logarithms are sometimes hard for people to learn about because it seems like a very
abstract idea thats hard to relate to, but just remember that a logarithm is an inverse of an
exponential function. So the output of an exponential function (y) can be plugged into a
logarithm of the same base and the logarithm will spit out the exponent that goes with
that y value.

A little history on the log; John Napier invented the first logarithm, at least he is credited
with it. He also was someone who called the pope the antichrist and used a chicken
covered in black paint to figure out which one of his house servants was a thief. He was a
little weird right?
Anyway lets practice rewriting logarithms as exponentials.

y=b x thenlog b y=x

Y is the same in both equations, b is the same in both equations, x is the same in both
equations. So a logarithm is equivalent to the exponent in an exponential function.
Lets try some:
log 2 64=6
This is saying log base 2 of 64 is 6. That means I have to multiply 2 by itself 6 times to
get 64.

log 4 16=2


Now lets evaluate some logs.

log 3 81

This is like asking how many times do I have to multiply 3 by itself to get 81? Lets see:
3*3=9*3=27*3=81. Thats 4 3s. So log base 3 of 81 is equal to 4.
Now not all logarithms have bases that work out to have a whole number exponent. Lets try one:
log 8 16

Rewrite as an exponential


Now ask yourself, is there a number I can raise to two different exponents that will equal 8 and
16? Is there a common base between 16 and 8? (yes,2)
Rewrite with a common base.

24 = ( 2 3 )

Now rule of exponents says we can multiply the x and the 3.


2 =2


Now remember we are looking for an exponent, now that we have the same base, we can rewrite
both sides of our equal sign using just the exponents.
4=3 x

Solve for x.


This is the log hand way to find exponents. Your calculator can also do it. Hit the MATH button
and go down until you see LOG(BASE). Then plug 8 in the base and 16 in for y. hit ENTER.
You get get 1.3 repeating, which is equal to 1 and a third, or 4/3. We get the same answer either

One last thing before you begin your homework, remember translating absolute value equations
and parabolas and exponentials? We use h and k values. We can do the same thing with logs.
The form looks like this log b ( xh ) + k
Which way do you think h moves you? (horizontally)
Which way does k move? (vertically)
Good. Hold up a 1 if you feel comfortable with logs, hold up a 2 if you are feeling lost. (do more
examples depending on response)
Homework: p. 442 6-25, 37-40
Closure: No official closure, but I check everyones homework for completion and at look for
correctness on certain problems. Homework time in class acts as a sort of closure because I get to
work with student individually on problems.
Differentiation: By including problems for them to try on their own after each section that I
teach, it keeps students engaged for longer. Also showing students how to do it by hand and how
to use the calculator appeals to different types of learners.
Assessment: Formative assessment performed as I move about the room during homework time.
Summative given in the form of a section quiz next week.

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