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Nepotism and the Job Market

In You Say Nepotism. I say networking, Rocco Gill argues that

Nepotism is a suitable idea because it provides businesses with a
solid reference source, it is a solution to eliminate hundreds of
potential applicants for a single position, and it is a common
practice that is encouraged to be followed. This argument is
invalid because The level of experience is outweighed by inside
connections, which is giving an unfair advantage to a less
qualified applicant, not all businesses are searching among 800
applicants for a position making Gills point a hasty
generalization, and Nepotism may negatively impact the business
as a whole.
Hard work, dedication and diligence are the backbone of
success. Nepotism negates these principles as values more of
inside connections than factors such as work experience, age,
etc. It is an injustice that needs to be corrected, as it is giving an
unfair advantage to a less qualified applicant. Job openings for
certain positions are already very competitive to be accepted into,
and by offering a position to an applicant based on Nepotism is
not a suitable idea. It also is an injustice, due to the fact it
negates applicants credentials, extra curricular activities of a
higher level than the applicant with networking connections.
Aside from an injustice, Nepotism also has a negative impact
on the company itself. A business only performs at its best and
succeeds with the best staff to handle and run a position. When a
business looks amongst the majority for the applicant suitable for
the position, something that jumps off the page s required,
however Nepotism is not the answer. Nepotism is a practice that
will only have negative effects on the business as a whole, as the
business is not aware of that applicants level of skill, work
experience or determination towards this position. Their level of
performance will be questionable, as Nepotism also allows the
inside connection, to recommend the position, which could be
over exaggerated to obtain this position. As for Nepotism as a

method of screening for applicants, is completely biased and not

sustainable enough because there are many more factors that
can determine an applicants potential for a job such as, years of
experience, level of education, etc. Not having Nepotism
considered when deciding on a screening method, will have a fair
even ground for all applicants and decreases the chances of
having an less qualified applicant assume the position.
Although Nepotism is an ineffective method of screening and
can cause negative impacts towards the business, Nepotism
should not be a common practice. The Traditional values of Hard
work and Dedication are what can define what a person can
accomplish. The idea of Nepotism gives a shortcut, that violates
these rules and the mentality of them as whole. It allows
mediocre to surpass the best, and to become the best qualified
requires the traditional values and sheer willpower. Nepotism
implies that networking is they key solution to getting a job, as
qualifications are disregarded because internal connections are
more important. If a goal is to be achieved, the work has got to be
put in as all aspects of life are difficult, there is no shortcut. Just a
grind like every other person.
The reason why Rocco is incorrect, is because the level of
experience is outweighed by inside connections giving an unfair
advantage to a less qualified applicant, not all businesses are
searching among 800 applicants for a position, and Nepotism
should no be a common practice as it negatively impacts the
business as a whole. Having an objective view and the proper
mindset is the way to determine the best applicant among the
many. Nepotism is not.

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