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One Letter Away

from Danger
Household Topic for April 8, 2016

One Letter Away From


An angry person stirs

up conflict, and a hottempered person
commits many sins
Proverbs 29:22

Getting angry is generally accepted

as a natural, human tendency. But
there is also many instances in our
lives when anger is unjustified. Anger,
one of the seven deadly sins,
continues to be a temptation for some
of us. We would consider it unnatural
and even impossible for a person to
never have been angry in his life.

Even Jesus got mad. When Jesus got a

whip and overthrew all the tables of the
sellers of the temple without hurting people
with harsh words and without hurting them,
then he states why he got angry. This is
righteous anger, explains Fr. Wilfredo
Samson SJ. When our anger fuels our fight
for injustice and against corruption, then it is
a right kind of anger but often, we let our
emotions control us. Its either we hurt
people physically, through painful words, or
even with a stony silence. We need to
remember that even if we have a reason to
get angry, it never gives us the right to hurt

According to Fr. Samson, if we have

uncontrollable anger, it might mean we have
unsettled personal issues that we need to
confront or discuss with our spiritual director
or a psychologist. Often, we let anger rob us
of our peace of mind, stop us from praying,
and steal our joy. When you feel angry
simply because your happiness is impeded,
thats sinful anger, stressed Fr. Jerome

It is never easy to control anger. It is

based on passion, a sort of emotion
that affects our will. Some people need
to tame it, simply dismissing the
feeling and refuse to feed the emotion.
Even in our anger, let us offer our
hearts up to God, praying that we
receive the grace to make the emotion
our servant rather being ruled by it.
Reminder, anger is only one letter
short of danger.

Guide Question
1. What am I mostly angry about? Is it

unrighteuos or righteous anger?

2. What is Gods message to me when Im

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