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Effective Educators 1


The Characteristics of an Effective Elementary School Educator

Sydney V. Henderson
Glen Allen High School

Effective Educators 2
The world needs more effective teachers, as educators play such an important role in the
lives of children. They determine both the academic and social growth of their students,
motivating young lives to achieve greatness. Teachers have the unique ability to take a failing
school and convert it into a thriving place where students are passionate about their education.
The impact of a quality elementary school teacher is something that stays with a child for their
entire life. The early years of elementary school are the years that set the way children think of
the education system as a whole. Every teacher has the ability to make school a place that
students look forward to coming to. Everyone can agree that the world needs more effective
teachers, but how do we define the word effective? What makes some teachers better than
others? According to research, a combination of classroom management, charisma, and content
knowledge, are necessary characteristics in order to be successful in the field of education.
Having control over the classroom, and creating a positive learning environment is of
vital importance in successfully educating children. English Language Educator, Patricia Miller,
learned this by conducting a study in which she put herself in the position of a student for a
period of time. After the completion of the study, she compiled a list of the top ten
characteristics of a good teacher. One of these qualities was add[ing] paceto the
classroom. She emphasizes the importance of educators coming to class prepared and able to
utilize every second of the class period. The upbeat pace holds the students attention, and
prevents students from zoning out or focusing their attention on other things (Miller, 1987). Ron
Clark, author of The End of Molasses Classes: Getting our Kids Unstuck, suggests, get[ting] a
drum for the classroom, and allowing students to drum along as the teacher presents the lesson.
This method gives the students that have trouble focusing or staying still an outlet that focuses
their attention to the lesson while staying active (Clark, 2011). Katharina Sieberer-Nagler views

Effective Educators 3
classroom management skills as necessary to, provide students with more opportunities to
learn. She separates classroom management into four categories: setting/design of the
classroom, communication and tone of the teacher, rules, and a strong routine. Her advice to
teachers that struggle with classroom management is to know the students in her class on a
personal level, forming strong relationships with them. Discipline is another important part of
classroom management. Sieberer-Nagler states that students need boundaries in order to thrive
in the classroom. In a study conducted on classroom management results proved that there is a
high correlation between misbehavior and class engagement. Creating an environment that
engages students is said to alleviate behavior issues within the classroom. Lastly, rules are
important in maintaining a well-managed classroom. A set of, clear rules that are consistently
implemented leads to, respect with the children (Sieberer-Nagler, 2015). Strong classroom
management skills not only make teaching easier for the teacher, but they enhance the students
experience in school.
The personality of an educator is also an important factor in their effectiveness. Patricia
Miller defines the number one characteristic of a good teacher as being someone, who has a
contagious enthusiasm for his teaching. This enthusiasm is almost contagious, as the children
become more excited to attend school. In describing her time in Mr. Vias classroom during her
study on what it is like to be a student she states, his passion for teaching instilled a passion for
learning (Miller, 1987). Ron Clark would agree with this statement as he believes that passion
is what leads to success in his classroom. He states that he, want[s] the kids to enjoy reading
not only today but for the rest of their lives, so he does whatever he can to convey the wonders
of reading. As he reads books aloud, he does so with passion and excitement, evoking wonder in
the hearts of children (Clark, 2011). Humor is said to also be an important aspect of the

Effective Educators 4
personality of a teacher. Katharina Sieberer-Nagler states that, humor isvery important, as it
reduces fear in the classroom. Creating laughter removes the pressure that most children feel
when placed in the school setting (Sieberer-Nagler, 2015). Miller reflects on her study as a
student and comments on how nervous she was to attend one of the classes. She states that
though she was extremely uneasy about being in this environment, the humor of[the] teacher
had the effect of alleviating [her] nervousness. She believes that the positive attitude of the
teacher leads to the positive attitudes of students (Miller, 1987). Lastly, motivating is an
important characteristic to have as a teacher. According to Katharina Sieberer-Nagler,
motivation creates, energy that gives behavior direction and focus (Sieberer-Nagler, 2015).
She suggests extensive feedback and praise in order to produce higher achieving students. Ron
Clark motivates his students by, writing +2 instead of -18 on the tops of papers. He believes
that -18 communicates failure while +2 motivates students to keep trying (Clark, 2011). The
personality and charisma of a teacher play a major role in the success and attention of students in
their classroom.
Lastly, content knowledge in important in determining the effectiveness of a teacher.
Miller learned that she would want a teacher who knows the subject well, and can explain
something on the spot if necessary. She also underscores the importance of having the,
courage to admit that he doesnt know an answer, is equally as important as knowing the
answer. This will gain teachers respect from their students (Miller, 1987). In Effective Teaching:
a Review of Research and Evidence, James Ko emphasizes that the most effective teachers have
a vast knowledge on the subjects they teach. He believes that teacher effectiveness is contingent
upon student performance, and claims that a teachers strong knowledge of the content will
inevitably lead to high student performance.

Effective Educators 5
The world needs more effective teachers, and the first step to achieving this is defining
the word effective. It is a teachers classroom management skills, charisma, and content
knowledge that determine their success. If these three characteristics were greatly emphasized in
education courses today, the world would see the qualified teachers that it so desperately needs.
Teachers with these three characteristics would redefine our education system, and cultivate a
love for learning.
Clark, R., (2011). The End of Molasses Classes: Getting Our Kids Unstuck101
Extraordinary Solutions for Parents and Teachers, New York: Touchstone.
Ko, J., & Sammons, P. (2013). Effective Teaching: A Review of Research and Evidence. CfBT
Education Trust. 60 Queens Road, Reading, RG1 4BS, England.
Miller, P. (2012). Ten Characteristics of a Good Teacher. In English Teaching Forum (Vol. 50,
No. 1, pp. 36-38). US Department of State. Bureau of Educational and Cultural

Office of English Language Programs, SA-5, 2200 C Street NW 4th

Floor, Washington,

DC 20037.

Sieberer-Nagler, K. (2015). Effective Classroom-Management & Positive Teaching. English

Language Teaching, 9(1), 163.

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