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Program for High School Students Lesson Plan

Title: Living Wall Installation: Collaboration & Community
Duration: 1 month after-school art project
Class 1. Research
Class 2. Order & Delivery of Materials (plants & construction tools)
Class 3. Build Frame
Class 4. Complete Building of Frame
Location: High School art classroom
Required Materials: Construction Items
(Wood Saw, Pine Lumber, Plywood Panel, Hammer, Nails, Chicken Wire,
Steel Wire, Fasteners)
200 Quantity Plant Species
(Succulents 2 - 5, Sheet-moss, Kalanchoe, Cyclamen)
Objectives: 1.Collaborate in teams to research and build a living wall frame.
2. Develop and research a construction plan to build a living wall frame.
3. Analyze and select the best choice of botanical species for the living wall.
4. Identify plant care and communicate by sending plant care information to
adults with Alzheimers disease.
5. Design and build a three dimensional frame to hang.
Class 1: Students are asked if they have used or seen natural medium
(botanical species) to create an artwork or installation. Students are then
asked to brainstorm about how plants are a form of natural medium and
write a short (5-10 minute) description on how they might use botanicals
within an art piece. Share response with their peers.

Class 2: Students are asked to review their reflections from last weeks
class to address any concerns they previously had with the group.
Class 3: Students review the construction materials received; quantities
and sizes.
Class 4: Students review the current state of the living wall frame from
last week and discuss the various steps needed to complete the project.
Class 1: The teacher explains how the students will use plants to create a
tapestry of botanicals within a frame to be hung, this type of art called a
living wall. Students are asked to participate in a discussion to see if they
have seen a living wall before and what space/size/location it was

Class 2: Teacher explains that in todays class, students will review
where to locate the materials for building and order the plant and
construction materials for pick up or delivery (depending on the


Class 3: Students draw a blueprint/outline of the living wall frame with

dimensions and sizes.
Class 4: Students break up into teams to finish the various components of
the living wall frame.
Class 1: Students are asked to use the internet to research different types
of living walls. Using these examples found on the internet, students
should collaboratively compare and contrast different designs (plant
species used, size of frame, and structural components).


Class 2: Students use the internet to investigate plant wholesalers and

construction supply stores to purchase the necessary materials to build
the frame. Students develop a thorough list of the necessary materials
(adding on from the previously developed), including prices and location
of the store.
Class 3: Students begin experimenting with the construction materials
and determining how they will be used.
Class 4: Students compile the various components from the teams to
create the final living wall frame.
Class 1: The teacher will provide the students with the guidelines for the
project; explaining the collaborative efforts with the adults with
Alzheimers disease and the final installation at the selected community
center. More details on the project are given, such as budgeting,
necessary materials list, and possible plant species for the adults with
Alzheimers disease to care for.


Class 2: Teacher and students work together to collectively determine the

overall cost with the various resources found. Teacher explains the
importance of the budget in the collaborative project, if cost is too high.
Class 3: Teacher and students review the blueprint and materials and
initial construction begins.


Class 4: Teacher and students review the integration of components of

the living wall.
Class 1: Students use the guidelines to further investigate the living wall
design. Then, as a class, vote to select a final type of living wall frame to
build. Students then develop a preliminary detailed list of required
materials for review (botanicals and construction tools).
Class 2: Students then contact the stores to pre-order the required
materials. Based on the store, students either schedule a pick up time or


delivery time by the class date the following week. Students review with
the stores the care requirements for the botanicals and send the care
information via email to the Alzheimers patient class facilitator.
Class 3: Teacher assists and teaches students how to use any of the
power tools necessary for construction. Then, students begin the
construction of the frame.
Class 4: Students tweak any necessary changes in the living wall
Class 1: Students and the teacher review the plan together and discuss the
required materials lists, making any necessary adjustments.


Class 2: Students and the teacher discuss if any changes are needed due
to the stores pre-order requirements. Students also determine whom can
pick up the materials from a particular store, if necessary. Lastly, students
discuss the plant delivery to the adults with Alzheimers for them to care
Class 3: Teacher reviews the structure 10 minutes before the class time is
over the review progress with the students providing feedback for next
Class 4: The living wall frame is hung for testing; teacher and students
collaboratively evaluate any necessary changes.
Class 1: Students write a short reflection on the projects current plan,
including their personal concerns and likes.


Class 2: Students write a short reflection on the hardships and benefits of

coordinating the art project resources and planning requirements.
Class 3: Students write a short reflection on the process of building a
living wall frame and the collaboration efforts with their peers.
Class 4: Students and teacher review the installation requirements..


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Home Depot. (n.d.) Framing Lumber & Studs. Retrieved February 24, 2015 from
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National Core Arts Standards. (2014). Visual arts at a glance. NAEA. Retrieved April 5, 2015
Orbaugh, B. (n.d.). Cyclamen. East Texas Gardening.
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Plantscapes. (December 5, 2014). How to create a living wall [Online Images]. Retrieved
January 29, 2016 from
Texture. (n.d.) In Oxford English Dictionary (OED) Online. Retrieved April 21, 2015 from
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WoollyPocket. (n.d.). Inspiration gallery: Best of Woolly [Online Images]. Retrieved January 29,
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