Ahl 2

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Group Roles:

Each week you will play a different role within your group. Read beiow
for a description of each role.
Leader: You will be responsible for leading the discussion in your
group. Use your annotations to create good discussion questions in
preparation for your meeting. It's your job to:
lead the discussion and keep it going
comment on other peopie's points and transition from topic to
remind about the agenda for the next meeting (reading
responsibiiities, roies, etc.)
Note-Taker: You wiii be responsibie for taking notes on the group
discussion, it's your job to:
Listen more than speak
Take notes to summarize main points of discussion
Make sure that your notes are a good reflection of the
discussion for that meeting
Artist: You will be responsible for creating a sketch, diagram or image
to visuaiiy represent what you read. Your job is to:
Discuss your ideas with your group members to get their
Choose a passage or idea represented in that section of novei
that you can visuaiize and create something to show that
Create an image based on what you see inside your head as you

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