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Tous droits de propritsimtllectuele esevés. Repreduction,représentation et diffusion interits, La dv 010792. A General Design Equation for Air Lift Pumps Operating in Slug Flow NN.N. CLARK Particle Analysis Center ‘West Viginia University Morgantown, WV 26508 Air lift pumps are finding inereasing use where pump reliability and low mainte- nance are required, and where corrosive, abrasive, or radioactive fluids must be han- fled. Although ar lift are used in nuclear fuel reprocessing plants, no general, theo- retically sound equation has been proposed in the literature for tall air lit desi ‘Such at equation is developed from two-phase flow theory to predict the height to a ‘which an air lift pump operating in the slug flow regime can lift a given volumetric = low rate of quid, given the arlow rate and presure at the point of gas inrodue- R. J. DABOLT ton. The widely used drift-fux model for the prediction of holdup is combined with im approximate relationship to predict presure las, and is substituted into the total ‘Mle nea cnr Berong pressure differential, Integration ofthe resulting equation provides an explicit for- ful forthe calculation of lift. Experimental work using a variety of liquids in a 38 ‘min dia, airlift test installation supports the new design equation and demonstrates its lexiilty. ‘SCOPE -Aieit pumps provide a reliable means of raising corrosive or abrasive liquids and shure because they incoporate no moving, pars to era and wear, Sach pumps are ideal aso fr handling Fighy radioactive liuids because they eqn vitally no ma tenance and can be treated as remote tits. Although ai it pumps have a wide variety of posble applications, mos studies [ive been concerned with dewatering mines o asing oi from dnd well: More recent, the importance of sir its in moving Tiquid at nuclear fuel reprocessing plants has been realized, 90 that more acurate design equations are required, To date quid fw eatin the air it has been predicted ting iter an energy Dalanee or empirical comelatons. The energy balance method, lthough valle cannot take into account los in he pump cept in trms of an overall elficency, which is generally not Tnown and cannot be predicted accurately. Empirical corela- tions, although valid forthe test data used, are not necessarily ap- plicable over the very wide range of operating conditions and lift hheights (from 2 to 2,000 m) typical in air it applications. Nicklin (1963) provided a theoretically sound analysis of ar lift pumps us- ing a momentum balance. However, this analysis was accurate ‘only in the design of short pumps, since there was no provision for vanation in gas volumetric flow rate over the tube length. For taller pumps, the method has to be applied incrementally. In the analysis below, « differential momentum balance is integrated ‘over the whole pump length to provide a closed-form equation ‘that is valid for air kifts of any height operating in bubble or shug ‘tworphaseflow. This new equation compares favorably with data in the literature, and with experimental data from a 38 mm dia. testinstallation. CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCE Results from a 38 mm ar if test installation support a new de- sign equation, basod on a two-phase flow momentum balance. ‘The test apparatus was constructed to provide fr the operation of the air ft in either vacuum or overpressure conditions, and four dlfferent liquids were used inthe tests. Operating curves ploted from the results over a range of airflow rates agree with curves given by the new design equation. In addition, the new design 1 Detar promny wah Com Necea Stems, Coli, SC Page 56 January, 1986 ‘equation is able to predict the performance of very tal ar lifts ted by Shavr (1920) in mine dewatering, and so appears valid ‘over a wide range of operating conditions and configurations. In tusing this equation, one need know only the ar flow rate, esen- tial measurements of the pump, and friction factor forthe flow in order to predict the liquid flow rate. Since all of these terms are readily available to the design engineer, this new equation will Drove easier to use than energy balances, which require a know! fdge ofthe pump efficiency, or empirical correlations, which are ‘often cumbersome and not universally applicable. AICHE Journal (Vol. 32, No. 1) “Tous droits de propritintllectele réservés. Reproduction, eprésenaton et diison iterdites, Loi du 01/0792. INTRODUCTION Ar lift pamps are used to raise liquids or surries from wells or vessels, particularly where submerged mechanical pumps are un- ts 20 MEASUNED WATER SUPERFICIAL VELOCITY In/e0e Figure 3. Comparison of the tall air lit data of Shaw (1920) with the prediction of Eq. 15. steel, which has a high equivalent roughness, so that a friction factor of 0.01 waschosen as typical for heflow. A value of 1.2.was used forthe profile constant, C,, the exponent n was taken a 1.5, and the drift velocity, V,, was calculated at 0.39 m/s. Agreement between Shaw's data and the new design equation is good, with all predictions but one falling within the 20% lines on the parity plot, Figure 3. However, tis suspected that the one point in dis- Agreement may be reported in error, since it does not follow the trends in the rest of Shaw's data, Small erorsin predicting there ‘maining points may be due to a phase change from slug to annu- lar flow near the top ofthe San Fernando pumps, since air super- ficial velocities were very high in tis region asa result ofthe low pump submergence used. The theory developed above was for ‘lug flow, and will become inaccurate in predicting ennular flow behavior, in particular the liquid holdup in annular flow. ‘Comparison with Shaw's data has demonstrated that the new design equation is effective in predicting the performance of tall airlift pumps, and that a value of C, = 1.2issatisfactory for use in large diameter air lifts. Experimental data deseribed below ‘wore used to testis accuracy in the design of mid-size air lift ‘pimps used in nuclear fuel reprocessing. EXPERIMENTAL “Tats wore undertaken using ana ft installation witha 38.1 mm da tobe, deere in deta by Dabolt and Plummer (1980), and diagramed ‘Figure, Thelitwas constructed of rhedule 40 sinless te pipe, and lets were stated so that submergence rate of 60,70, and 80% ‘ould be chasen. The head pot ofthe pump was constructed of plxiglass tnd stalles sed, and contained two baffes and a welr for measuring ‘owrate of quid. Airsupply was measured using a rotamete. ‘ATO tank wasusad asthe feed reservor and thelit scared liquid via the head pot into asmaller 62 L reservoir Liquid wa life hack to the Tanger reservoir bya separate 50 mam da. at lit pump. In addition, the ‘equipment vent lin were connected via PVC piping to the of ashen, ‘with valves and presue gauges installed in each ine. This allowed ether ‘resre or vacuum tobe applied to each pice of equipment as desired, Elovea test uns, of apprenimately ten points each, were made to deter: mine the effets of submergence, lquld properties, and vacusm/presire ‘on thesjtem. Data were gathered for te ascending sation of the ai lift ‘operating curve, sace operating points tothe right of te pot of max ‘mum lew ace of no practi interest othe ai it operator Condition for the runs ar listed in Table 1. Thrce nonaqueous liguids wed in the runs ‘were 30% TTP in doderane, the samesoluton saturated with sodium cat bbonate, and with nic ac. ‘Air fw rate was measured accurately with arotameter, while expected ‘eon in liquid flow rte measurement are shown by ror bar in Figures. AIChE Journal (Vol. 32, No. 1) | “Tous droits de propriéintllectucle eservés. Reproduction, reprdsentation et diffsion nterites. Loi du 010792. . ] i 4 ] Ft. | 5 Lbs °. tnt Figure 4. Experimental test installation. A. re imk Metering haa pat © Separate Glass owing sections vers et & bane “so mmhorons ace tank 1. Points of arinroducton 8 Sm tank drain RESULTS Points on operating curves for the runs, as plots of liquid flow rate vs free air low rate, are shown in Figures’ to9. In each case the given curveis predicted using the new design equation, with a friction factor of 0.01, n = 1.8, C, = 1.2, and the drift velocity V, = 0.21. It should be stressod that each of these constants is known prior to obtaining the experimental results, and is not found by regression. The friction factor of 0.01 was chosen as rep- resentative ofthe flows from a conventional friction factor dia- gam. More accurate evaluation ofthe frietion factor throughout Taaue 1. _Conomons Fox Exrenanveat Rens Bun Submer- No. gence, % Pressure Fluid as ‘Atmospheric Water 22 25d'om water Water 28 = 25.4 em water Water 24 95.4 em water Water 25-1 25.4 cm water Solvent* 252 8 Aumospheric Solvent” 261 8 = 25.4 6m water Solvent + earbonate** 262 @ Acmogpherio Solvent + carbonate" er. =25.4 om water Solvent + nitric acid 272 8 ‘Atmospheric Solvent + alte ack} AICHE Journal (Vol. 32, No. 1) 10 aa UN 22 (82%) E = § 06. g AUN 2-3 (70%) 2 oa. 5 fun 2-8 60%) 3B 02 ° Ca a ry) FREE AIR SUPERFICIAL VELOCITY (n/se) Figure 5. Comparison fo test data for water runs with ‘operating curves generated using the new design equation. {he operating range was found to produce no significant change inthe cures bet the fiktonl les were small tthe low liquid vlc und Tic amplifies he cla that very acute fotional lost moda are no equine for practical i it design, ‘Als loses due tothe gd flow in the dwncomer were sna, ane were nected "Agreement betiveen the data and models god, except i the case of run 28, where trends inthe data suggest an operating uve with lower dope than peited. However, ting the operatingcondiions is cea thatthe curvesforune2-1 an 28 Should not res at any pot, while the data suggest that ty da Tiascoodadd hat the ithe experinental pints for ran. — é & os. 8 2 oa 8 on mune a2) nvr) a FREE AIR SUPERFICIAL VELOCITY (m/sec) Figure 6. Comparison of test data for solvent-only runs with ‘operating curves generated using the new design equation. January, 1986 Page 61 “ous droits de propit inttectusle réservés, Reproduction, reprsentation diffi intrits, Lo du OVOT92 wile asl 10 e 10 § oe. £ os = & z z — 3 8 os. | @ 06 g Z 2 oa £ oa g 02 © RUN 2-6-1 (82%) S02 @ RUN 2-1 = = RUN 2-6-2 (82%) =RUN2S ° a a ° a dade 0s v0 FREE AR SUPERFICIAL VELOCITY fn/see) FREE AR SUPERFICIAL VELOCITY m/s Figure 7. Comparison of test data for solvent + carbonate Figure 9. Comparison of test data with operating curves ‘uns with operating curves generated using the new design equation. Srepresent too high aliquid flow rate, although the cause has not been identified. In many of the experimental runs, the liquid flow rate was slightly lover than predicted over the mid-range ofthe data. This {depression in the operating curve has not been fully explained, bbut might be attributed to the stability ofthe two-phase flow the U-tube apparatus, Theory of pump stability has been dis- ‘cussed mathematically by Hjalmars (1973) and Apazadis (1980, 1982, 1983), but has not been related directly to such perturba: tions'in the operating curve. However, the overall agreement be- ‘tween theory and data was good, thus demonstrating that i is posible to predict pump performance without resorting to re- sgresion on existing pump data, Jo g 3 5 oe Bos 3 oz e278 1un27.2182 ° (ca pelo eres eer a ema FREE AIR SUPERFICIAL VELOCITY m/sec) Figure 8. Comparison of test data for solvent + nite acid runs with operating curves generated using the new design equation. Page 62 January, 1986 ‘generated using the new design equation. COMPARISON OF DATA WITH OTHER MODELS ‘Several other design equations were also compared with run 2 1_asshown in Figure 10. The Husain and Spedding (1976) analy. sis predicted too low a liquid flow rate when solved for the operat- ing conditions in run 2-1, using the constants supplied by Husain and Spedding in their paper. It was deduced that although the i ° 02 oa oe oe 40 FREE AIR SUPERFICIAL VELOCITY (m/ ee] Figure 10. Comparison of several design equations with the data of run 2-1. ‘The ideal energy balance (100% eelency) and Hussin and Spadaing ‘are both inaccurat, The Ingeraaond equation presented by (1879) eannot prose the operating curve except ab aight in AIChE Joumal (Vol. 32, No. 1) “Tous droits de propritéimellectcle serves, Reproduction, reprsentation et difsion itrdits, Loi du 01/0792. {orm of the Husain and Spedding equation might reflect the air lift performance, the terms in the equation were not necessarily constant over a range of pump geometries. Moreover, the Husain and Spedding analyssis in error at very low gas flew rates, where itstill predic a very small liquid flow rate; in other words, the predicted operating carve does not eros the horizontal axis at a ‘positive value for airflow rate, A correct solution will predict an operating curve which does eross the horizontal axis into the fourth quadrant, this region corresponding, to a hypothetical

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