Fractions 4 TH

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Equivalent Fractions


Identify & make equivalent fractions

Represent fractions as visual shapes

4th Grade / Ms. Jacobs


Smart Board

Khan Academy Video


Equivalent Fractions Worksheet

Capture Four Game & Colored Pencils

Students Math Notebooks

Class discussion about fractions in the real word. Example: fractions
represented in recipes (1/2 cup of butter)

Direct Instruction: Power point presentation about equivalent fractions.
Focus Points: (1) Define vocabulary words. (2) Explain how fractions can
be represented in different forms. (3) Show how we can make equivalent
fractions by multiplying the numerator & denominator by the same
number, and by using area models. Show students Khan Academy video
about equivalent fractions with pizzas. Throughout lesson students will
take notes in their math notebooks and will come up to the Smart Board
to solve problems.
Guided Practice: Students will play an equivalent fractions game called
Capture Four. Similar to Bingo, each student will have their own board
with a 5 by 5 grid of squares. Each square will have a different fraction.
In pairs, students will take turns pulling a card from a pile. Each card will
either have a fraction, a shaded picture (pie chart/area model) or a fraction
sentence (out of 20 parts, 5 are shaded.) If a student matches the fraction
on their card to the equivalent fraction on their board, they get to color in
the square. The first player to color 4 squares in a row wins.

Independent Practice: Students will complete a worksheet to identify
equivalent fractions. Students must show their work by writing which
number they use to multiply the numerator and denominator.

Equivalent Fractions

4.NF.3. Extend understanding of fraction
equivalence and ordering.

Depth of Knowledge
L1 Recall: Identify
L2 Skill/Concept: Construct





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