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Name: ____David Ramos M A01561088__________________________________

Book: El Narco_________________
_ Chapters: 13-16___________________
Your job is to prepare a brief summary of today's reading. The other members of your
group will be counting on you to give a summary that conveys the key points, the main highlights of
today's reading assignment. It is a good idea to jot down the main events on scratch paper before
you complete this form. Be sure to write your summary in complete sentences!
When you have finished your summary, give your summary a short title that is different
from the title of the story--something that captures the main idea.
My Title: _____Fighting the real war __________________________
____________________________________________________________(finish on back of sheet if
My comment or question about this story is:

My group agreed that my summary was complete and accurate ___X____yes

________ no (if

no, add what is missing on the back of the sheet)

The chapters that were read on this week started with a narration of a DEA agent
that was undercover in Panama when he goes to the movies he sees the movie Miami
Vice, he discovers that the same techniques were been used in the movie as he in real life.
Then the author tells why it is important for the DEA that ex-members of gangs or cartels
join their ranks in an effort to destroy organize crime by infiltrating their lines. A man,
who could as well be a criminal, could only fulfill this job with the same attitude as the
The chapter 14 called expansion explains in a large way how the mafia and
drug trafficking organizations will in the future expand so much that the culture that is
now in Mexico spread in the way thugs see the police and arent really afraid of them
since they one they have enough power and arms to overtake them. An example is given
in the person the author interviews in a rehab center in Tijuana, he tells his story: he was
a drug dealer off a street in L.A he was born in Mexico but lived all his life in the U.S.,
when he is arrested and deported into Tijuana he learns the hard way that life in Mexico
is real tough and what he was use to in L.A were nothing compare to this.
Chapter 15 tells the story of how the criminal organizations have diversified their
operations into kidnapping, prostitution and extortion amongst others in Mexico, here is
when the Mexican society really started suffering, according to studies commented by the
author between 2005 and 2010 the percentage of kidnapping went up 317%, and Mexico
became one of the capitals of modern kidnapping and extortions. Cartels started
diversifying because the need for money to buy more arms and continue winning territory
from one another, but when the workers of this organizations are without someone
overseeing them and have the weapons, they see easy money and take the opportunity.
No wonder why a lot of wealthy Mexicans send their love ones out of the country.

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