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Charlotte Willy Unit Plan/ Ideas

March 7th- April 20th

Poetry Unit for Grade 3 / 4

Unit Overview- Students will learn about different types/ style of poetry and will
learn how to create their own poems.
Key Learning Concepts: Students will use and explore poetry as a form of sentence
fluency, to express feelings and ideas in multiple ways, as well as to enhance writing
Characteristics of Poetry:
Tells a Story
Paints a Picture
Silly or Serious
Long or Short
Have titles and a written by
Are not always complete sentences
Reveals Emotion and Feeling
Uses Senses Smell, taste, sound, see, feel
Uses poetic language and Devices Similies, metaphors, personification,
rhythm, repetition etc..
General and Specific Learning Outcomes for Grade 3 and 4
1.2 Clarify and Extend
Extend understanding
Grade 3- find more information about new ideas and topics
Grade 4- explore ways to find additional ideas and information to extend
2.2 Respond to Text
Appreciate the artistry of texts
Grade 3- identify and use words and sentences that have particular
emotional effects
Grade 3- identify words in oral, print and other media texts that create
clear pictures or impressions of sounds and sights
Grade 4- explain how language and visuals work together to
communicate meaning and enhance effect
Grade 4- explain how onomatopoeia and alliteration are used to create
mental images
2.3 Understand Forms, Elements and Techniques
Experiment with language
Grade 3- demonstrate interest in the sounds of words and word

Charlotte Willy Unit Plan/ Ideas

March 7th- April 20th

combinations in pattern books, poems, songs, and oral and visual

Grade 4- recognize how words and word combinations, such as word
play, repetition and rhyme, influence or convey meaning

2.4 Create Original Text

Elaborate on the expression of ideas
Grade 3- add descriptive words to elaborate on ideas and create particular
effects in oral, print and other media texts
Grade 4- select and use visuals that enhance meaning of oral, print and
other media texts
3.3 Organize, Record and Evaluate
Organize Information
Grade 3- Categorize related ideas and information, using a variety of strategies,
such as finding significant details and sequencing events in logical order.
Grade 4- organize ideas and information, using appropriate categories,
chronological order, cause and effect, or posing and answering questions
4.1 Enhance and Improve
Revise and edit
Grade 3- revise words and sentences to improve sequence or add missing
Grade 3- check for capital letters, punctuation at the end of sentences and errors in
Grade 4- revise to ensure an understandable progression of ideas and
Grade 4- identify and reduce fragments and run-on sentences
Grade 4- edit for subject-verb agreement
Grade 3- Enhance legibility
print legibly and efficiently, forming letters of consistent size and shape,
and spacing words appropriately
use margins and spacing appropriately
explore and use the keyboard to compose and revise text
Grade 3- Enhance artistry
choose words, language patterns, illustrations or sounds to create a variety of
effects in oral, print and other media texts
4.2- Grade 3 and 4 Attend to Grammar and Spelling
Below is a list of different types of poems that will be used throughout the unit. Style of poem and
definition will be printed off on cardstock and hung up on the wall for students to see throughout
the unit. For each poem there will be examples, and definition of poem on the smart board.
Students will be able to explore different style of poems, and understand what makes poetry as

Charlotte Willy Unit Plan/ Ideas

March 7th- April 20th

they create their own poems. Students will then have rough draft copy examples, as shown below,
that they can write their own poems on. After students have completed their rough drafts, have self
-assessed, and peer assessed their work, students will then create a final copy of their poem, for
summative assessment that will be added to their Poetry Portfolio final draft.

Charlotte Willy Unit Plan/ Ideas

March 7th- April 20th

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