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Rubio-Santos 5th Grade Monsoon Newsletter

5th Grade Promotion

Monsoon Room


Volume X Issue I

Just an update on the planning for the Fifth Grade Promotion. The fifth grade students have voted
for a Water Day/BBQ to celebrate their Fifth Grade Promotion. We are asking for volunteers to sign up for
the various committees. Please contact me if you can help.

April 8th, 2016

We need volunteers for ...

-Ceremony Set Up/Take Down Committee

-Food Committee

-Water Day Activity Committee

-Water Day Set Up/ Clean Up Committee

Gentle Reminders:

Please call 225-1000

when your child is going
to be absent.

5th Grade Promotion Ceremony will take place on Wednesday, May 25th, 2016 from 9:30-10:30 a.m. Following

Make sure to send your

the ceremony will be their celebration from 11:00-1:30 p.m.
Please note: Inter-State Studio will be here April 12th to take
pictures for the Fifth Grade Promotion Certificates. There is no fee for the
picture. Please make sure to send them in their best attire as this picture will be
part of their promotion certificate.
Thank You,
Tori Arrieta, Comet Room Parent

AzMERIT Assessments
I just wanted to take the time to thank each and every one of you
for sending your child to school on time during the testing window.
I am happy to announce that my wonderful 22 students have
completed all 3 assessments! I would not have met my goal without
your support. You are all amazing. Your child gave it his/her all on
the assessments. Your messages of encouragement and support
meant a lot to them. I have planned a reward for my students that
will take place next Friday, April 15th. More details to follow.

I have the BEST parents in the Whole Wide World!

Thank you!

Upcoming Dates:
April 9th

Pre-K-1 Club Meeting at Quincie

Douglas Park from 9-10 a.m.

April 12th

5th Grade Promotion Certificate Pictures

April 13th (Wed.)

Site Council 7:30 a.m.

April 19th (Tues.)

Softball Game vs. Safford (Home game)

child to school on a
regular basis.

Try to set up doctor or

dentist appointments
after 3 p.m.

Remember Early
Dismissal on Wednesdays

E-mail to reach me

Hello Parents,
My name is Awa Chibasa. I am currently a
student teacher from the U of A. I have been in your
childs classroom everyday since February. Starting
Monday, April 11th, I will be taking over the classroom
for the majority, if not all, of the day. I would like you to
know that I will be utilizing my skills and knowledge
gained through my coursework, as well as my
observations of the classroom. I am ready to teach, learn
and grow with your child for the next 4 weeks. If you
need to get in contact with me, you may contact Mrs.
Rubio via e-mail and I will receive your
correspondence and respond in a timely manner.
Thank you for allowing me to work with your
child and gain skills and knowledge that will be useful
to me as I pursue my teaching career after this semester.
Miss Chibasa

News About Mrs. Rubio

As you have probably heard from your child, I have accepted a position at Mansfeld Middle School for the
2016-17 school year. I will be teaching 6th grade language arts. I am excited for my new adventure and am
excited that I will be given the opportunity to continue
to work with many of my current students next year.

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