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Problem Set 2

b) Can the following conversion occur at 500 K? Take the value of from (a).


c) Enthalpy of freezing of water at 10 C is 5619 J mol and entropy of freezing of water is



20.54 J K mol at 10 C. What is the Gibbs energy of freezing of water at 10 C?

d) For the given reaction carried out at 1000 K:
SO2 (g) + O2 (g) SO3 (g),
at equilibrium K was found to be 0.5. Assume gases behave ideally. When the partial
pressure(s) of the reactant(s) and product are as given below:
SO2 (2 bar) + O2 (36 bar) SO3 (4 bar),
find out the free energy change at 1000 K. Comment on the feasibility of the reaction in both the
e) A sample of water vapor of 200 C is compressed isothermally from 300 cm3 to 100 cm3.
Assume water vapor behaves ideally. What is the change in molar Gibbs energy?
f) What is the change in the boiling point of water at a 100 C per Pa change in atmospheric
pressure? The molar enthalpy of vaporization is 40.69 kJ/mol , the molar volume of liquid water is
0.019103 m3 mol-1 , and the molar volume of steam is 30.199103 m3 mol-1, all at 100 C and
1.01325 bar.
g) What is the standard enthalpy of a reaction for which the equilibrium constant is doubled when
the temperature is increased by 10K from 298 K?
h) Show:


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