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Terrorism in Singapore

UN position paper I
Committee: United Nations Environmental Programme
Topic: Terrorism
Country: Singapore
Delegates: Delegates Prim Patsatorn Yordchaiyapruk
School: Mahidol University International Demonstration School (MUIDS)

From past to present, terrorism is an action happens by a non-stage group who

wants to make changes in the country for their needs and political aims. As a result,
they use violence toward people in order to gain power and roles in the countrys
politics. However, this issue is currently being in an international concern because the
use of violence kills many innocent people and causing chaos, which demolishes
peace within country. Therefore, it is essential for the international community to stop
terrorism in order to maintain peace, economics and political stability of the countries.
The main causes of this violence are related to religion, discrimination, inequality and
politics, nationalism and socio-economic status. Most of the terrorists take place in
Iraq. For instance, On May 2013, there were series of bomb and shooting in northern
and central of Iraq. It was caused by the tensions between Islamic religion, Sunni and
Shia. Although, the government tried to end this violence by sending polices and
military but they failed to protect the country and people. The reason that it failed was
because of the police and the military didnt strong enough to stop the terrorists. This
violence led to many deaths of people, police and military (RT question more, 2014).
In world history, there were many ways the U.S. used to deal with the terrorist attack.
Those ways are such as using the military, satellite tracking, and intelligent agencies.

Terrorism in Singapore

Consequently, those ways successfully reduced the terrorist power because of an

effective of military forces (Anthony Egan, 2001). It is successful because when the
U.S. uses satellite tracking and intelligent agencies to spy on the terrorist group, it
makes military knows the location of the terrorist. More importantly, this issue of
terrorism have been addressing in the UN to find resolutions for decades. The UN
charter created the plan of action to stop the way causing terrorism to happen in the
country. More than that, the UN also tried to escalate the role of them in combating
terrorism. Although, the creation of these strategies were successful in September
2005 but in terms of action, there were no actions to support the strategies (United
Nations Action To Counter Terrorism, N.D.).

We think terrorism issue is the enemy of all nations, which threatens peoples
life and brings insecurity to the entire world. Social stability of the world would be
destroyed if there were no effective solutions to stop terrorism from happening. Even
more, the terrorists create the violence and killing innocent people to stir up the
situation. Apart from violence and killing, they can also have negative impact on the
world by ruin the economic system, peoples living condition. In Singapore, there are
diverse of many religious groups within the country. Since tensions between Muslims
and non-Muslims group still exists. As a consequence, it causes Singapore to deal
with terrorist attack. To anti-terrorism, there must be the policy, which are effective.
We think these are the effective country that is considered to use in Singapore. Firstly,
the government will create the new organization that involves both Muslim and nonMuslim groups to plays big role in deciding the countrys politics situation. Further, it
helps reducing islamophobia from separating the country apart (The Straits Times,
2016). This also helps united people from all religious and races together. As a result,

Terrorism in Singapore

the uniting people together makes terrorism between religions less likely to happen by
building strong dependent relationship between religious groups. The government will
also encourage and supports people for no discrimination in workplace and school
toward Muslim and non-Muslim group. Secondly, the strengthening of military will
help reducing the rate of terrorist attack to happen. According to the Straits Times
(2016), Singapore is fairly secure. We have tight laws, tight gun control, and with
intelligence work, we try to prevent attacks from happening. But attackers are likely
to gather and plan just outside Singapore and attack us. This could be implied that
developing of military forces is not enough from preventing the terrorist. Singapore
must build more security inside and outside the country. On the other hand, other
factor is also needed to be strengthening to make more effective on stopping
terrorism. According to the Straits Times (2016), Our people must realize that
everyone is responsible for our collective security. The other factor is to make the
community aware of terrorism and train people to get ready for it. The government
will make the campaign that teaches people how to deal with themselves and other
during the terrorist attack. It increases the security of people and community. It also
makes the military work more efficiency.

To find the resolution, every country should come to understand in the same
point. First, the UN should create the new organization for special power military and
spy. To make this happen, it requires the cooperation between countries to seek the
military and spy to be in the organization. Each country should come to the meeting
and discuss the creating this organization to be an extra help and central power.
Therefore, when theres terrorism in the country, the UN could send these well-trained
military and spy to help eliminating the terrorist out from the country. However, there

Terrorism in Singapore

is also a negative effect. The negative effect is that using just only military forces and
spy is not enough help to bring peace to the country. Moreover, it might ignite more
violence when fighting against the terrorist (Prevention of weapons of mass
destruction proliferation and terrorism, 2012). Providing military forces are not all to
stop terrorism but it also has to deal with the policy. All countries should come to an
agreement for creating strict policy. The meeting should be hold in the UN for the
cooperation to make law and penalties for the country. More than that, each country
should promote the penalties of making violence for the people to know. Hence, it
helps to escalate government power in each country throughout the world. It also
threatens the terrorist from building situation of violence. In addition, each country
will also deal with promote equality. Furthermore, decrease discrimination and
increase human right that is the main factor from ignites terrorism.

Terrorism in Singapore

decrease discrimination
promote equality
increase human right
medias are the factor, which bring more violence during the terrorist
Preparing military from attack -> training, not just military
No discrimination in school and jobs toward muslim and non
Stop islamophobia from tearing country apart
Bring all people and all races together -> united together to
defeat terrrorist
Promote nationalism
Tension btw muslims and non muslim group
Why is it important
the common enemy of all nations and threatens the safety of the entire human race.
Causing chaos
Causing inequality
Keep peace
Stability in many ways such as politics and economics
public vigilance

Government powerless
Every country should reach common understanding
Just military is not enough
Reducing human rights +more strict law
Reduce aggression
Create the organization of special power military and spy
Strict policy
Limiting the media and free speech

Terrorism in Singapore

Rumsey, L. (2011). Terrorism: A Historical Context. Retrieved from
Levine, M. (2011, October). 10 Things to Know About Terrorism. Retrieved from
Gothaus, N. (2016). Causes of Terrorism. Retrieved from
Gilsinan, K. (2014, November 18). The Geography of Terrorism. Retrieved from
Egan, A. (2001, October 1). Dealing With Terrorism. Retrieved from
K, S. (2016, January 20). Religion, terrorism and threats to Singapore, the region.
Retrieved from

Terrorism in Singapore

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