IRC-5 Code

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mRC51998 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS ‘AND CODE OF PRACTICE FOR ROAD BRIDGES SECTION 1 General Festares of Design ‘THE INDIAN ROADS CONGRESS 1998 RCS-1998 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS ‘AND CODE OF PRACTICE FOR ROAD BRIDGES SECTION 1 reaofDesten Pablisedy ‘THE INDIAN ROADS CONGRESS “Jamnnge HouseShabjaan Road, ‘New Doge t10011 ‘Woe Price Rs 12000 (ots ponage & poking) RCS-1998 it Pblished in Jruary 1956 ‘Second Revision: Octobe, 1980 epomed May, 1962 Reprinted: Sepember, 1963 ‘Third Revision September, 1964 Fourth Revision in erie enit September, 1966 Reprinted October 1987 Reprinted November, 969 Fifth Revision Deer, 1970, eprint Joe, 973 epried October, 1978 ‘Reprinted Jy, 1977 (Incorporates Amendment No, -Febrary, 197) ‘epumed lun, 900 Gncrpants amend No. November 977 ‘nd Amendment No Tanery. 1979) Reprinted "Apr (Rights of Publication and of Trasatin ar reserved) Print at Arvali Printers & Publishes P) Lid, New Delhit10020 (600 copes) RC5.1958 ‘ecole pn 8 SAR Noy Ste a At Wi Sa SOE TSN te ‘recht iH) Pa PHD, BAR Bch as 09 Bota Tits lS ae Aibeatateseonate tn 00 wx site Better PCy Ma ete Semen aon ‘eDimrdealios) Cnn eine ma Rosemont ING tet hae ew, (ipo Se Rama a an ‘eS cfocieanpo mRc's-1998 Metre Ol MR ate ETN sa ae Meche Eager SAR SVR Panga ent Ree Reser atte got Stitartee Sint ro ssorpuctaapamevo-ren Som tees stam. Dy sin De, Cac iit, Soetetereert Seciee Se near ie ‘ena 8.216 st oie ba! spy Tndo Cos CENATE Rk gre Res Ban SS i ee an, mie Se aos SE Orme Locka 2 he mer BS May See IRCS.1998 % xen, Tre Eger Meee ger tooulbyaor gett spre UP np gee mubepauceensr =. gener, eee Severe oe Peaches OC oo pr a Pecans Comepding Menor NV Men Rcediemmngt a ann eer ‘eter ln ay ‘iSeries ‘it Sa mg ge RRR EAN RRCS-1998 IRC5.1956 oe a = - oo on fo . ; Ge : on : oc : 2 : = oe 73 2 an 3 [oe : 103 —_Detérmination of Desiga Discharge 2 124 Bridge Aesthetics a 104 Determination of Linear Waterway and Effective ‘Appendices 1 : 105 Spacing and Location of Pers and Abuements - ee * 106 Vertical Clearances * s Aorendincls = 107 Preebeard 6 sernticd we eee De << | a : fe : 5 ae : — : Raprrect : ae . a : oe A IRCS-1998 GENERAL FEATURES OF DESIGN “The Bridge Cote caine Form wa ogi dais ty the Badges Se. comme The Coss ns ered bye On the Conuling Engner (Rens) n consation wih he member of he rages Comte an wa ccs othe Che Enis of he sic ‘Works Deparment ofall Ststesin inca Teas alsosused atte nan Roads Congres Sesion a spur held in 1946.” An expanded Beger Commie modified he daft te ight of he comments ected lem the Chit Engners of States, he dicson a te Jp Sesion an he ‘Gacustne tthe Boges Crm mening el ro met ie ad 1S Code was fest pblbed in Janay 1936 ‘Some changes hater been approved bythe Bridges Commitee in the ight of subsequent scusson the Commitee mewings. The Second and Thi Revisions were poblished includ the approved hangs “The Eecve Commits ofthe Indian Roads Congres approved the publication af the Fou Revision in merc wis, Tas Cade was revted bythe Bridges Commie and wa tr pubshed a the Fin Subsequently the Sixth revision was brought oat based on the provisions conten IRC 7E-108)StundardSpctcton and Cove of Fister ond Bridges Section Vil= Foundsons ad sabres ‘The General Design Features Commitee (8-2) (persone given tetow iets meting beldon 21196 fle he dal ever eaues RReS-1994, of Designs” (Revision. 2 a so oe a ie im Bat cot ines = re pay pee, [ em * ‘The Draft was apeoved by the Bridge Specifeatons an Commies an he Ecce Comme tet meetings eld Sunda (on 12397 and 29.397 respectively “Te deat was sproved by the Council in thie mesing el Aizawl on 17439. is bicio eme o se e ecr. cme ite Jo cotton oa begs. The povns SEES habe wed wih ceton an care stale taken tease at {Resin andsoundne ofthe srctes end ane cosore ‘erheepowion aes. “The design and consrcion of oad ges require an extensive snd horooh ooedge fe tlnce nd cig ved aed shold ‘beens ony to special qalfed engineers wit adequate rata! ‘rpenunceintiége epnerapandcpahe of esung cartel exertion ofeok IRCS.1958 ‘ThisCode das wthte general earesofdesignarendbridees nthe reammedaton of ths Cade sal aply all pe of ies ‘Sette orune by ra ac oar mang loads “ee following dito: sal be aplabe fr he purote of this and ter secon ofthe IRC Standard Syetctons sa Cle Of Frat or Road Bdge. OL. Beige ‘Bags i arate having total length of above 6 meves tecnen thet aes ofthe wale freayng tlic oe mong I haere otc ay med ay setvidgesaeclasifed ar minor and major tigers fr lsction ren below meres (0 Mime hing tint 9 sa er Kirst ating of Beige sal be prada important telly on the bss ofthe seriousness ofthe cosequenees of tr antenafiue ad he etn oF ‘mola measures invited. TOLL, Cater Culve ia cose-deainge scr having ata engi of 6 tees ves btcen he ne fe tei wall eee eaeay undoes measured ag ges hr, 10112, Footbridge ‘outrdgcinabig exclrey wor crying pedestrians cea na a TOLLS. High tere Bee ‘A high level bie ix ridge which cies theron above the ihe fd eee che Re 1998 10114, Submersible bridgeveted camera subcribe geet causway ia bridge designed © be overtoped ding ods 1012. Chane, ‘chanel mean natural aici water couse, 1013. Clearance ‘caurance isthe shot dintance between the boundaries 2 spcied poston of abs strate 1014. Freeboaré restau any pot isthe diflerence Between he ihe ho seve af Shoong tera, i any, and the formation level of road ver et oe aprons or tp evel of gide bons ath pit. O15, Highest Flood Lee GLP.L) ‘Highest Moo evel is he ee of be highest loa ever eared othe caked level forthe espn char. 1016, Low Water Level (LW.L) Low water feve the level of the water surface, uining generat ithe ry season and sal be spec in case each 1017. Length ofa Beige “Te ng ofabvidge str willbe ken asthe oral nth measured ong hs cee tne of the wide betwee i faxes of Sivas 1018, Linear Waterway Linear waterway ofabyidg tse with ofthe watery tewecn Ae extreme edges of wer surfs ate highest Mood evel messed a Mgbeangles othe aber: =, 1oL9. Effective Linear Waterway etv nar waterway isthe width fhe watery of he eidgen HEL mitt eens tino obsrcton,Theelfecive width econ sa be worked out as or Cause No 1046 IRCS-1956 OL. 10, Safety Kerb vue, Neh icant tt forse pein 1111, Width of Carrageway “The width of aingeway is th minima clear widh mesure avightangles tote ong enreline of tire between sie Tice roadway bebo whee par 101.12, Width of Footway oe Safety Kerb “The wiht footway or safety a sale ak asthe iin, lear with ny where iin ght O23 metres above te sarc of ‘Bean plate kere wokn being moened eight anpesto he tote eo he bigs Fi SRP q he Fe. Wide Rng ae 1112) 10143. Super Elevation (Can or Banking) Super elevation isthe transverse incliation given, to the rse-secmf acaageway on ahorteail crv nore ede te ‘teat cena force on moving vei 5 Al detailed infomation for 3 complet and proper speciation ‘fhe idge pops be clded inthe project documents Goer. ‘hefollowang internation sal be umised oa. 100.11, An nges map toa sible sll scale opostects it seal one em 19500 or 150,00 aul do a mst ars) showing he [oposed locaton of the tage. the alematve sites vested tnd Fejied, he existing mes of ammonison te peel popes ‘hecounay sede imporan two, ilges cite Vic AE a cat grey a lh eva sing a ‘topographical features ad extending wpsteam and downsteam fay the proposed ses o the Sanes shown below, or such aor pester ‘dunes a he engine eponsble ar he design ay dre) and 0 Sulfcen stance on iter side o give a ear indeation of the topographical othr estes tat might nfucne he loan snd een fe bdge ens approaches. Allstes fr crossings worth consideration thal be sown on he plan 102.121, 100m for catchment scat less han 3 gue (sete ot than Teo 10m 11000 1021.22. 300m forcschment art of 30S squarehn scale acest tem TO m oe 1/100) 1021.23. One an ta o the with owe he bas, Sthchever mre foretcment arene mae han 15 ‘SGunchn scientist Lemtos0m0" 500) 1021.24. Incase of meandering sve: the provisions made (Gane 1b 21 NRL} and 1021.23 may Be saly reviewed ‘Nou: In difcl county and for crosings ove sical ‘hanels the engines sponsible forthe design may [erm dceton tobe wed repwing tere ts of ‘Eanes, povided that the los ve sullen Infomation onthe core of he etmel abd the {lpogeptcalfestare ear he bodes se 6 RCS.1988 10213, Asie plano aside sete shoving det ofthe Site selected and extending nt lst tan 100 ets tps and Soveszem from he ents ne of coming ad Coving Re Sppronces to uficin Siance which in De ae os mar Bdge ‘Mier be ea tan 500 meso sire fe cone ics {vee meandering tevin ofthe ge st, the coune of he et ‘ng ie na ns pie i of trove crsting sabe pote ont ate Ta flo {nrmaion Sal inate on ee plan : 100.13.1. The name ofthe chanel or bie andthe oad and the identifetion number lod tothe eosing wh the osaton Sloe) at econ feo 102132. ‘Thedieston of ow of wert maximum ssa nd, potuble ie ene of devon se lowe scarp 02.1.3. The alignment of existing approaches and ofthe proposed rising and its aprons 1021.34 The angle aed tection of sew if the rsting is lied on askew 1021.35. The mime of the eatstinabied idestiable locality at either en ofthe rosin o he rods eng to the te 1021.36. Reference and RL of eemanet ations ad bench tars ae for nou ily soe to GS bac, hee 1021.3. The locaton and identification number of the ‘ous-seton an onal section taken within the Scpe Othe She plana the eva locaton of he exeme pate 1021.38. The lsaionof wi pir brings, ach being eves sm detention numer and sonnsrted oe am 1021.39. The ication of all nulls, buildings, places of worship, wells bria round trop of rocks and ht pose suction, whieh may fect he approche 40214. crosestction of the chanel atthe ste of the propose ersing anda few crosnecns at snle stances bh {steam an downstream (least wo rose aecnne, one wen Sd 1ReS.1998 ater downstream ofthe proposed sit) al a hizonal scale not ess than conto 10m (1/100) a eriea ef et estan em om {G0} recoding the be eels alongwith he carespondig so evel Shdindating te flowing information 102.141. The bed eves vp the 1p of bas andthe ground levels toast tance beyond the edge he chrneswi vee ‘erat uindy closet ie lea ule of markedly even Feats ofthe bed pound Showing gh ad eR ants and mes of vilnges on each, 1021.42, The nate ofthe existing sufce soi in bed aks and arches nie oaton a Jp ol isa brings wih el ‘expetve enicaion number. 10.143, The highs fod lve ad the fw water ee 12144 Fetal seams ei fetal infomaion oe 1 ong a period pnb, cling an oa fomaton pei to fiat The rm geal beconens ore get hgh wer) dar cron (HS) ean yu Ca Ne ire Nene Sma 9 Mn ow ater sig MLW) Ct Dan trol hee sch Jone wn one i ‘ite ss maiming ove MSL 30218, A lg eon of he cane stoning be sie ofthe beige with he gest deel th fw water eel alo the hath nel tithes ow i eel tal ce) thebed lesa sab spaced nr slang he approsinae cnr ‘tibedecp water chanel Ptween the approximate point to ich te ‘Seve plan eqn Chane OE Tenens. ‘Te hereon ale hall tte nc afore survey plan ane vel mle nl less ba {0 lO mor 000 IRCS-1998 Selection of » 1022. Alternative Bridge Sites a Dartalar Bridge Site 10221. A bre deception of the reasons for sli of piu ie Tx the cesing scompoied, i essary, wih Spal losses of the channel aerate ste vestige and eee 10222. The cardia principles tobe kein view a te ine ot section ofa parla badge te ncadng ver ting works eo Dorie ssutable crossing conristent it rfety and como 2 ‘opbledtor rom he exiaing roa ligament Th allowing Sal be ‘he ging considerations ths ep = 9) Bridge ang of 0 Toe location sl emery nme wth miso sing for Umpc of eset reget anea thee pl Se Ses Foose 1) ps avin talents ewe 60 an 300 Request hig te nd poe game of Sree le et mse Fi) Bigg eg nn 900m, ‘vaeton dhe ste 0 este shal tel the bp Stpemen 1023. Hydraulie Data for particular Bridge Site Selected 1023.1, The sine, shape and sure characeistes of the ‘uchmest inclaing petal aed interception 10232. Theslepe ofthe catchment both in agin and 10233, The possibility of subsequent changes in the hme reson tan ean eon IRC'S1596 1023.4. Storage stesia he echt aia or natal 1023.5. Theisen. reucne, duration nd disuibson of ‘aif he ctchment giving maior in Rous ad in ne Bou ed tverage tal sinfall hrarsicy alongwith relevant metcraopcal reson 10236, Hydrogaphs fr one or more yea if posi and ihe abience of uch das fcuaon ofthe water level send ng Serer mon of he year. 1023.7. _‘Thehighes ood evel andthe year oft occurence einige es Soin Nod el ae by Sack, 1023.8. Achat ofthe pvod high Moo eels Fras many years asthe leant da hasbeen sede 102.29, Thelnenc of axon tas inthe vicinity tobesffeted 102210, Low waterleve 1023.11. The design discharge (Clause 103, the linear veterway (Clase 10) ad conspandingaverge veloc of flo 1022.12. The observed maximum depth of scour with respon ead Seta urn on res ahs ‘expo forthe cou 1023.15, History of dai aedning of exsing bie, fan, unde cde don om, general duecton oer course he ste, aie exten and magitde of Rood fet of acter an, agradtn/Sgraatin ofthe bed viene of Sou ‘mage 1 suc tnd aducest propery, manerance pobims and ‘eco fay ober igen cron te same serine icine These ‘Sheraton maybe sopplemened by Ptopaphic documentation, 1024, Geologie and Scismologia Data for particular Bridge Ste Scected 024.1. The nature and ropes of the extn lin bed ‘banks and sprsches, wiht pcrbuc hele sections showing ees, 0 RC5.1998 ature and properties ofthe varius sata a suffice depth low he Teel sutatie for loundatone andthe safe iensity of prstre om he foundation sia fare prastable te scng of ial lor ors hoes ‘hallbesechas provi fl derepcn ofa sabres yee og te ‘shoe lengh and with ofthe rossi) 242, _Poeneotesieto asin codon eariunke disturbance and its magnitude. = 1025. Subsurace Data Sub-surice exploration, sampling, nit esting snd laborstony lest fr determining he design parameters fre ide foundation shal ‘ecamedutnsctedanee witClae 104 fC Bilge Code Seton Vitae) 1026 Environmental Data Information regarding usual annual temperature range suscep to severe storms, clones, tl effects ee, and pebble ‘ind vl nfl uate, inden pertod of rinyorson, ‘eve amity an sat or presence of hamlet 1027. Loading and Other Data 1027.1. The od for whic he bide ito be esgne shll te as per relevan claves Of RC with ay spec variation hoe Tas i equedt corr spesal ond sowie 10272. Special local condone wae testy and pen 0 epaethe designer a he loading 10 be oped fo he ‘eciaimande fx mmber fra nes equ 10273. Uilies of series, any, tote said over the wide and ifs, nate thereat fe Telepbone Cable, Water Conduits {Gas Pipes) and elvan infrton reparig se, sagem te 224. The minimum veal and hizo cases rogue fran sil eqrementie vga, aration hee ‘iovand be bn on whch csugeeseds 10275. An index map showing lestion of ri ed road twidges, i any cron the same chanel ot he tibtaries wan IRCS-1908 ‘easonble distance of he proposed bedge and sno (with sketches or

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