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Office of Hon DavidCarter

Ministerof Agriculture
Ministerfor Biosecurity
Ministerof Forestry


2 t MAR



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Thankyoufor youremailof 26 Feb2010raisingconcerns aboutthe health

andwelfareof big catsat ZionWitdlifeGardens,I appreciate
withthe basisfor theseconcernsand hopethat my goes
response someway
to assureyouthatallthe animalsat ZionWildlifeGardensare beingwefl

TheMinistryof AgricultureandForestry(MAF)is responsible for ensuringthat

animals,suchas thoseheldat ZionWildlifeGardens,areaffordedthe
for takingactionsto preventthreatsto thatcareahd
is alsore$ponsible
respondingto situationswhereimprovedcareandwelfareis requird. I can
assureyouthatMAFtakestheseresponsibilities veryseriously.

In additionto monitoringanimalhealthandwelfareat Zon WildlifeGarden$,

MAFis workingcfmelywithZionWildlifeGardensmanagement to ensurethat
regulatoryrequirements are compliedwith. Theserelateto biosecurity,
animalhealthandwelfare.MAFis alsoensuring thatlhe operational
procedures andactivitiesto managethesemattersare robustandeffective.
ZionWildlifeGardenshasinstigated a comprehensive reviewof its
operational infrastructure,
andthis reviewis beingoverceenby MAF. I am
satisfiedwiththe progressbeingmadewiththe reviewandarn hopefulthat
theendresultwillbe a modelof management forthistypeof facility.

PrivateBag18041,Parliament Wellington6160,NewZealand.Telephone
Buildings, 54 4 8t7 6809 Facsimih644 OIZ6509
MAF visitedZionWildlifeGardensseveralweeksago and notedthet all
animalsappearedcontent,healthy,well-fedand unstressed.Zion Wildlife
Gardensmansgementhas accessto a rangeexpertisein animalwelfare,
healthand care andthere have been no reportsthat this is being

You raise concernsaboutthe deathof a Barbarylioness(Shia). MAFis

awareof the causeof deathand is satisfiedthat there is no indicationthat this
was causedthroughneglect,illnessor the inabilityor failureof ZionWildlife
Gardensmanagementto complywith animalwelfareor biosecurity

Pleasebe assuredthat I shareyour concernsand compassionfor thesebig

cats. In my viewthey are beingwell caredfor and MAF is takingvery
to ensurethis remainsthe case.
seriouslyits responsibitities


\l -i i
Hon Dq#idCarter
Minig6 r for Biosecurity

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