Gerund Vs Infinitive

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ferb + -ing or infinitive 2 A Verb + -ing or infinitive: change in meaning © Soin ves can be folowed by sing 0 + Intra and te meaning ofthe var changes. (© seer am onc Wo use remeber Forget ang tor memories ofthe oat ihe ection hoppers beter the remembering: We use erarierergt tod er acon someone va supposed to do the remembwring happens before the aco). I eiiniey remember posting te ett: post = — comembor 1 rust remember to post t= te remember ——e past hiner forget fing ino ave arpa. thing — forges, Serr forgot to turn off ta igh, forget = ——* tune (© feoue We use eget ding whan we ae sey abou something that happened inthe past regret saying 21 the ab Pars We use regret 0 nform/to tell when we ae Giving bl es ‘regret to infor you st we ee unable (© try We use ty ding when we do samsthng are See what happens We use ty to do when ‘we make an efor to do sometne, but dont neces succeed "ty talking 1 im a3 mayee ' change hi rnd. WV do ond ee wht haope’) (yo alt hem bur now bes vary busy ty doy nt be sect Las Seton, Bree tiv needs a wos-cuiey moor of Deh’ an Crete petons Hower he ws aswel, (BasinewWeek Online website) (© sor We uses dng When we end a action We use Sep 2a when wo gl the reason for stoping We stepped buying from that sucer (now wo dot by ron them) ‘stopped t buy someting for my wite. (stopped in cre to buy somthing) (© Ves We use mean doing when ere thine results ino inves another We use na to do to. express an inten. lobaiation means being active ia every major market. (cl) J meant to phone you but for (einterdea) © -ea.0n We use go on ding when ne continue dog something. We so 96 on oo when we move oto do something a Tey went on trading een though ey were nary bankrupt, (xt the sare thing) ‘Afr svng BM he went on 0 Start is on campary (= dé something) 8 Verbs of perception © Woo peeapton ince: hr if, re eth The esc be oie yan bie «ing. brine ith and te ang of he ve changes (© reste o ear only part of he acten, ort contrues, ute te gf. wo 80 or hear ‘he whol acion fam beginning coer, ne use the tare infinitive wihout to. Compare: saw te gulng Per pressnearen, (saw part ofthe presentation) saw har give Far preserva, (saw the whale presentation) ‘heard ie machire making 2 srange nose. \ nerd tye nose ans canine) heard the mache make asrange oie (\ herd ta nose ara t stepped) 20 VERE + GOR INFININVE 2&7 © Verb + -ing or infinitive: little change in meaning © Some verbs can te foloned by ing oro + infriive and thers te change in mearing. ‘These include: begin. continue inten start wnat de you intend doing/to do about? no scan shen th nares Bega tego doe, we began ling, epg roy psec fund arued 70% ad lng te rote a, Ta i Leslee ‘wns the pao dounture (AR webs) ‘The ber of Gees oles: contd fll ie Fla (Wall Steet Jounal website) (© Wedo rot usualy have neo eg fom togetee {cas starting to get dark (NOT singing) ‘The buns connie agin staring te pay very ese atenonw the conn’ cnenic Ith, (Global Bases Miguzi wabsts) (© The verti, fave, preter hate canbe folowed by ete form. To + inne sages someting isa good/bad ea The -ng form shows yo feetings ie todo ix urs ery, | don’ he dang wer: ‘When wr ut the mod nul with hese verbs ye must 0 nite. 1d preter to de it ysl, you dn ind uke flowed by to +f can mean that we do something because we tink tsa good ie, even theugh we don't ey it ie to write several cats beers rie the fal port D Passive forms: -ing or infinitive (© Uni 19 ge sts vrs that ae flow by ether an ing farm o 0+ initio. Only the active frm were gen (© The passve form of ver + ing vt + Asing + past patie he shave ce fal ary nore we rsk being taken ovary a argo company ‘© The patone form of Word 4 10 + the vero + fo be + past parveoe, Fine dserve tobe given a pay nse. Acwally he boss is away on vacation» but he Tikes to reming everyone he sill in charge" 58 20 VERB +g on INFININVE 2 20 Practice Exercise 1 fl Underline re cove wort. 1 Tm somy forgot fo al/calirg you, but was real buy, 2 | sopoed in Paris foro fe doy to met/mecting Hey. 3 We've stooped to mastiectng 0 often. twas a waste of tne 4 Leaning 2 unguage meers ro Ge/Berg nested inthe culture os wel 5 | meant tomatermaking soe more chotoobis. but | dint have tie ‘ease rememer fo speok/speaing to ose when you see her 7. dart remember 0 s/s anything Ike tat 8 | ed 1 ceeriapening tre window, Bt i was too high to reach 9 ted 1 ceeniopening the window, butt sil to Hot the rc, 10 never forget 6 gireriving my fest presentation to the Boas, 1 ben Farge ook atfeoting at the ausence when you spec. 12 ‘Weraget toannounce/announcig te death of ox founder Me Out, 13. Lege guitlauiting ry MBA core | The new prod ing ely vl tise we shod go on fo zelseling ke for enother sx mnt at eax, 15 Fest say alittle about the hasta of the cerary then go Gn dsr oseng our now range of products Exercise 2 Match the stuatons 2) tthe sentences 1-4 below 2) head cart f your conversation 1) Isa your whole presentation © saw the who tou. 4) posi! ham inte condo “Sony to imernups, but nears you tang about e-books, _] 1 12 I heard you talk about e-books at the tenet seminar. _] 23 sew Bbrbara shorting the vsitors round the factory 4 sa Batbara show the vistors aur new production tne.) Exercise 3 |B init) Compe the eniences with bg or to 1 Leroy ting... akon cut for expense medks 2 The Minister deni son en 2 re 23 The Mister refused questioned about the bribe. 4 expec ‘asked some tough queston ter my presentation 5 00 you ming... pleked up tthe eport by tani? 6 How endl Imagine ....... ashe to giea presetaten ana op ke tat 20 VERB «ING OR INFMUTIVE2 69 Exercise 41 Pr cempee the mnidloqe wth he cover lhe verb hats On occasion both forme re vote ‘wowac Hi, Cala Ibe been meaning (1) 95048. Gpeaking/te speak to you al oy Were toy) oa ‘Wooking/to book) able ar thar new Chinese rexautant tong “Wow you ke wo core ra? cou Oh, thanks, Fi ell ke to, but was tein (8) cop my monthly sales spore toieht, won Real? Wouldnt you prefer (4) + (aman nt) work comings come) ove with ws? Jas this once? uns OF eoune Lt 8) cocsnnnnsnn (going/to go) ont with you tonight, bur Fell Te co {et this report done Lm soers i means (6) sing! 0 mi) diner wh you guy tonight ‘omas Wel porhape nowt dine then fomun Yeah And nox ime dont forget (7). (gesing eo ge) me as meh noice ae probe beforehand so 1 can keep the evening fe. ‘mown Ob, the wouble wich you, Ca that you never stop (@) sono-nonen (working /to woul). ‘You shuld remember (9) ----------(hasng/ to hae) some fan sometins. ‘ints: Looks hom you know Td rly love (10) enn iting in) you ue Fast rwovas Well if yu got (11) oaavenane (orking/40 work) lke you doa the mioment, youll ser (2) ns geting to ge) aly ses and then youl rogset 03) sonon ng 088/80 Oo Yor cal if. Ie happened to 3 fiend of the end he went on (14) 1 having /to hae) nervous beekown. ccm Ol, cite 0, Step (13) nnnsnenon (being /t© be) 30 emai. dou enjoy 06) (eng to cake) work home jst hae ke (17) fining /10 fnsh) may reports on sme Exercise 5 (A Siitias! Complete is eer by puting the es brackets int the comet form, ng or ro infai, ‘am iting olin at spre eed te ik in ye an eck, Ray Se (2) ect Gar) in sites ig our ed your al st ecarge cataract) ee tee af CDs wit 3) Ne A, YH He (1a Cosa ne 4 prise ong exw eee cp oa py pn iw a eek oly nal cca 8) eeenennten At) nen ecenne my hin a ere tices, ‘come yr icy ht nr wl ay mene CD ac meng) nema ey om ‘hn east weak bob tk ist COs, Gea te fourcen a opt nthe pon vit ee saan ied 8) ee na ME take CDs te as 9) (oy gy tt (1) (be mtd ie adem (02) noon ge pe ihe a ses We wii hee of one [thy (13) ovum (ik ha 3080 ot sie yaa (5) a mya Taine 8 (15) onan ii pots 18). (ds with cae in aor pte mana Ne say cur i aeneameneeeeanneeniemmentiiilineemmmmaaaiiiaiemmcneiitiianiadl

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