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"ANGLIA RUSKIN UNIVERSITY Assignment Coversheet Student Number: FACULTY Lord Ashcroft International Business School ASSIGNMENT DETAILS. ‘Module Code / Oce / Year Module Title Module Element To be marked by ‘Submission date ‘Submisaion otis asianment aces oe owing: ‘instar athe pace o wor mira Se Conard as fl and crate van of my asssrert of whe [am hare te Sle ‘ter understand beh te mean ond coneguances © pagiaam and at my wok has been sopra sete nes aber ned | ave net rer towed ont WS my ere Megann - ar are maters of crumstarces whch have ha a serous adverse fect on you perfomance m any assessmert (eg ess) you ‘Seuss cone usng cr mogaton process You bre ase Sek ace Nn & PACH Scent ACs MHP se erate Te Care conte ww rata aca Oe] ASSESSMENT FEEDBACK - LECTURER TO COMPLETE Turnitin receipt number (id al Ds a % Mark | Signature of Marker. Date

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