Rep John Bingham 1872

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THE CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE. losing portion of the letter to. Me. Courax, Sri sll further shows that this subject hag been with the Adminisization one of earnest consideratio "The remark thst other Goverements are more hn, bat oe Unite Bias oraet Paulie Uo he present trbley i Cabana gt Teaieptowed br auaniact ovid ‘he nplihed gratives and correspondence fe iebaces of the public sesombties ot ivand' in ed in rent ations “The Wuited Seater Government is generally men- any oped as the wot ext [e'iNeworas sed 1 the pren Tor this eapeet ie Eacavar taal beee istration tp obanee {im dhe regan." Rother Power has been mare MNGritee of thesland of Gaba its, howerer, Poy ait 2S any talSSaTE AadautCoP damppslacent and exleemert, | fecoris! reebeanass Is Se Neen Bera rela Ese ay baat Se Vico Pretideat patgiutente of Dr. Housed, and all star Biethina fo receive the’ sees conde Pome ‘of your eorveepondonts to farnizh ine Forucioa' that il trenginen too haat" of ih {Gorernmest fa he promis, suok ioformetion Wil Delon erstefallyreclved “Thave'tie homer, Hos. Sgnoytnn Cones, ies Bein of the United Sate 1 had intouded to vote for the resolution with a view to giving the Administration the HAMILTON FISH. moral support of the House in its efforts for | the relogee ofthis man, but its proper meaning land effect having been tortored into a eessure Of the Administration, T shall vote against it tnd { shall do so in the confident belief, based fo what hes already been done, that the Ad: | spit te ein tint cara ee eTSNGRI™T nce to amend sil yaad lo saath tay and wish athe Bee he Grad tom: dat gt soe apn pe EGR eR HSS aoe Selo amd ay Seed fonar eg theetor under the authority of faw ant ascending aoc an ge Sie ees een Weltsena of SGaterte Vetta alse ae ite BANKS, ds 10 mov in amend sna lng 4 a he ed ate ands t e? Whew’ fal sac tame egal ie rata espa aan praises eicern ea afanae Heiner Me BINGHAM, The amending wih 1 rd on age ety prieee iE the resolution az it wus reported. Irom the | Uhnimitiee on Foweign” Atte; ie leaves the teqU ofthat gosoltio antouehed. The Hose srl soles hat the amendment moved by 0 TMimply additonal to the resolution aa rer ported and is intended so bring tue re atent tet ani of the eouon before the fo fionsyand io putupon record expresty what Fim sehrinel ttoppore asim bed the text of the renolation ete was tithe Commitee on Foreign ‘Bie House to sips deslare that ins od Tent the treaty of 1795 botween the United Bitten and Spatashoald be sacredly observed Sythe goutsatng parce fe iteret wine ed tin af the eines of ‘Th amendimont now offered by the honor able shatruan Of the Committee on Foregt ‘Ktsige departs, as Tunderstand by its real {oge Roi tho cxiginal text of hierestato {tly Oude of and a teparcure fom the terms ofthe ten. The words quoted inthe an thee wife t offer ate fguud inthe vaventh {hui ote toen'y, wach provides for eal ccordingt lawy and according tothe aeages We purpose 10, ask j fom | sche ia Spt Bot ow he bobo ies, Bowe Dy ons Fon Memoctaiete opment ofr pie omeiey rey ones Pauly tt ota eat be at edge ay svete ony tes eels errr, | Serupmont he Uret San ran | iho aoggeee tp eGovermentt om | SEN ae mre a. | sh oe a ae tg The agreeuient between Spain and the United | Bh arene etree Sinan te Unt | Stn orig ihe emo he a | serena iene iat onl cherie | wie ekapmlegnd a de oa Bashan Baas thartc de soem, iet of Bagg scm oy oa Hepat i ey gag ligne cha rata ee Lerotgumannml inane lie eres | si el gra fe cee | aa ge i ea se ae le me te a cam alse ae a sate ete oeitalbiyys ery pele, ee gen ocean a | eo, enna erie atte a aed SON ite etn | ieee an of anno ae sehr eb tiry al be fo gre | siggy Serr rm tag tered He ee en EEO P EE ener wale ame a Ca lee ‘in all their affairs, and in all their rials at. law i es Mo Ativan ei See ica ence ach Eee to tthe cape Aecaisttns aa | etic cnaauhe alps uate | SSE PA athe Bina ast wl Shere ‘hot i the Lsngnag, of the 20 ot be sroaty of 1705 th Spi ‘Re mendnent whch | Hav oer | cop by exprons words opted fom he speen ticle of the ‘treaty every provision embraced | Inet sipatation. Why. then do gentemen Seakin sien on ater 1? Dg tay propos | ‘Hata House shal by ieeton oF Ipc: tin, vate down the gmendment which {of whlch declares nent at te execute Urpatnent sail seo ty & thatthe the seventh aril of the tay of Oat PEA aba be ukiily observed and ca Hed ont sts House any righty express Or ind to daregard strety Hbatona trate ty of wh bas ot Ben gue oud om the day of te dtetn Qeaben 175, to thi our by any tepartment of tue Gover tmontea toa atl pres pr | ert to | Toute fn the mous of udieal prose | In'hny eave by the Spasil aahores? Bat | for das proviion 1 eng that yon uve the | gato gute mbacher ne peowediog was | Sony rege a Goparare ork wha wap tho ‘uaa sadonfingey mode of procedaro here Cbeer sed ike ewes guitar Spahr tie Spanish jue th article | I | Xion. upon it, ask simply thatthe righss of land upon the teal and. Sandia ap rights of thee wey"on’the one Hatd aud the naghts of the Hotion of the other shell be expected by Spain. ‘Thin is what was contemplated ty the ogi resolution, ay I propoge to prove Mr RANDALL. Willtbe gentleman allow sme fo ask bim a question? Sir. BINGHAM. Yes, sx, Me RANDALL: Dock not the gentleman, spon the formation furnished bythe Stats Det pasting to he Hour ecogate Dr. Housrd Sit, BINGHAM, -Certai tothing to do with this inquiry, nothing ia the world to dowithi. 7 Ye RANDALE. The reson T atk the uct ip that a atempt bar been made Acre by tehntaiee of lag: and by owen °° eNBINGHRME Hh: Specter, peak : LS Spenker Tepe very hhorriodlyg od shall take these polite 8p i rier Stow, beving made there general dee. Eeatonoyf Teankly Sate tothe House that Seaee tbat he station 29 propo ny ba Stent fnopdortha tony fective touted wees Hose, Ou of ay pupoves ia ‘ity the anendient 0 %) ame ie i thomas sad pot the aio 18 as theme every smter an this Boor cous hfonsly tote hi ote “He Fenton as osginalyseported from the Gonamitice of Eovtga. Altre resolver thas fo the Gedgment of fie Hoose the sand oly Hmijo Housed was and is a eitnen of ie'baited Stes by bith snd conned and Shfmerrapied ehieg ai as ecis ented Bl eat osey protection of toe Gorermmest = it dat bad oben allt would not bare fered thyatemients pt those wore falow and we ohion'of tae House the resent Soa’ empip: denaad hs, yneoudivoral Mitate Bede centration of Ls propery, CMe hat bon congated to the we O18 Spe Govenaa elastase, ty, depends entirely onthe question whether'n the frst place be bus been sess hon eguen of thoUnied Staten of sei ek edna Spun, commed: wan ite opsiadon rh whl net ied ing eo eilgs ho har see con dot Ta setordagce with the requicoments of the etn aele fhe tata 17 Bie RANDALL. Wilde ganteman from nts etn at fin another qeeton? Mie BINGHAM. "Ie the Bentieman wil cal ce me gon will ansnes all hie ques Be AO be question of east Ln ‘lg teste sit aoutee in favor otc Tenaf the Untob State. rane Dr, Howget whehuratbumn eigen of he Ueited Sates therein nt room forthe shatow of a doubts Fee ero raed paents etn De nadloton of the Uatted Stn, and byte apes nerds of the Constitution, agamended Tee i daeared tal the world tbe a Giga othe Unted Sac by Bi Sie Speaker, (oe next poe sue i 9 C0 cxpiisatn apaigton iyone of seatioy dubok wen, "To neers te Sn a cea waged rar aguiet BEE Stans in wh te Known in our Bee oe ari an for indopendeneay” fr fhrce Soars he ant of expurstion is ome Se'RE"Rtamewsal’ pimples of Asweicen oneroment "What does it mean, sir? Does it mean the snore eavng tho torr mts ofthe Oat 2i Suen Brory ono wha ae rected see Kroen bauer meager isscy Seen o”ronuyeaton of hme alle wees ie the ve born er agoped Barer to is coumrg. br Speaker, {have four Looe beedions ecpresions an tissue setthie’ Pull ralbor no have, heard Jeet aeay tha an Armuricanetizon, E ony has cen ofthe United. Sats in lekor by toseinry splestion exer oF = intent’ thigsottey 9 Timucll be gow to fe remotes ends fits

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