b1 Clones

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LO: to be able to explain why

identical twins look like each other
and why they do not stay identical

Can you remember what a clone is?
1. What you remember (hopefully) from our
2. What youve heard in the press
3. What youve seen at the movies
Why dont animals naturally make clones?
Brainstorm what you can recall!

Cloning is a natural
process. Bacteria are
examples of clones,
they only need one
individual to reproduce.
This is called asexual

Dolly the

Have you heard of

Dolly? Watch the
Write the steps of
how Dolly was

Dolly died in 2003, aged 6.

The average lifespan for a
sheep is 12-14 years.

CSI: Who killed

Suspect 1: disease
Suspect 2: cancer
Motive: why did she

As Dollys donor
DNA came from
an older sheep
(DNA that was
not pure full of
mutations) this
could have led
for her to
develop cancer.

Scientists want to clone
humans for stem cells.
But what are stem cells?
These are
unspecialised cells. All
early embryos
produce these, stem
cells will develop into
specialised cells. Cells
with a function (blood,
skin, muscle).

Should human cloning be


1)Which person is stating two different views

about embryo cloning?
2)Cloning embryos may enable new tissues to
be grown to treat diseases. Which person
agrees with this statement?
3)Explain why scientists think stem cells would
be useful in treating Parkinsons disease.
4)For each of these cells, say whether or not
your body would reject it:
a) Bone marrow from your identical twin
b) Your own skin cells
c) A cloned embryo stem cell
5) People often make speculation when they
are arguing for or against somethiong. This
is something they think will happen, but may
not have evidence for. Write down a
viewpoint on human cloning that is

Review Learning:
LO: to be able to explain
why we are varieties
and different and to
explain how genes
cause this

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