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The Dolly Debate

Dolly the sheep was the result of

many years of experiments.
She was created by taking the
nucleus out of an unfertilised sheep
egg and replacing it with the nucleus
from a body cell of an adult sheep.
The egg was then treated so that it
began to divide like a normal
fertilised egg. The embryo (ball of
cells) was transplanted into the womb
of a host mother to develop.
Dolly was born in 1996. In 2003,
when she was only six years old, she
was put down because she was ill.
Some scientists think that her illness
was caused by the way she was

The Dolly Debate

Dolly the sheep was the result of
many years of experiments.
She was created by taking the
nucleus out of an unfertilised sheep
egg and replacing it with the nucleus
from a body cell of an adult sheep.
The egg was then treated so that it
began to divide like a normal
fertilised egg. The embryo (ball of
cells) was transplanted into the womb
of a host mother to develop.
Dolly was born in 1996. In 2003,
when she was only six years old, she
was put down because she was ill.
Some scientists think that her illness
was caused by the way she was

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