April 10 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam April 10, 2016

What is the importance we must accord to discipline and our conscience?

Bhagawan lovingly reminds us today.
Only a harmonious blend of the secular and spiritual will lend
beauty and radiance to life. We should not learn and earn merely
to fill our bellies but also to fill our hearts with bliss. The food you
eat will fill only your stomach and not the mind, but spiritual food
will fill your mind and give you eternal bliss. Hence secular
learning and living should be coupled with spirituality. Inculcation
of morality is very important in life. Students lead chaste and
disciplined lives as long as they live in the hostel, but they lead an
altogether different life once they leave the hostel. Your lives
should be marked by discipline and morality, whether you live in
the hostel or outside. All of your lives should be lived in
consonance with the command of your conscience. This rule must
remain the same, whether you are being observed or not, whether
someone is noticing you or not.
- Summer Showers Ch1, May 20, 1996

Endeavour to earn My Grace by observing the discipline that I am keen you should follow. Baba

10 ApRYl ,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:swnUM , AnuSwSn Aqy AwpxI AMqr-Awqmw nUM , ikauN mh`qqw dyxI
cwhIdI hY?Bgvwn , A`j swnUM , ies bwry Xwd duAwauNdy hn[
au`qr: srv-Drm Aqy AiD`Awqimkqw hI mnu`K dI suMdrqw Aqy aus dI cmk
nUM , cwr cMd lgwauNdy hn[swnUM kyvl , Awpxy pyt nUM Brn leI hI nhIN
kmwauxw cwhIdw sgoN Awpxy ihrdy nUM,AwnMd nwl Brnw cwhIdw hY[ijhVw Bojn
qusIN KWdy ho,auh quhwfw pyt Bry gw Aqy mn nUM nhIN pr A`iDAwqimk Bojn
quhwfy mn nUM Bry gw Aqy quhwnUM,AnMq AwnMd dvy gw[ies leI, sMswrI is`iKAw
dy nwl-nwl, A`iDAwqimk is`iKAw lYxI cwhIdI hY[jIvn iv`c ,sdwcwr dw

hoxw zrUrI hY[ividAwrQI jd hostl iv`c rihMdy hn qW auh, nyk Aqy

AnuSwSn vwlw jIvn bqIq krdy hn pr jd auh,hostl nUM C`f idMdy hn qW
auh iblkul,vKrI qrHW dw jIvn bqIq krdy hn[qusIN,BwvyN hostl iv`c rho
jW bwhr rho,quhwnUM AnuSwSn Aqy sdwcwr dy guxW vwlw jIvn bqIq krnw
cwhIdw hY[quhwnUM Awpxw jIvn,AwpxI AMqr-Awqmw dI Awvwz dy muqwbk
bqIq krnw cwhIdw hY[ieh guxW nUM ApxwauNdy hoey hI quhwnUM,Awpxw jIvn
ibqwauxw cwhIdw hY BwvyN quhwnUM koeI vyK irhw hY jW nhIN vyK irhw hY[(smr
Swvr A`iDAwey iek,20 meI,1996)[
jy qusIN myrw AwSIrvwd pRwpq krnw cwhuMdy ho,qW qusIN,ausy AnuSwSn iv`c rho
ijhVw AnuSwSn mYN , quhwqoN aumId krdw hW[(bwbw)[

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