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Proceedings of the National Confereace on Manufacturing: Vision for Future Review on minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) in grinding andits application with nanofluids Dinesh S., Sudarsan Ghosh and Venkateswara Rao P. Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India Abstract: Nanofluids, suspensions of nano particles in base fluid, have shown manyattractive properties in cooling and lubrication aspects. This exceptional features leads to development of new kind of nano coolants and nano lubricants with applications in a wide variety of materials processing technologies. Researchers anticipated that, i? properly employed, nanofluids could surpass the conventional cutting fluids in future. This paper evaluates their potential for applications in grinding and summarizes the developments. its application, Keywords: Grinding: MOL: Nanofluids 1. Introduction It is generally considered that the heat produced during the grinding process is critical in terms of ‘workpiece quality. Relatively high ficetion effects in abrasive mackining cause heat generation which can lead to thermal damage in the surface layer of a machined part; cooling and lubrication therefore play a decisive role during grinding (Brinksmeier et ai.,1999). A new point of view arises when considering the environmental costs and risks associated with their use. No doubt, coolants and lubricants greatly improve machining performance in many cases. The selection and optimum application of a grinding, fluid is a matter of primary importance. The achievement of favorable cooling and lubricating conditions, together with efficient remova. of the chip generated, and effective corrosion protections are the basic requirements that must be met by the fluid. This being the case, the costs and risks related to the use of grinding fluids must be taken into account in the operation design. Together with the cost of the Muid itself, other aspects must also te considered: fluid disposal, recycling, security measures, ete. Moreover, the cooling fluid must be clean and in good conditions, therefore filtering systems are compulsory nowadays. Those systems are expensive and may occupy considercble space in the workshop, (Alberdi er «l,.2011), ‘Apart from the economic aspect, internationally, environmental concerns, public opinion, and government regulation have initiated extensive controls on the use and disposal of industrial products including cutting fluids and calls for sustainable machining alternatives (PuSavec et al.,2011). Such alternatives for reducing the consumption of coolants and lubricants are available in conventional machining processes. A large number of research works on this field can be found in the literature (Weinert et ai-,2004). Techniques such as Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL), dry or near-dry ‘machining, cryogenic machining is being used, especially in processes such as turning, drilling or even milling. However, in the case of grinding processes these solutions are not that widely experimented (Alberdi et al.,2011). In grinding very high temperatures are reached and friction accounts for a major portion of the energy required in the removal process mechanies. As a consequence, the large amounts of generated needs to be transferred away from the workpiece and the wheel. If this is not done, then thermal damage of the workpiece, accelerated wheel wear and thermally induced deformations may ‘occur, resulting in poor quality grcund components (Rowe,2009). So, it is imperative to implement sustainable alternative technologies such as cryogenic machining and MQL technique to minimize the thermal heat generation at the work piece wheel interface, In this paper we present an overview of the literature dealing with recent developments in the application of nano fluids. Fi'st, tte MQL application with conventional coolants and lubricants is discussed; next nanofluids and their attractive properties related to machining and this is followed with a review of recent experimental and analytical investigations with naofluids, 2. MQL grinding with conventional cutting fluids ‘Minimal quantity lubrication (MQL) is a method of supplying lubrication in machining to achieve both environmental and economic benefits. Typically, an MQL system supplies 0.3 - 0.5 mivmin of a ‘metal working fluid (MWF) with pressurized air or other supple-nental gases, whereas a conventional system supplies about several thousand ml/min of MWE(Min ct a.,2005). The conventional flood supply system demands more resources for operation, maintenance, and disposal, and tf Contents Proceedings of the National Conference on Manufacturing: Vision for Future covironmenta and heath problems. The main benefits of ML are the flowing one(Barcak ant Batako,2011): 1. Environmentally friendly coolant delivery system: less waste disposal, biodegradable fluids, no pollutants, reduced 20wer consumption; 2, Reduced hazard to operator health and working, Cavironment No need for cmponent cleaning before furte: processing 4 Cleaner and safer work place; No unwanted thermal shock for workpiece and ool € Better anticeroson quaies of MOL hrinture comparable only Wik net oils: 7. Ready to ue tide no teed for coolanprepastion &. Reduced storie space requirements; 9. No need for an expensive coolant rom bot an ecological and ecgnomicl point of view MQL Is highly desirable. However, de 10 the large amount of heat prodaced during chip removal there \s a high risk of thermal damage and a Solution providing both elfctve cooing and’Wwreation ie regezed As MQL.sammat prove soo cooling ropes it must provide extemcy efficient anttreGondl_properses to help reduc heat generation(Barczak and Batako,201°). However, MQL remains a relatively new concept in processes Sih undtine! cting edges and there lack o information regarding the efetveness of ML. frinding I snot yet powale-o-anover question such a; Whit wheel the most stable for MOL? {Via ls pero best with MQL? What are MQLlnitaiow Tor machining, varoun ters? ‘Thotfore is hard to say it MQL provides the dssedantcona fects Tk spite ofthe lack of Knee concerning ML tere some publications that demonstate tht MQ tay perform Well in grinding and some tentative explanations are presented, Nausen and Zhang (Netyen and Zhang 2003) asesed the feasibility ofthe cold ir and oi mist sysemtin src grinding of pa crbon sel 1085 with an lua grinding wheel. Tht investgton Showed tha cold ar canbe used to suppress surface burning underceran lowes) mute mova ates and may also reduce the grinding fees With the aon a ty sal amount of vegetable ol arse depth of et ean be performed withoct burning while keeping goed rnding quality Da Siva ct al as Sve a. 2007) analyeed the behaves ofthe MOL tcchigue in cylindrical avindng of ABNT 4340 steel with AIZO3 hel and compar the resus ith conventional cooling feed! They found tt. Ra values were wbstntaly reduced With the tse of the MQL techngue because of the more effective ‘ubrication and cooling of the abrasive grains at the work-tool interface. Efisiontlbycaton allows the chips to slide more easly ove the fos surface, resaing ina beter furfce inh They aso ented ta, ere wa no sigan igang o the ining wheel pores no negative effect on srface integrity and no sgnican subvarfae aeraions inthe eros: The Authors claimed that use of such MOL teehngue can ead to technological and evolgical guns lathe ringing pres. ee Tawakoliet al, (Tawakoli ea 2008) investigated the effect of MOL parameters on grndablity of 1ooct hardened scl and a42CrMif Soft sel with AIZO3 grinding wheel Compared to fi cooling and dry grinding MQL sending reduces the ingatal forces comideahy uw To the presence of Iie aound the gnding wheel providing bee siping of ran a the workpiece nerf They also concluded that, MQL grinding can be used at higher removal rates with improved surface ult and Tower indnsfvcescorpare tothe cooing one Shicphic al (Sadeghi er 2009) sued the effet of vezctable and synhoic eters elon the surface gualy of THAI-W ally ander MQL mode. The els indeaod that MOL grading with Synthetic il gneate he best surface quality (ower surface oughoss, no bume surface, beter sac) and Tower grinding Rev than vegcuble i, whereas vegette ol has eter cooling effets the ppnding cont zoe, Barca eal, (Barczakeal,2C10) tried to improve understanding ofthe effectiveness of MQL in the fin surface grinding of oman ste wth luna ee Snicghi etal. (Sadeghi er f.2C10) in their study wed several grinding ids, including mira ‘egeuble and synthetic esters oi, and compared them on the bass ofthe grinding fwes and sacs ult ropes that would be suitae for MOL grinding applicions Favakol ea Cava et «f.2010) stated the inne MOL parameters, such as ol low reat pressure, ML nozzle postion and distance fromthe wheel-workpece contact zone on grinding perfomance sia grnling forces an surface routes. The reals showed ta the eng cation Of the moze an impo actor regarding te effective application of MOL. oil mst. tn ain Sis ound that te efficent tamsporaiton of oil ops to he conte Zone reuites higher mas Mow rate of the oil mist towards the grains flat area and longer deposition distance of an oil droplet. Sonchey eta. (Sanher al. 2010) developed hybsid MOL, system based on the Use of « MOL alongwith Tow temperate CO system that reduces hibition consumption This meth brass tris were protected bythe lier of fozen oi resin ina sigan improvement in grinding het life and surface quality of the machined component. Proceedings of the National Conference on Manufacturing: Vision for Future Mao et al, (Mao et al..2012) stucied the applicability of oil-weter as a medium in MQL grinding and the results were compared with those of wet, dry, and pure oil MQL grinding, It was found that MQL grinding in comparison to dry grinding significantly enhances grinding performance in terms of improving the quality of the ground workpiece and reducing grinding temperature and forces. Compared with pure oil MQL grinding, the grnding temperature and the thickness of the affected layer for oil- water MQL grinding are lower. However, the tangential force and surface roughness for oil-water MOL. srinding are higher than that for pure oil MQL grinding, This indicates that the oil-MQL. has better Cooling capability than the pure oil, Eut the lubrication capacity is contrary. ‘Tawakoliet al, CTawakoli ef al 2011) studied the influence of the abrasive and coolant lubricant types on the MQL performance. Finest surface quality and lower g-inding forces could be obtained while srinding with cBN wheel. In case of conventional wheels, the coarser and high porosity wheels resilted in better grinding. Morgan etal. (Morgan ef al,20°2) measured the temperature during the grinding of common steels, in MQL mode and they compared those values with theoretical va'ues. Based on their results they sated that MQL delivered a comparable thermal performance to conventional flood delivery under the explored region. 3. Nano fluids Nanofluics are a new class of fluids engineered by dispersing nanometer-sized materials in base fluids. In other words, nanofluids are nano scale colloidal suspensions containing condensed material Nanofluids have been found 10 possess enhanced thermo physical properties such as high thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, viscosity, and convective heat transfer coefficients compared to those of base fluids like oil or water (Wei Yu and Xie,2012). The conventional way to enhance cooling (heat transfer) is to increase the heat transfer surface area (high volume) and the cutting fluid velocity ¢high pressure), However, this apprcach is unsustainable due to high power consumption of the pumps and large volume of coolant required. Considering that the velocity of the cutting fluid affects its cooling ability almost as much as its thermal conductivity, itis likely that nanofluids with enhanced heat transfer could meet the cooling challenge at lower cutting fluid velocities. A number of reported experiments show that the dispersal of nano particles into a base fluid provides extremely desirable thermal properties, such as higher thermal conductivity and convection heat transfer coefficient. Thermal conductivity enhancement for nanofluids is shown to be in the range of 12-78%(Saidur er al2011), In case more cooling is sequired, nano coolants can be delivered into the cutting Zone through nozzles as flood. When more lubrica‘ion is needed, nano fluids car be delivered through MQL system as droplets. In this early development stage, however, the nano lubricants technology integration based on the principles of MQL seems to have a higher potential of applicability in comparison with the implementation of nano fluids in flcod mode. Because, the major reasons are high costs of nanofluids fabrication and bigger losses of nano fluids when cooling action is -equired (Alberts er al.,2008). 3.1. Nano fluids application in grinding Shen etal (Shen er af.20C7) investigated the application of nanoffuids in MQL grinding mode. The authors studied whee! wear and tribological characteristics in weary, and minimum quantity lubrication (MOL) grinding of cast ion. Wate:-based AO, and diamond aanofluids were applied in the MQL srinding process and the grinding results were compared with those of pure water. During the nanofuid MQL grinding, a dense and hard slurry layer was formed on the wheel surface and could benefit the zvinding performance. Their results showed that G-ratio was improved with high-concentration of nanofluids. As a conclusion of their work, nanofluids showed the benefits of reducing grinding forces, improving surface roughness, and preventing workpiece burning. Lee et al (Lee ef al2012) investigated the characteristics of a nanofluid MQL micro-grinding process through a miniaturized desktop machine tool system with nano diamond and nano ALO, in paraffin oil as base fluid. Their results showed that nanofluid MQL is effective for reducing srinding forces and eahancing surface quality. They also demonstrated that the type, size and volumetric concentration of nano particles are critical parameters to have influence on the performances of micro= srinding process. Kalita et al(Kalita et al.2010) found that nano lubricants effectively reduce sliding frictional losses by a continuous supply of active lubricant additives and by forming a stable, low friction trbofilm atthe sliding interface of the abrasive grit and the workpiece surface. Kalta etal. (Kalita et al.2012) described the impinging and lubricating mechanisms of advanced nanolubricants in MQL surface grinding of ductile cast iron. Analysis of grinding tests confirmed the Proceedings of the National Conference on Manufacturing: Vision for Future effectiveness of the nanolubricants, measuring a decline of 45-$0% in foree-ratio and specific energy, and a 48-55% decrease in abrasive whee! wear, against grinding with conventional flood cooling and MQL with paraffin (base) lubricant, Mao etal (Mao ei al.2012) conducted wide range of experiments with water based Al,Os nanotluid and they observed that MQL grinding with nanofluids can significantly reduce grinding temperature, decrease the grinding forces, improve the ground surface morphology and reduce the surface roughness. Kalita et al(Kalita er ai,2012}eoneluded that MQL grindirg using nanolubrieants inereases the process efficiency by reducing frictional losses and energy cansumption. Both soybean-based and parafin-based nanolubricants showed better performance with an increase in the concentration of nanoparticles. A lowest friction ccefficient of 0.22 and a maximum reduction of 53% in energy consumption were observed with nanolubricants. Enhancement of whee! life (G-ratio increment of 50%) ‘was another attribution of Nanc lubricants to the overall process improveme Mao et al(Mao ef al2013) investigated the grinding performance for nanofluid MQL. grinding under different spraying parameters and they concluded that I. The MQL nozzle spraying direction has important effeetson the application of the nanofluid mist. 2. The air pressure is also evtical in order to enhance thenanofluid mist to penetrate into the grinding zone. Tkegrinding forces, surface roughness, and arinding temperatureare decreased -vith the increase of the air pressure.3. The spraying distance of nanofluids mist is another importantfactor inthe effective application of mist It is found thatmist size is increased with the increase of spraying distanceand mist velceity is decreased alongthe spraying rection. Therefore, the grindingperformance in the shorter sprayingdistance is better than that in the longer spraying distance. 4. Summary ‘This paper explored different literature of information on MQL application in grinding and nano ‘vids application, From the gathered information, the main conclusions that can be dravn ac 1. The reduction of cooling lubricants in the modern cutting technologies lead to application of dry ‘machining and MQL 2. Several authors proved the utility of MQL technique in grincing as sustainable alternative technique. 3. Recently, several researchers came up with inclusion of nanofluids as metal working fluids in MQL technique. The studies revealed shat MQL with nanofluds is giving mach appreciating results when ‘compared to conventional iuids. Further research still has to be done on the applications of nanofiuids in difficult to machine materials such as ceramics, aerospace alloys etc., 10 achieve the combined effect of high thermal conductivity and good lubricity of nano Muids. Nevertheless, there have been many discoveries and improvements identified about the characteristics of nanofluids and we are a step closer to developing systems that are more efficient, thus minimizing/eliminating the defects related 1 the process, References Brinksmeier, &., Heinzel, C. and Wittmann, M. (1999), Friction, Cooling and Lubrication in Grinding, CHRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 48, pp. 581-598 Alberdi, R., Sanchez, J.A., Pombo, 1., Ortega, N., Izquierdo, B., Plaza, S. and Barrenetsea, D. 2011), Strategies for optimal use of fluids in grinding, International Jounal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 51, pp. 491-499. 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