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Musical Activism Born in the USA

Bruce Springsteen
Bruce Springsteen &
Vietnam Background
Born in the USA

Born in the USA Lyrics

Born down in a dead man's town,
The first kick I took was when I hit the ground.
You end up like a dog that's been beat too much,
Till you spend half your life just covering up
(chorus - Born in the USA..)
Got in a little hometown jam,
so they put a rifle in my hand.
Sent me off to a foreign land
to go and kill the yellow man.

Born in the USA Lyrics

Come back home to the refinery
Hiring man said son if it was up to me
Went down to see my v.a. man
He said son, don't you understand
I had a brother at Khe Sahn
Fighting off the Viet Cong
They're still there, he's all gone
He had a woman he loved in Saigon
I got a picture of him in her arms now

American Skin (41 Shots)

American Skin

Bruce talking about the song

Example Analysis:
1. Historical background or situation of the song and author.
Where and when was this song written? What facts about the
author are relevant to the song?
Recently a rape had taken place, and officers were on the prowl
22 year old Amadou Diallo was an immigrant from Guinea
4 police officers, wearing plain clothes, approached Amadou in suspicion because
he matched the description of the rapist (young black male)
Amadou reached to take out his wallet (to show ID) and the officers shot him 41
Police then searched his body to find that he was only reaching for his wallet and
did not have a gun
Police officers acquitted of all charges of second degree murder, sparking outrage
by Diallos family and other concerned citizens

2. Issues in society or the specific situation/background the artist is

pointing out
- Racism
- Violence
- Police Brutality
- Judgment based on appearance
3. The main message that the artist is conveying (what would their thesis
statement be)
People, including police, should not judge others based on their
appearances or differences - especially since that is what being an
American is supposed to be about. There are many injustices in this
society, including the death of Amadou Diallo, and we need change.

Specific examples of lyrics from the song to back up your claims.

**Cite at least two examples from the song to support your claims.
Explain your examples
Is it a gun, is it a knife, Is it a wallet, this is your life
This shows that when they shot Diallo, they assumed he had a gun or a knife, but it
actually turned out to be his wallet that he was reaching for - as he wanted to show his
ID. Moreover, the final emphasis on this is your life shows Bruces message - that
making mistakes or acting on preconceived notions sometimes costs innocent people
their lives. Bruce argues that valuing human life should come above all else, and police,
especially, should wield their power with consideration, empathy, and care.
It aint no secret, you get killed just for living in your American skin
The repetition of these lines drives home the broader message of the song, as Bruce
argues that you can get killed just for being in your own skin, if that skin is
something others judge. This argument spans race, gender, sexuality, and any other
difference that people might notice or discriminate against. He argues that American
skins are full of difference, and that no one should be targeted for that in any way.

5. Is this song relevant to you in your life? Does this song still
apply today, or have conditions changed? Why?
This song, sadly, is relevant to my life. Last year, we have seen
enormous protest over two acquittals of homicide by police officers.
Many argue that issues of race and judgment exist in these cases. In
all reality, forms of judgment will always exist in society - but should
be addressed. Aside from this, carelessness with human life is everpresent in these situations, and lives have been lost.
On a positive note, the vast number of protests and support for these
ideas speaks to the changes that have occurred, as people become
more empathetic and passionate about reforming our treatment of

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