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from The Diary of a Young Girl, pages 355-368

_____________________________________ Per______


This is a group activity. You may work with your partners on these questions, but each person
needs his/her own page of answers to be graded. PLEASE answer the questions IN YOUR NOTES
NOTEBOOK!!! Go to the next page after our last work.
1) Page 355: Reread the heading on this diary entry. How is this line important to your
understanding of the diary entry?
2) Page 356: Reread lines 27-32. Use your own sense of how you would feel in such a
situation, combined with clues from the text, to infer what else Anne may be feeling.
3) Page 357: Reread lines 48-61. What does this text reveal about Annes feelings toward her
mother? What evidence gives you this indication?
4) Page 357: INSOLENT Anne is perceived as insolent when she responds to others
comments. Which of Annes responses might be considered insolent?
5) Page 357: REPROACH Anne received reproaches from her mother for her behavior. Why
might Anne have called the reproaches absurd?
6) Page 358: Reread lines 93-102. What can you infer about Annes ideas about growing up?
Be sure to cite the evidence that allows you to make these inferences.
7) Page 358: MEDIATE Anne is explaining Mr. Duessels role in the Annex. Why might Mr.
Dussel have given up on trying to mediate the squabbles between the Franks and the Van
8) Page 359: Reread lines 107-114. Infer how Mr. and Mrs. Van Daan felt after Mothers
comment. Cite the text evidence that supports the inference.
9) Page 359: Reread lines 115-122. Why do you suppose Anne Frank chose to record this
scene in her diary?

Page 360: Reread lines 41-164.

a. Identify a simile, explain what is being compared, and tell what tone or feeling the
simile creates.
b. Identify a second simile, explain what is being compared, and tell what tone or
feeling the simile creates.

Page 361: PERSONIFICATION giving human characteristics to something
nonhuman. Lines 194-195 identify the example of personification and explain why Anne
uses it.

Page 361: SPLENDID Anne is describing her special fountain pen. Why does Anne
describe her fountain pen as splendid?
Page 362: Reread the heading on line 227 and look back at the previous heading.
How much time has elapsed? (As you continue reading, you will need to make some
inferences as to what has occurred during that time.)
Page 362: CONJECTURE Anne presents her fathers theory about what happened to
her treasured pen. Explain why the author used the word conjectured rather than claimed
or stated.
Page 363: Reread lines 262-274. Determine whether, in spite of her unusual and
very difficult circumstances, Anne was in many ways an honest-to-goodness teenager.
Cite evidence to support your decision.
Page 365: Reread lines 319-338 and cite evidence to explain the contrast between
Annes actions in the past and her new expectations of herself. It may be beneficial to
create a Venn diagram before answering this question in words.

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