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An EBook by Savio D’Silva (M.S.)

SAMPLE stands for Suggestions, Advice, Messages and

Pointers for Life Enrichment.


An EBook by Savio D’Silva

SAMPLE stands for Suggestions, Advice, Messages and

Pointers for Life Enrichment.

All rights reserved. Written permission must be secured from the author and publisher
to use or reproduce any part of this EBook except for brief quotations in critical
reviews or articles.

Affiliates of SavioDSilva are most welcome to use any part of this EBook for the
purpose of reviews, online promotion or articles after sending an email to with your affiliate code.

Written by Savio D’Silva and ePublished by the SavioDSilva Network.

SDC - 672005001

To order several copies of this EBook kindly visit

SAMPLE started as a daily message service on my website in the year
2000. To my pleasant surprise I discovered hundreds of people visiting my site every
single day just to read the daily message for that particular day. Till date over 15
Million people have read a SAMPLE at some point or the other and quite a few of them
have given us feedback thanking us for the daily messages. I am now sharing these
messages with you in a single EBook.

My best friend told me "Savio, why don't you approach a big publisher, this book will
be on the New York Times Bestsellers List in no time."

And, my reply to her was "Right now, my only wish for SAMPLE is that it becomes
Number 1 in the minds of my family, close friends and my students. NY Times
Bestsellers List can wait."

This EBook is in front of you now and you have in it all the suggestions, advice,
messages and pointers for life enrichment.

SAMPLE is for people of all ages. You will find something in this EBook for everybody.
The purpose is to help you live a more enriching, purposeful and fulfilling life.

SAMPLE is ideal to read when you have just 15 minutes of free time. SAMPLE shares
some suggestions, observations and secrets of life never shared in print before.

You can read the SAMPLEs shared in any order you wish and from any page. The
number given to each SAMPLE is just for reference and tracking purposes.

What you do with the SAMPLEs shared in this EBook is purely your own choice. My
only suggestion to you is to enjoy the ride!

Before I start sharing the SAMPLEs with you, I would like to thank Kirti, Max and Mom
for their love, patience, faith and support during the last few years of my life.

Now that I got that out of the way let's read SAMPLE together.......
1) Have tea. A cup of hot tea cools down your entire body.
2) Control the amount of TV that you watch.
3) Read books on a variety of topics to know more about life and stuff.
4) Know your city. Have a road map in your home and your car.
5) If someone asks you for directions, don't hesitate to show them the way.
6) Know the difference between a distraction and an opportunity.
7) Stock up your refrigerator with your family's favorite foods.
8) Those who master opportunity can usually master anything.
9) Great people make mistakes. They have also learnt the most from them.
10) If a dog is a man's best friend, where does that leave your spouse?
11) Be careful about what you watch on television.
12) Don't watch TV just for the sake of it. Too much TV is bad for our eyes.
13) Meditate for a few minutes each morning and each evening.
14) Always wear a helmet while riding your bike.
15) Don't take risks that aren't yours to take.
16) Don't take risks that will hurt the ones you love.
17) Know the favorite things of your family & friends.
18) Learn to make your partner's favorite meal.
19) Keep menus of good restaurants & pass them on to friends.
20) Recommend what's good - good food, good things & good values.
21) Don't just force your likes & dislikes on someone.
22) Be careful what you ask for as you often end up getting it.
23) Realize the potential of your subconscious mind.
24) Realize the potential of your conscious mind.
25) Use your mental faculties for the good of mankind.
26) Be good. One good person can influence the lives of thousands.
27) Don't buy cheap books, cheap clothes and cheap perfume.
28) Don't give gifts that are not really useful to the recipient.
29) Opportunity comes dressed up in the worst of packages.
30) Give your spouse the window seat on a long bus ride.
31) Be fit enough to play soccer with your kids.
32) Give a hug to someone who is feeling blue.
33) Hug the ones you love at least once a day.
34) Lend a helping hand to those that need helping hands.
35) Read at least two daily newspapers.
36) Learn more about your line of work on a daily basis.
37) Call your friends often and drop by to meet them.
38) Always pay a fair price for a service rendered to you.
39) Never complain or whine for no good reason.
40) People who complain a lot are people best avoided.
41) Spend quality time with your children.
42) Don't be afraid to be laughed at for trying something new.
43) Be courteous to people you bump into on a daily basis.
44) Take good care of your knees from an early age.
45) When gifting a book always write a short note inside the cover.
46) Learn the trade first and then the tricks of that trade.
47) Be patient with people who are working under you.
48) Take the time to learn a new language.
49) To be welcome at other's homes you must welcome them at yours.
50) Marry someone who loves you and who is your best friend also.
51) Splash some cold water on your face when you feel exhausted.
52) Dentists are expensive. Take good care of your teeth.
53) Do some physical exercise daily for 20 minutes or so.
54) Look your absolute best for an important meeting.
55) Know your strengths and weaknesses. Understand yourself well.
56) When you've done all you can and nothing works, try twice more.
57) Do things that help you feel good inside.
58) Be someone who strangers can approach freely for directions.
59) Some things are best left unsaid. Saying "I Love You" is not one of them.
60) Don't drink coffee or cold beverages before any public speech.
61) Keep some cash aside daily, you'll have a lot at the year's end.
62) Set high standards for yourself and live up to them.
63) Don't force high standards on the ones you love.
64) When you pay for any advice, make sure you get it before leaving.
65) Don't recommend to others what you yourself don't like.
66) Praise honestly but praise hard.
67) Never drink and drive.
68) Be an adventurer in life. Discover new places & things each year.
69) Enjoy the journey of life at your own expense.
70) Learn about their culture before visiting their land.
71) Sometimes you need to be part of the crowd.
72) Take a stand, don't duck the issue.
73) Sometimes you need to take a stand on your own.
74) Never make fun of someone's aspirations.
75) Spend time in idle talk with the ones you love.
76) Avoid idle talk with people you don't like.
77) Don't gossip. Gossip can hurt innocent people in tons of ways.
78) When you stay idle for too long, you risk losing yourself.
79) Happiness comes where joy is sown.
80) Buy a good digital camera and use it often.
81) Let someone who hasn't got the remote control, have it.
82) Avoid controlling the remote while your family is watching.
83) Take some risks in your career to move forward.
84) The simplest of pleasures are seldom expensive.
85) Relax your body. Relax your mind. Every single day.
86) An early morning walk is healthy for your soul.
87) An evening walk is healthy for your heart.
88) It's important to have a few close friends.
89) Life is a journey full of experiences. Treasure life.
90) Cherish love. Share it freely with the ones you love.
91) Pray for peace in the world and in your neighborhood.
92) Don't accept challenges that aren't yours to accept.
93) Be open to new experiences but closed to bad ones.
94) Live the simple life and die with a smile on your face.
95) Ask for a bill for anything you buy.
96) An object of great value comes along with a price tag.
97) Reflect on the past, plan for the future but live in the moment.
98) Have inspirational poems printed out and put up in your room.
99) Brush your teeth each morning & night.
100) Ensure you don't suffer from bad breath.
101) If the commute to work is long, do something useful during that time.
102) Fun is a very serious part of life.
103) Don't be pushed into oblivion by ignorance.
104) Have a heart for those in the dark.
105) A healthy mind outshines the unhealthy mind.
106) Develop your brains to control your brawn.
107) Never sacrifice your family for work.
108) Be aware of the daily News.
109) In life don't be an extra, be the hero.
110) Never stop living your life fully.
111) Dribbling fears won't solve anything.
112) Maintain a journal about your daily life.
113) Believe in yourself more.
114) Appreciate any good service you receive.
115) Love mystery but don't lose the plot.
116) Smile - you spread joy every time that you do.
117) There is great magic in thinking big.
118) Learn from others who do it right.
119) Things stay small until you think big.
120) Do not do harm unto him that does harm unto you.
121) Living life fully is the only way to live.
122) Goal setting shouldn't block any opportunities.
123) Learn to be an active listener in life.
124) Have your own 'happy' place in your home.
125) Make a few new friends each year.
126) Meet your good old friends often.
127) Be brave and take some small risks in life.
128) There's more to life than daily soaps.
129) Nothing big was ever achieved just sitting there.
130) Be the first one to say that you love your mate.
131) Believe in miracles but believe in yourself more.
132) Make forgiveness a firm part of your life.
133) Make passion a part of your daily routine.
134) Go on a long walk at least once a week.
135) Have a pet only if you can afford her food.
136) Appreciate all the good things that life has to offer.
137) Cherish the little moments in your life.
138) Have a good sense of humor, laugh more.
139) All clouds have silver linings, find them.
140) Nothing lasts forever. Enjoy each moment.
141) Watch good shows on television.
142) Pray daily to the God above.
143) Know your weaknesses and work on them.
144) Know your strong points and build them more.
145) Play by the rules in life, avoid rebellion.
146) Be patient during tough times.
147) Learn to talk to strangers.
148) Make a friend everywhere you go.
149) Internet is your new best friend.
150) Use the Internet for active learning.
151) Enjoy the smell of the flowers in the garden.
152) Do not let worry spoil your health.
153) Do not let worry ruin the moment.
154) Stress is bad, control stress well.
155) Stay away from bargains that are too good to be true.
156) Buy quality clothing and accessories.
157) The best food is home-cooked food.
158) Take a small holiday once a week.
159) Keep in touch with old friends.
160) Sometimes silence is not golden.
161) Choose a career that will help mankind.
162) Strive for woman empowerment.
163) Remove reservations. Recognize talent.
164) Learn to speak effectively in public.
165) Understand your inner personality.
166) Be good pals with your neighbors.
167) Try to shape up your composure.
168) Let out your anger to cope with it.
169) Be close to what matters most to you.
170) Don't hang around negative people.
171) Don't watch negative shows on television.
172) Be a more positive person every day.
173) Avoid people that complain a lot.
174) Usher in calm and peace into your life.
175) Be tolerant of others vices.
176) Overcome your bad habits and vices.
177) Travel more often and learn new cultures.
178) Try out new things in life.
179) Accept those that are different from you in their thoughts and ways.
180) Do not take a job just because....
181) Connect with your lover tonight.
182) Have a candlelight dinner sometime soon.
183) Move away from the sad times in your past forever.
184) Smile and welcome new beginnings.
185) Treasure those that respect you.
186) Don't let technology run your life.
187) Don't let technology ruin your life.
188) Respect people of all races, ages and cultures.
189) Respect people of all faiths.
190) Everyone loves respect, appreciation and love.
191) Thank your family for being there for you.
192) After rainy days come sunny days.
193) After problems come solutions.
194) After sadness comes happiness.
195) Never leave a fight unfinished.
196) Don't get angry over little issues.
197) Invest in a home near Mother Nature.
198) Build a powerful long-term memory.
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