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TE403 - Fall 2013 - Final Lesson Template

Lesson Identification and Learning Goals

Your Name(s):

Melissa Smith

Mentors Name and School: Sherri Conn Lyons Elementary School

Dates Your Lesson Was Taught: November 21st 2014
Lesson Topic: The Season of Fall
Grade Level: Grade One
NGSS Performance Expectation:
-K-ESS2-1 Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time.
LESSON FOCUS: Students will be focusing on the season of fall, and what different things occur
during this season.
Sources Used:

"Writing the Four Seasons." N.p., 18 Dec. 2008. Web. 11 Oct. 2014.
Bridwell, N. (1997). Clifford's first autumn. New York: Scholastic.
Fall Time-Lapse Video - One Year worth of Images give some Amazing Videos. (2008, December 27).
Retrieved November 16, 2014, from

Driving Question for Lesson:

How is fall different than other seasons?

Unpacking the Disciplinary Core Ideas and Related Practices for your Performance Expectation:

ESS2.D: Weather and Climate

Weather is the combination

of sunlight, wind, snow or
rain, and temperature in a
particular region at a
particular time. People
measure these conditions
to describe and record the
weather and to notice
patterns over time.

Fall weather is cool.

Fall weather is a mix of sunny
and rainy days.
Fall weather determines what
types of activities we can do,
and how we dress.



Analyzing data in K-12 builds on prior

experiences and progresses to
collecting, recording, and sharing
Use observations (firsthand or
from media) to describe
patterns in the natural world in
order to answer scientific

Use observations from the trees

outside, and from the different
activities done in class to
describe the pattern of what
happens in the fall season.

This is important to learn so

they are not lost when they
learn about weather more in
Grade 2. Learning about the
different seasons, when they
occur, and what happens when
they occur is important
because it is something they
experience every year.
For grade two one of the
standards is 2-LS4-1, which is
to make observations of plants
and animals to compare the
diversity of life in different
habitats. During this lesson I
can talk about, and ask if the
leaves change in states that do
not have winter. This is a
different habitat, and plants are
not doing the same thing in

those places.

Experiences, Patterns & Explanations:




-Reading Cliffords First

Autumn as a class
-Look out the window at
the tree outside to talk
about what is happening
to it.
-Having the students
watch the time-lapse
video of the season of

Teacher will ask

the students
what the
temperature is
like in the fall.
The question
will also be
asked what is
precipitation in
the fall (is it
snow, rain, etc.)
What types of
activities did
Clifford do in
the fall? The
students will
discuss this in
order to start
talking about
and figuring out
the patterns.

Planning for Assessment

Task Name: Season of Fall Assessment
Post Assessment Task:

The students will

understand that:
-Fall weather is cool
-Fall weather is a mix of
sunny and rainy days
-Fall weather determines
what types of activities we
can do, and how we dress.

patterns and
questions like:
How would you
summarize fall
What do we do
differently in the

Fall is different than

other seasons because
it is the season in
which the temperature
cools down. Fall is the
season in which the
leaves change. Fall
weather determines
what types of activities
we can do, and how we

Activities in the Fall Do these things happen in the Fall season?

Circle YES or NO. Explain one reason why you chose your answer on the lines provided.





Raking Leaves








Growing Flowers




Post Assessment Task Rationale:

The GLCE for this lesson is about patterns; in particular this lesson focuses on the fall season. The students will
talk about many different activities, and things that happen during the fall season. They will need to apply their
knowledge learned, and give good reasoning as to why the answer they circled is correct based on topics we talked

Task Response Features You Are Looking For:

Strong Understanding

Partial Understanding

Unclear Understanding

Student circles the correct

answer (YES/NO)

Student circles the correct

answer (YES/NO)

Student does not circle the

correct answer (YES/NO)

Student can give two reasons

why they chose the answer they
did based on prior knowledge or
knowledge from this lesson.

Student can give at least one

reason why they chose the
answer they did based on prior
knowledge or knowledge from
this lesson.

Student cannot give good

reason to why he/she answered
the way the did.

Instructional Procedures Chart:

In the chart below, you will lay out what you and your students will actually do during your teaching time. Be as
specific as possible. Directions for each column are provided below:

& Time

What the Teacher

Does and Says

3 minutes

Now I know you are all big

first graders, and probably
know how to act at school,
but just incase, Ill go over
some of them. I know
blurting out is one thing this
class tends to do, and Im
going to tell you now that
raising your hand, and
waiting to be called on will
be super important in this
lesson! There will be a fun
reading, an exciting video,
and a good talk as a whole
class, but we all have to
remember when we sit on
the carpet, that if I am sitting
in Mrs. Conns chair talking,
your eyes should be looking,
and ears should be listening!
Remember to Give me Five!
When we sit at our desks, we
need to remember that we

Anticipated Students

The students will be excited to

start the lesson, and share
their experiences, and
The students will ask any
questions about behaviors
during this time.

social &

I will be
pointing and
showing the
kids the sign
explains the
Give Me 5!
concept in
which my
teacher uses
to get their

I-AIM Function and

Select an I-AIM
function below
that matches the
activity youve
Explain how this
activity matches
that function.

can only get through the fun

activities if we all have good
behavior! I will be looking for
good behavior, and good
listening to see if anyone will
be able to move their
clothespin up. That goes the
other way too, I will be
paying attention, and if I
have to continually talk to
you, I will ask you to move
your clothespin down. Now,
are you ready to learn about
fall? Lets start talking!
Now that were at the
carpet, I am going to pull
over this white board. I have
a question for you, what is
fall/autumn? How is fall
different than the other
seasons? As the students
n to the
answer I will be writing the
responses they give me on
5 minutes
the white board.

3 minutes

Have you noticed any

changes in the tree outside
there? What has changed
about it since the beginning
of the school year? The
students will be observing
the tree outside, and giving
ideas of what has happened
to the tree since school

Students will start giving

answers to the questions.
Some responses may be, fall
is the season that comes after
summer , fall is when the
leaves change, fall is when
the weather gets cold , fall is
when you rake leaves , or
fall is before winter

Students will give their

responses to what has
happened to the tree.
Reponses might include the
tree changed colors , the
leaves from the tree fell off ,
the tree became bare, the
tree became
Students will most likely

I will be restating what

the students
respond, and
writing them
on the white
board so
that the
have an
for the
being said.
Students will
be equally
called on so
one student
is not
more than

Establish a question
the students will be
asked the driving
Elicit students initial
ideas the students
will be giving their
prior knowledge or
ideas on the topic of
fall, which will help
introduce different
topics that will be
talked about during
the lesson.
Explore experiences
and ideas for
P) Students
explore scientific
phenomena related
to the question to
find and understand

started. During the end, I will

be reviewing what the
students have said, and
summing them up into an
agreement for the observed
patterns. There is a reason
the tree is changing colors,
and leaves are falling. Can
you wear a tank top in the
fall? Why? Right! It gets
colder outside during the fall
1 minute

Sometimes it is easier to
read a story about topics
youre learning about so you
understand it better. How
many of you have ever read
a Clifford story? Theyre
pretty fun right!? Well were
going to read all about
Cliffords First Autumn! This
will be said while the
students are still on the
carpet, and still in a good
spot to read them a story as
a class.

mention that the weather has

gotten colder, and they now
need to wear their coats
outside for recess.

Students will still be on the

carpet waiting for the story to
be read. The students will be
Giving me 5 so I know they
are ready for the story.
The class normally listens
pretty well when books are
being read to them so I am
anticipating that they will be
listening very well, and will be
excited for the story to be

patterns. They
students do this by
making and
observations of first
hand experiences,
and looking for
patterns in

One of the
students in
my class has
a hard time
with lessons
so I am
going to
have him
come to the
front of the
carpet and
help me hold
the book
while I am
That is one
thing my
teacher does
to try and
keep him
and Im
hoping it


4 minutes

(Reading Cliffords First

Autumn) I am going to read
the book, and during the
reading we will be discussing
different activities that
Clifford is engaging in, and
will be asking some
questions like Why couldnt
Clifford do that in the Fall? ,
or Did Clifford do anything
in this story that we said we
do in the fall? Comparing
differences in the reading,
and what their responses and
the information on the board

2 minutes

Now class, we are going to

go back to our seats, but Im
going to need you to be
SUPER quiet in order to show
you this video I have! Does

works for me
The one
Students will be listening to
student from
the reading, and throughout
the reading I will ask questions the box
above will be
about the story, or about our
sitting next
prior knowledge we already
to me
talked about comparing the
helping to
hold the
I will be asking questions to
help motivate the students to
listen, and stay engaged.
the book I
Students will be raising their
will be
hands to answer questions,
asking the
and most likely will have
multiple students blurt out just class
questions so
because they forgot to raise
their hands.
Students might say that in the this will give
them more
story, she put on a coat, and
motive to
so do they when they go
outside now because it is cold.
They will most likely mention
that Clifford couldnt chase the
birds like he could in the
summer because they were
flying south.
They may mention that Clifford
jumped in the leaf pile, and
Im thinking that will probably
be on their list about things
they do in the fall.
Students are anticipated to be Nothing
extremely excited to see what needs to be
done for this
the video is because I gave
them no information on it yet! transition.
Students will be going back to Every

Explore experiences
and ideas for
P) Students
explore scientific
phenomena related
to the question to
find and understand
patterns. They
students do this by
listening to what
Clifford has to say,
and realizing what
different activities,
and things happen in
the fall season.


everyone want to watch this

video?! Lets see how quickly
and quietly we can go to our
seats! At this time I will go
to the front of the room, and
get the
time-lapse video put onto the
Elmo screen.


The video we are about to

watch shows the
transformation a tree goes
through from the summer
season to the winter season.
This video is only about 15
seconds, so make sure you
eyes are open, and watching
closely! I will turn on the
video, and let it run through.
After the video I will ask the
students if what happened in
the video relates back to the
things we wrote on the
whiteboard, and the things
we read in Cliffords First
Autumn. Does weather affect
these things? The tree looks
full of leaves in Spring and
Summer why do you think
that is?

their seats with little to no

noise, there will be some
because I know its impossible
for twenty-seven first graders
to walk completely silent!

student will
be able to
see and hear
the video,
and there is
no audio
that could
another form
for auditory
so nothing is

The students are anticipated

to be excited to watch the fall
season in the time-lapse.
The students will be sitting at
their desks with their eyes
open, and watching the video
like the instructions said.
Students are anticipated to
answer the follow-up
questions I ask them, and
expected to be able to
compare the video to the
book, and observation.
The students will relate the
video to Clifford most likely
because the leaves fall in the
Clifford book, and they do in
the video too.
Also, they may mention that
the tree in the video looks like
the tree outside their

student will
be able to
see and hear
the video,
and there is
no audio
that could
another form
for auditory
so nothing is

Explore experiences
and ideas for
P) Students
explore scientific
phenomena related
to the question to
find and understand
patterns. The
students do this by
watching the
transition of the tree
from summer to
winter in a short

Weve talked a lot about the

different things that happen
in the fall, and the trees
changing is definitely a big
thing that happens. We are
Transition going to show our knowledge
2 minutes of this on the next
worksheet! At this time I will
be passing out the tree
worksheet, and instructing
them to get out their crayons
or markers.
TimeFor this worksheet you will
Lapse Tree be drawing what you just
Worksheet saw in the video! At this
time I will put my example
on the overhead. I will
explain to the students that
the first box is to draw what
a tree looks like at the end of
summer, full of green leaves!
The second box shows when
the leaves change color so
the leaves will be orange,
red, and yellow. The third
box shows when the leaves
are falling off the tree, so
some of the leaves should be

The tree looks more full in

Spring and Summer because it
is warmer might be one of
the responses.

The students are anticipated

to be excited about this
worksheet (especially after I
tell them to get out their
crayons or markers) because
they love coloring.
The students will be sitting in
their seat, and will not have
questions just yet.

This is just
between the
video, and
so no
ions are
needed at
this point.

I am anticipating that the

students will have questions,
and wonder about what
pictures goes where because I
did a similar activity for my
social studies lesson, and they
needed a little guidance.
Students will ask if they can
start working, and will ask for
my assistance if they need
any other help.
The students will be telling me
whether or not weather at the
different boxes are warm or
cold. They will be talking
about the weather with me,

For the two

who may
assistance, I
will make
sure to
check in with
them to
make sure
they are
alright. I will
make an


patterns (P E)
Students are asked
to express their
ideas to explain the
patterns. The
students will do this
by creating the tree

2 minutes

on the tree, and some should

be on the ground. The last
box shows what the tree
looks like when winter hits. Is
that what we see outside
now? Yes During the first
box when the tree is full of
leaves and green, is it warm
or cold? Right, warm it is
summer! When the leaves
begin the change color it is
still warm, but it starts to get
colder. As the leaves begin to
fall, the temperature begins
to drop. So about the third
box is where you start
wearing a lot warmer
clothes! The last box is what
the tree looks like in winter,
is winter warm? No way! The
season of fall is the transition
from summer to winter, and
this happens every year at
this time!
During this time, I will come
around and collect your tree
worksheets. While Im doing
that you can be putting away
your crayons. Keep out a
pencil though! I am handing
out another paper, but do
not look at it yet. We will go
over it as a class. I will be
walking around the
classroom collecting their
worksheets, and passing out
their assessments.

and how the transformation of

the tree links directly to the
temperature change.
The students will now answer
the driving question more
thoroughly. They know that
temperature is a huge aspect
of how fall is different than
other seasons, and they
realize how that temperature
impacts the way our city
looks, and feels and decides
what activities we can and
cannot do.

copy for
them to look
at if needed.

The students will be putting

away their crayons or
markers, and getting out a
The students are anticipated
to start talking if I do not
collect, and pass out
worksheets in a timely

This is just
so no
ions need to
be made for
this step.


nt Task

Assessments will be passed

out, and I will be standing
back at the front of the
classroom. For this
worksheet, youre simply
going to look at the activity
in the picture. If that activity
is something you do in the
fall season, write YES in the
yes box, if it is something
you dont do in the fall
season, Owritten NO in the
no box. After you have
written YES or NO for the
picture, then you need to
write a brief explanation of
why you answered yes, or
why you said no. I put an
example on one there so I
could do one as a class.
What is that a picture of?
Right! Do we swim in the
fall? No. Why not? Because
it is too cold! that is what
you would write in the
explanation box. Does
everyone understand? I will
be walking around if you
have any questions

Students are anticipated to be

sitting quietly at their desks
waiting for instruction on the
As I go through the worksheet
with them, I hope they all will
be filling in the example box
so that they have one to refer
back to
The students will be engaged
when doing this assessment,
and able to complete the
whole assessment on their
own because of the example I
gave at the beginning.

For the two

who may
need help, I
will see how
they do with
the first one
example I
give), and
then one on
their own. If
they seem to
need a little
more time,
assistance, I
will tell them
to only do
the first two.
If assistance
is what they
need, I will
assist them
in helping
with the
(they should
be able to
come up
with the YES
or NO on
their own).

patterns (P E)
Students are asked
to express their
ideas to explain the
patterns. The
students will use the
patterns they
learned, and
information talked
about during the
lesson to do the

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