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Present Simple
Arata o actiune obisnuita repetata.
Afirmativ: Pr + verb + adv
Interogativ: Do/does + pr + verb + adv
Negativ: Pr + dont/doesnt + verb + adv
ADV: always , usually , seldom ,often ,never ,every

Present continuous
Arata o actiune care se petrece la momentul vorbirii
Afirmativ: Pr + to be (la prezent) +verb + ing +adv
Inter: To be (la present) + pr + verb + ing + adv
Neg: Pr + To be (la present) + not + verb + ing + adv
ADV: now , at the moment.

Present Perfect Simple

Arata o actiune care s-a inceput in trecut dar inca nu
s-a terminat pina la momentul vorbirii.
Afirm: Pr + have + verb f III + adv
Inter: have + Pr + verb f III + adv
Neg: Pr + have + not + verb f III + adv
ADV: Just , already , yet , before , for
Present Perfect continuous
Afirm: Pr + have + been + vb + ing + adv
Inter: have + Pr + been + vb + ing + adv
Neg: Pr + have + not + been + vb + ing + adv
ADV: Since ,for

Past Simple
Arata o actiune care a avut loc in trecut si s-a terminat
Afirm: Pr + vb + ed f III + adv
Inter: Did + pr + vb + adv
Neg: Pr + didnt + verb + adv
ADV: Yesterday , Last , two days , ago ,when.
Past Continuous
Arata o actiune care a avut loc in trecut simultan cu o
alta actiune sau care s-a desfasurat in durata.
Afirm: Pr + Was/where + vb + ing +adv
Inter: Was/where + pr + vb + ing +adv
Neg: Pr + was/where + not + pr + vb + ing + adv
ADV: While
Past Perfect Simple
Arata o actiune ce a avut loc in trecut si s-a terminat
inaintea unei alte actiuni trecute.
Afirm: Pr + had + verb f III + adv
Inter: had + Pr + verb f III + adv
Neg: Pr + hadnt + verb f III + adv
Past Perfect Continuous
Afirm: Pr + had + been + vb + ing + adv
Inter: had + Pr + been + vb + ing + adv
Neg: Pr + hadnt + been + vb + ing + adv

Future Simple
Arata o actiune care se va petrece intr-un viitor
indepartat , indefinit.
Afirm: Pr + will/shell + vb + adv
Inter: will/shell + Pr + vb + adv
Neg: Pr + will/shell + not + vb + adv
ADV: Tomorrow , in an hour , in some weeks , after
two days , before Monday, next
Future Continuous
Arata o actiune care va avea loc in viitor intr-un timp
Afirm: Pr + will + be + vb + ing + adv
Inter: Will/shall + pr + be + vb + ing + adv
Neg: Pr + wont/shall not + be + vb + ing + adv
ADV: At this time tomorrow





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