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Lindsay Johnson

Program Outcome 3
Generalist Nursing Practice
As a student nurse in order to meet this outcome I will have shown proficiency in the ability to
organize the interdisciplinary health care needs of diverse populations across the lifespan toward
achieving the goal of healthy individuals, families, groups and communities. This outcome
focuses on the needs of minority populations and patients of all ages and the way that a nurse can
impact their health outcome. In order to show successful completion of this outcome I have
attached two assignments, a risk paper and a newborn assessment. The risk paper was focused on
finding a vulnerable population and sharing the demographics of the given population,
establishing their risk, prevalent diseases among them, and health concerns. After research that
information, I found a health policy that I could implement among the population and improve
their health, ultimately, decreasing the morbidity and mortality among the population. The
newborn assessment shows completion of this outcome as it of a completely different spectrum
to care for a newborn than an adult or even a young child. After completing the physical
assessment of the baby, I created three nursing diagnosis with interventions and rationale for why
those interventions would be appropriate for the baby or mother and baby together. To continue
to meet this outcome in the future, I will work on assessing and analyzing different populations
and institute appropriate care plans through the nursing process to impact care in a positive
manner for these underserved individuals.

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