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walked into school like any other day and went to homeroom in Ms. Ross's room. The normal announcements came on and our class listened to them. The bell rang and I went upstairs to my first period class, Mystery and Suspense in Mrs. Arsenault’s room. I walked in and sat down in my usual spot and then class started. Mrs. Arsenault was different today, she was quiet and seemed on edge. Suddenly, the intercom came on and we were in lockdown, We all thought it was a drill because every year we practice it, so we were all pretty calm. We were all sitting in the comer in complete silence. Suddenly, Mrs. Arsenault stands up and goes and grabs something from under her desk. She pulled out a baseball bat! She turned the lights on and yelled at everyone to stand up. She was talking to herself and it sounded something. GEREEEBDs erie to cry and and I looked at each other in horror. Mrs. Arsenault started babbling, “He’s dead, | killed him, like, “Oh god they found it, they found the body! and now I'm going to kill all of you!” I started to talk to her to see if I could get her to calm down, “Who is dead?” She looked at me and yelled the names | looked around the room and noticed he wasn’t in class. Everyone started yelling for help and she swung the bat in our direction. We all sat down and I decided to ask another question. “Mrs. Arsenault, why did you kill him?” She replied in a sad voice, “It was an accident, 1 swear! Everyone knows I love the Red Socks and I was practicing my swing in the hallway yesterday after school. All of a sudden it was like I hit a ball, but I looked behind me to see what I had hit, and vs laying on the ground. I tried to find a pulse but I couldn't so I just kept hitting him with the bat.” I could see out the window in her room and I could see blue lights. I thought maybe we have a chance of getting out of here. The intercom came on and it was Mr. Amero. “Mrs, Arsenault please let them, go we know it was an accident.” Someone had been pressing the intercom button the whole time! The police were at the door and they broke in. They let all of us go and Mrs, Arsenault was taken to jail and convicted of murder. |

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