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Murder Mystery at Monmouth Academy It was a nice Monday afternoon and all we had left in the school day was Biology. We walked into class and for some reason Mr. Morang was standing in front of the blackboard instead of Mr, Warren. We were all confused why Mr. Warren wasn’t here, but everyone was too scared to ask because Mr. Morang looked mad and as if he wasn’t mentally there, just physically. ‘We all sat down and as he took attendance I realized @QRvasn’t here, “That's weird,” I thought to myself. “She was here earlier.” Right then and there, I sensed something was wrong. Class went by slower than usual, but with the sound of the bell I flew out of my seat towards the door. Before I could take one step into the hallway Mr. Morang grabbed my arm. “We need to talk.” He looked straight into my eyes like he was trying to find my soul. ‘Uhhh okay?” “Don’t try anything stupid or do anything you regret. Promise me, you will wish you had never done it.” “I'm not sure what you are implying here, but okay.” “Have a nice afternoon, Si” “Bye.” “What the heck just happened!” I mumbled to myself. I start to feel a lump grow in my throat and butterflies fluttering in my stomach. Something was definitely wrong and I have a gut feeling INNEIMMis part of it. I quickly make my way to the student parking lot to see if AEE truck is still parked. I’m not surprised when I see the tan truck still there. I call all of our friends, | —_——ia7 and IEIEEIMMBho see if they are with or have seen KBs All of them say no and tell me to call back if | hear anything. For some reason I don’t call Ail@ts parent or the cops because I don’t want to make a huge deal out of it until I get some type of evidence that something happened to her. I know in the past Mr. Morang and {iiPhave not gotten along. One time AER was called down to get a doughnut for being on pace and when she made it to the office Mr. Morang, was eating it and just shrugged when she gave him a look. Another time, Mr. Morang came to Mrs, Arsenault’s room to get some hot chocolate only to find AQliBhad taken the last package. BBM simile, filled with alacrity, made Mr. Morang furious. Maybe one of them had done something to the other again and they just didn’t want to be in the same room? I think not. I will get to the bottom of this. I make my way back into the school but then feel something drip onto the top of my head. I look up and all of a sudden another drop lands right on my forehead. I wipe it off with my hand and when I look at the back of my hand I see a dark red smear. “WHAT THE!” need to somehow make my way to the roof to see what this red substance is. I'm hoping it isn’t what I think it might be. I walk up to the top floor and peek into Mr. Warren’s room. “Phew,” I think to myself. No one is in the classroom. I climb out of one of the windows onto the roof, When I look to the right I see her. Her body ‘less body is dangling off the roof. That must be the source of the blood. I go over and touch her body. She is still alittle warm so he must have killed her right before class. But why? “told you not to do anything stupid.” I turn around to see Mr. Morang standing right behind me, ide, “How about you stop being creepy and stalkerish.” I reply with an at “L bet you won't be making jokes when I blast you with this!” Morang snaps back as he pulls out a shotgun, “Where did you even get that?” “That's not important, now stand still so I can add to my body count.” I see that he is wearing black crocks and instinctively I say, “What are those?” He looks down and I make my dash towards him. He quickly looks up and tries to shoot me but no bullets come out, “Forget to reload?” I yell. 1 throw a punch right at his temple and the blow puts him to sleep. I feel for a pulse and I me that get one so he is only unconscious. | call MPimom and the police. The reali BD is dead and! begin to cry. No more bossing around or having her help me with homework since she was the Valedictorian of our class. Where will I get help with all my math questions?? This makes me cry even more. The police come shortly after and put WEB body. in a big black bag and arrest Mr. Morang. The newspapers then come and take pictures and right a whole article about me being town hero. I guess this whole thing turned out great for me! I got a whole newspaper article and picture about me and they said I will probably be on tv in the nightly news. I make my way to iM body bag and whisper, “Thanks My”

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