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Consider an alloy where solid

solubility decreases with decreasing
temperature. The equilibrium
structure is a precipitate in a parent

wt. % B

On the basis of dispersion hardening

we would expect greater strength if
we could create more interfacial
surfaces. Therefore lets divide every
particle and redistribute it
resulting in a Non-equilibrium

wt. % B

We can attain this through a threestep heat treatment

Step 1: Solution treatment
Heat into the single phase () region to
erase the existing room-temperature
structure and redissolve all B-atoms
The temperature for this step is above
the solvus but below the eutectic
Hold to achieve chemical uniformity

wt. % B

Step 2: Quench
Rapidly cool to suppress diffusion (no phase will form!)
Resultant is a supersaturated solid
solution () containing excessive
amounts of dissolved B-atoms

wt. % B

Step 3: Age
A controlled reheat within the 2-phase
region (temperature below the solvus) to
activate diffusion
This produces a Coherent precipitate

Upon reheating the supersaturated
B-atoms begin to cluster, but
continue to maintain lattice positions
within the parent phase structure
All planes and directions are continuous
throughout the cluster hence, a
coherent precipitate

Coherent Precipitate:
Substantial distortion forms around a
multi-atom cluster
This distortion acts to impede
dislocation movement numerous lattice
spacings away
The coherent precipitate acts like a large
barrier, numerous times its actual size

Coherent Precipitate vs Solid Solution


As the clusters continue to grow, the
lattice is further strained until it
becomes energetically advantageous to
break free and form a distinct second
phase particles form
Distinct - interfacial surfaces form
The particles now present a barrier or
impedement of their actual size.

Coherency is lost
The material becomes weaker
This second phase formation is called over

Noncoherent and coherent


Noncoherent and coherent precipitates
Example: 6061 Aluminum nails

Noncoherent and coherent precipitates
Example: 6061 Aluminum nails

Property variation during aging

Loss of coherency &
onset of overaging

Cluster formation and growth

Aging time

Strength vs Aging time

Artificial aging
Requires elevated temperature to
initiate aging diffusion
Can age to peak strength conditions
then drop temperature, stop diffusion,
and lock in the peak structure and
Note: We must never reheat to
diffusion temperatures because
further diffusion will commence and
over aging will occur with companion
loss of strength

Selecting an aging temperature

Lower temp more ppt stronger
Lower temp finer ppt stronger
Lower temp longer aging time
Therefore we select the temp that
produces optimum properties in
Low T
desired time
High T


Aging time

Aging Temperature
decreasing the temperature:
1) increases aging time
2) increases maximum strength
3) improves uniformity

Natural aging
The diffusion required for aging can
occur at room temperature
Solution treat, quench (refrigerate in
quenched condition)
Ages when restored to room
EX: Aerospace rivets head when
soft but strengthen when in place!

Requirements of age hardenable

1). Decreasing solubility with
decreasing temperature (must be
able to cool from a single phase
region through a solvus line to a two
phase region)
2). Soft matrix with a strong, hard,
possibly brittle precipitate
3). Precipitate must be coherent
4). The alloy must be quenchable

For age hardened materials, subsequent

exposure to elevated temperature will result in
loss of strength
Consider the welding of an age hardened alloy

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