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Judith Lachance-Whitcomb

2309 Normandy road Schererville, Indiana


To Whom It May Concern:

It is my pleasure to write this letter recommending Drexton Sportel for elementary school teaching positions. Mr.
Sportel was a student of mine during the 2015-2016 school year during his nine-month internship at Andrew
Carnegie Elementary School in the Chicago Public School System. During that time, I worked with him in TE801
Professional Roles and Mathematics Teaching Practice (Fall 2015) and TE804 Reflections and Inquiry in
Teaching Practice II Elementary Science (Spring 2016), I became well acquainted with his work ethic,
professional approaches, peer interactions, and his competency in constructing and carrying out instructional units
in Math and Science.
Mr. Sportel demonstrated his determination to become the best possible educator when he took on additional
professional development opportunities (workshops at Chicago museums) at the onset of a very intense
internship year. He gladly chose to take advantage of these additional responsibilities in order to better serve his
students. He continued to demonstrate that level of commitment to his students throughout the time of his
Drextons presence has an immediate effect on his professional peers as well as his students. He has a joyful
spirit that permeates his teaching and peer interactions. During his internship he had an excellent work
relationship with myself and other course instructors. Any suggestions given from his mentors and peers are
evaluated and implemented in a way that best serves his students. His respect for his students, teaching peers,
and mentors is apparent.
Mr. Sportels course work is evidence of his solid background in educational theories, practices, and techniques.
He works diligently to transfer those academic understandings into effective classroom practices. He draws on his
background of his work in schools and programs observing and working with students to design lessons that are
both interesting and educationally sound for his students. His written lessons/units were presented in a
professional manner and provided evidence of his ability to translate Common Core State Standards and New
Generation Science Standards into effective learning opportunities for his students.
Drexton is an eager participant in group discussions and peer work. He is always one of the first to volunteer to
take on extra responsibilities that aided the instructor as well as the group at large.
Mr. Sportels dedication to his students and the teaching community as well as his ability to provide professional
and effective written work make him an excellent candidate for teaching positions. With pleasure, I recommend
Drexton Sportel to you. If you have any further questions with regard to his qualifications please feel free to
contact me.

Judith Lachance-Whitcomb
Judith Lachance-Whitcomb
Adjunct Professor

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