Training Log

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Training Log


Start/End Time

Feb. 3

8:30-10:00 PM


Mar. 7

8:00-8:45 PM

Wrote on raised paper and practiced trying to

write with eyes closed
Read chapters for college courses with reading
guides and helped with focusing
Worked through ablenet Sound Board and explored
the app
Practiced writing on raised line paper with eyes
Used reading guides when looking through a paper
Explored Sound Board app
Practiced writing on raised line paper
Used reading guides when reading articles
Explored Sound Board app

Mar. 28

2:25-3:00 PM

Apr. 5

10:30-11:00 AM

Worked on familiarizing myself with the Sound

Board app

Apr. 9

11:15-11:50 AM

Practiced writing on raised line paper

Continued to work inside of the Sound Board app

April 10

7:45-8:30 PM

Used raised line paper to take notes at conference

Explored more options inside the Sound Board app

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