April 2016

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Students have been learning how to

add and subtract three digit numbers
with regrouping. As we finish up this
unit, we will be revisiting money.
During our first unit on money we
focused on identifying coins and
counting them. Now we will dive
deeper into money. Please take some
time to review with your child the
different coins and their values.
Practice counting coins so that they
are prepared to continue working with
money when we start our next unit.

Science: Balance and Motion

Students will be going to Mrs. Wheeler three times a week for
our last rotation in science. The module is Balance and Motion.
Students will learn about:
Concepts of posi-on, balance, counterweight, and stability.
Force of gravity unless something holds them up.
Rota-onal mo-on using forces (pushes and pulls).
Explore and describe some of the variables that inuence the
spinning of objects.
Observe and compare rolling systems with dierent-sized wheels.
Inves-gate sound pitch and volume in terms of vibra-on.
Inves-gate magne-c force
How tools and machines are used to make things happen.

4/4-4/8 Spring Break
4/11 Board Mtg. @ 6 PM
4/12 Home & School Club Mtg. @
7 PM

Opinion Writing

4/13 Cornerstone Training @ 6:30


We started opinion writing last month and the students

are doing a great job. We are using the acronym OREO
to help organize our paragraphs.

4/14 Art Show @ 6 PM

4/19 Recognition Assembly @ 2
April 21 & 22 Earth Day Seed
April 25- CAASPP Testing begins
for 3rd - 5th graders

O-State opinion (Intro)

R- Give reasons (2-3)
E- Provide an example, explana-on OR evidence
O- Restate your opinion (conclusion)

When students give a reason it needs to be followed up by an
example, explana-on, or some evidence to support
their reason. ARer this is done, then they can
provide addi-onal reasons to strengthen their
argument in support of their opinion.

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