Shieh Allen Q3summaryjournal

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Allen Shieh

IM - Pd. 6
English 11 AP
Quarter Three Summary Journal:
Throughout the third quarter, I have heightened my research and comfort in the field of
medical surgery. At home, I read and re-read cancer related material I have used, whether they be
in the form of slideshow presentations or in the form of medical journals and articles. With this
consistent basis, I have familiarized myself with the knowledge required to engage into the
project I plan to undertake this summer. Additionally, I have reached a comfortable stage
whenever I walk into the OR and engage into conversations with the other professionals.
Similarly, I have attempted to coordinate different events and learning experiences with my
mentor through private, one-on-one meetings. I have also become close with him, as I rely on
him for the vast majority of my educational experience at the Johns Hopkins Hospital surgical
unit. I have been very excited about the things that I have accomplished and will accomplish in
the future.
Alongside the activities I have already carried out for the first semester of the year, I have
also prepared myself to give presentations as well, especially for the display board I spent much
time creating to educate my peers and other faculty members at my high school.
Later on, I plan to continue this research about pancreatic cancer and continue to expand
my knowledge as I start learning about lung cancer and its incidence based on smoking to
heavily apply that pertinent knowledge to Indonesia, a nation I will be visiting this summer
which significantly incorporates smoking into its citizens daily lives.


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