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Wards Wolves Weekly News April 11

4/14 Spring Pictures, Electronic Time (FTH Prize)
4/15 AR Test and Book Report Due
4/21 Fine Arts Night @ 7:00
4/25 -4/29 SCHOLASTIC Book Fair
4/29 Wax Museum (9-11) and 5th Grade Pizza
Curriculum Corner
Bible - Unit 9: Focus topics Jesus First Miracle, Jesus encounter with Nicodemus and
Jesus as the Living Water. We will complete a Unit 9 Study Guide in class on
Thursday and have the UNIT 9 Test on Friday. Bible Memory due by Friday orally or
fill in the blank on Friday.
Isaiah 53:3-4

He was despised and rejected by mankind,

a man of suering, and familiar with pain.

Like one from whom people hide their faces

he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.

Surely he took up our pain

and bore our suering,

yet we considered him punished by God,

stricken by him, and aicted.

Math - We will focus this week on Temperature (Celsius and Fahrenheit), Converting
Celsius and Fahrenheit and a review of Metric System. Math TEST #11 on Tuesday and
Math QUIZ #12 on Friday.
Spelling and Vocabulary -How to Eat Fried WormsVocabulary and Spelling Test on
English Students will continue to work on their Research Paper. Note-taking, writing
and typing their papers will be our goal this week. This assignment will be completed in
Reading We will begin reading How to Eat Fried Worms this week. Students will
complete a packet to assist in comprehension. HEFW Test #1 on Friday.
History Students will create life size Dictators in class and present. Chapter 9 Test on


**xtramath 3 times this week**, Study for Tests and Bible Memory, Prepare for Wax Museum
and Read AR Book
Monday Math Workbook page 371 Lesson 113, STUDY Bible Mem & Spelling
Tuesday Math Workbook page 371 Lesson 115, STUDY Vocab &History
Thursday Math Workbook page 209-210 (BLACK letters ONLY), STUDY BIBLE

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