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Alyssa Lake

Senior Portfolio
10 April 2016
Statement of Intent
High School is the launching pad for a young persons future, this is true for my life and
the lives of the other seniors graduating this semester. It is, in fact, not only a launch pad, but a
process of growing and experiencing new things, which reveals much about a person. My time in
High School has illuminated certain passions which I am now well equipped to pursue. The
specific passion I discovered in my time at Buckingham is teaching, as well as learning, and
working with children. My time in High School classes fostered a love a learning, and time spent
volunteering in kids ministry revealed a passion for working with children, and and these traits
combined will allow me to attain a position as an Elementary School Teacher.
While High School Classes are not always easy or enjoyable, the challenge in learning
new things and grasping topics alien to my brain has an appeal to it. Education has a negative
stigma in the Youth of America, its almost contemptible to enjoy learning and put forth effort. As
I began to realize the importance of education, I became passionate about helping to remove this
stigma in society. This is one of the main motivations of mine to become a teacher. The children
in this country need to find that learning can be a great, beneficial experience, and its worth it to
put in effort.
Another motivation to choose a career in the field of education is genuine interest in
children. The time I spent throughout High School working with children in Church ministry
showed me that working with kids is not just a pastime, a passion. In Childrens ministry, I
interacted with many different types of people-adults and kids-, managed large groups of

children, and planned and taught lessons. These experiences taught me to love working with
children, and prepared me to enter the field of education.
Since the four years I spent at Buckingham Charter Magnet High School prepared me to
pursue my chosen career, the only thing left is post-secondary education and experience. This
will begin with my attending the Napa Valley College in the fall in order to receive a transfer
degree. Once all of the General Education classes are finished, I will transfer to a UC, possibly
UC Davis, in order to begin the last two years necessary to receive a Bachelors Degree. At
which point, I will work on achieving the necessary experience through Substituting and
shadowing teachers until I receive a position as a teacher.
The steps to the future from the beginning of my first year in High School have led me to
enjoy learning, love working with kids, and discover a plan for a career which combines these
two aspects. The four years spent in the walls of Buckingham Charter Magnet High School have
been instrumental in preparing me for the future. The classes taken have enhanced my
knowledge and abilities to be a productive member of society. I look forward to the future with

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