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Baratiyan 1

Saba Baratiyan
Professor Mercado
English 113B- 12:30pm MW
9 April 2016
Annotated Bibliography
Gorman, Anna. "Will Federal Cash Help Keep People Safe as Drug Abuse Grows?" The Daily
Beast. N.p., 15 Feb. 16. Web. 9 Apr. 2016.
This article is about how homeless people are using syringe exchanges, when they are
injecting themselves with drugs. It is safer to use these needles because homeless people
will have a lower chance of getting HIV. Many homeless people got infected because
they reused and shared their syringes. The percentages of people getting infectious
diseases has decreased over the past few years because of syringe exchange. Federal
funding can help organizations and medical care services expand, so that it can be a full
time service for those people who are in need. This source is useful to make arguments
about how federal funding can help many homeless people, but this article does not get
into more details of how drug use can be resolved among homeless people in Skid Row.
This source taught me about how homeless people are getting syringe exchanges to be
safe while still using drugs, yet they are not shown how to stop their drug use. I can use
this source as a counterargument in my essay.
KRUZMAN, DIANA. "Out of Mind but in Plain Sight: Homelessness in Los Angeles."
University WireMar 09 2016. ProQuest. Web. 9 Apr. 2016.
This article mentions how homelessness in Los Angeles is a major problem, yet there are
many positive outcomes such as funding programs and hiring case workers that can help
the community. Mental illness and unemployment are the important factors that leads to
becoming homeless, which can lead to developing drug addiction. This article also
mentions how people expect the homeless to make right choices when they get into these
situations, but the most important thing for them is to have a home. There are different

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programs that want to make houses for the homeless, which can help them to stay away
from drugs and crimes. This source is useful because the article states the problems that
the homeless people face, and how there are different solutions for fixing this issue. I will
uses this source in my essay to provide background information and provide a solution
for this issue.
and human services administration 38.1 (2015): 67-89. ProQuest. Web. 9 Apr. 2016.
This journal states that one of the most important causes of homelessness in Skid Row
Los Angeles is based on economic problems that have an impact on the homeless. Public
health services do not provide enough services such as drug and alcohol treatment,
hospitalization to the homeless. Health insurance needs to cover expenses for the
homeless people by creating more alternatives for them. There is also lack of affordable
housing for the homeless. This journal addresses this topic because providing homes for
the homeless is very important for them and the community. This source is very useful. It
provides many valid information about the health care system and how it impacts the
homeless. This source also mentions different ways of providing for the homeless to help
them and the community. I can use this source in my essay to provide general information
about health care system and the ways it can impact the homeless people. I can also use it
to talk about different ways the homeless people can get help with drug and alcohol
Mather, Kate, and Richard Winton. "Homeless Man's Past, ID Unclear; Authorities Say the
Convicted Robber Killed by Police on Skid Row was using a Stolen Identity." Los
Angeles TimesMar 04 2015. ProQuest. Web. 9 Apr. 2016.
This article mentions identity theft and how it can damage life. This article mentions how
mental illness can have a high impact in a persons life. It leads them to make wrong
choices that eventually leads them to become more mentally ill. This article contains
valid information that can be useful in my essay. This source is useful because it
demonstrates what kinds of crimes homeless people commit to. I can use these as an

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example in my essay to provide for the readers. This source helps my essay because it can
help to show different ways of providing information about this social issue.
Smith, Monica Miller. "Homelessness in the United States." Wiley Online Library. John Wiley
& Sons, Inc., 21 Mar. 2016. Web. 9 Apr. 2016.
This article talks about what leads people to become a homeless, and are not able to
afford living in a house. The rates of homelessness is greater in urban communities. There
are also homelessness in other areas as well. This article also mentions strategies and
ways to end homelessness and provide affordable housing. This source is useful because
by finding solutions to end homelessness, it will also end drug use, and decrease crime
rates. This will help the community and the homeless people. This source can be useful in
my essay because it can help to prove different ideas and solutions. It can also help give
different perspectives and views in my essay, which is necessary because it shows that
this social issue is thought through properly.

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