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Project Title: Citizen Centric Public Service (MobiCom)

Introduction To The Area:

Citizen Centric Public Service is a android based project it help to the
public . This system maintains the information about the public problems like
water pipe leakage, sewage blocking, electricity ,document passing, animal death
etc, it also saves the time of citizen or public and also maintains smooth
relationship between TD officers(general engineer, contractor, corporation
member) and public.

The application has the following modules

1. Registration (public)
2. Complaint
3. Acknowledgement
4. Work Status
5. Complaint Module
6. SMS

Existing System:
Any person or citizen facing problems like water supply, water pipe leakage
sewage blocking, electrical problem, improper road any problems related to
TD( Town Development )office , people has to make call to respective office or
municipal member , some times the person who want to give complaint if he is
busy with his personal work he will not enable to give complete so he will neglect
or he may face the problem.

Problem in Existing System:

Consumes lot of time

No proper communication
Delay of work
Slow Response

Proposed Solution:
This software help to public, he/she can immediately send complaint to TD
reduces strain(time) of people, sitting at home only he can send complaint to
respective office
public raise the complaints through mobile application or SMS it
stores at Server(TD main office)
Analysis the data received through SMS or website
Store the data in the database and raise the intimation , work

concerned to general engineer/contractor/member

Generate complaint ID send it to concerned public
Update the data through website or SMS
Send the work status to concerned complainant
Tracking the complaint pending

Technology Used
Hardware Requirements:

Operating System

Windows 98/xp ,Windows ME

Pentium 4 and above


1 GB and above

Hard Disk

40GB and above

Software Requirements:
Operating System

Windows XP/2000/Vista

Front End


Back End



WAMP Server

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