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SWOT Analysis of

Indian Economy


1. High pool of labour force.

2. High percentage of cultivated
3. Diversified nature of the

4. Huge English speaking

population, availability of skilled
5.Stably economy, does not get
affected by external changes.

6.Extensive higher education

system, third largest
reservoir engineers.
7. High growth rate of

8. Rapid growth of IT and

BPO sector bringing
valuable foreign exchange.
9. Abundance of natural
 10. Fast growing services sector, which is an
index of a maturing economy.
 11. One of the most widespread banking
networks in the developing world.
 12. Widespread transport system; the
Railways have shown that under good
management they can perform fairly
 13. India has become one of the most
favored destinations for outsourcing activities.
 14.The new sectors such as pharmaceuticals,
nanotechnology, biotechnology,
telecommunication, aviation, manufacturing,
shipbuilding, and tourism would experience
very high rate of growth
Weakness :
 1.Very high percentage of workface
involved in agriculture which
contributes only 23% of GDP.
 2. Around a quarter of a population
below the poverty line.
 3. High unemployment rate.
 4. Poor infrastructure facilities.
5. Low productivity.
6. Huge population leading to
scarcity of resource
7. Red tapism, bureaucracy.
8. Low literacy rates.
9. unequal distribution of
10. Rural-Urban divide, leading
to inequality in living standards.
Opportunities :
 1. Scope for entry of private firms in
various sectors for business.
 2. Inflow of Foreign Direct
investment is likely to increase in
many sectors.
 3. Huge foreign exchange earning
prospect in IT and ITES sector.
 4. Investment in R&D, engineering
 5. Area of biotechnology.
 6.Huge population of indians in
foreign countries (NRI’s).
 7.Huge domestic market :
Opportunities for MNC’s for sales.
8. Huge natural gas deposits found
in india, natural gas as a fuel has
tremendous opportunities.
9. Huge agricultural resources,
fishing, plantation crops, livestock.
Threats :
1. High fiscal deficit.
2. Threat of government
intervention in some states.
3. Volatility in crude oil prices
across the world.
4. Growing import bill.

5. Population explosion, rate

of growth of population still
6. Agriculture excessively
dependent on monsoons.

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