Westward Expansion

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Westward Expansion

By. Cynthia Franco

Westward expansion was from

April 30th 1803 Louisiana was
purached by Thomas jefferson

May 14th 1804 Lewis and Clark expedition began and their journey near

St. Louis, Missouri

Thomas Jefferson president that asked lewis to explore the louisiana
Stephen F. Austin is known as the father of Texas. Austins efforts won
the revolution of Texas and its independence from Mexico
James K.Polk 11th president of the United State of America. His
strong voice Help the United state gain oregon territory

Sacagawea helped Lewis and Clark travel west from 1804-1806

York was Clarks slave the only african american traveling with lewis
and clark during the expedition.

Abraham Lincoln one of the many kids who moved west with their
parents ,his mother died when he was 9 so he was forced to grow up fast.
later he became a president

Louisiana purchase
The Louisiana Purchase (1803) was a land
deal between the United States and France, in
which the U.S. acquired approximately
827,000 square miles of land west of the
Mississippi River for $15 million.


In May, 1804, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark set out on an

amazing expedition across the Louisiana Territory. These two American
heroes faced unknown people, harsh conditions and unexplored lands to
secure a place in history as two of the world's greatest explorers.

Lewis and another hunter kill a large grizzly bear, which had never before
been described for science.
Clark names the Judith River in honor of a girl back in Virginia he
hopes to marry.
Lewis and Clark are treated as national heroes they return to
washington dc. They received double the pay and 320 acres of land as a
reward the captains get 1600 acres lewis is named governor of the
louisiana territory , Clark is made indian agent for the West and brigadier
general of the territory militia

The Native Americans were thrown to a new place where the land was
dried and the very few water they had was filled with infection that were
The americans did something bad which was not far to the natives

I see that manifest destiny as an excuse for the americans to act selfish .
they believed that it was an excuse americans used to allow them push their
culture and beliefs on everyone in north america . Historians believed that
expansion was for the good of the country and was more the right of the
people . Americans wanted more land ,and this was a good excuse for
taking it

Manifest destiny was a good thing for the americans and a horrible
thing for the native americans . i think that the americans are very selfish
for taking there land there was plenty of land they could bye but instead
they thrown away the native americans and gave them a horrible place for
them to live in and you couldn't really

Technology definitely was a good thing for westward expansion

because they build railroad and on 1869 the transcontinental railroad was
They also completed the transcontinental telegraph was completed on 1861

Westward expansion was definitely a good thing for the united state
because we know have new land which made the united state bigger. United
state would get stronger and powerful with new people and we should thank
Thomas Jefferson,York,Sacagawea, James k. Polk , many other people
from 1803-1869 but we especially thank Lewis and Clark

Was the westward expansion fair not at all the American were taking
control and the Native American lost lots land in which they called home
and were forced to move to someplace they never even seen before the
Native Americans had every right to want to start war or have hate for the
Americans .

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