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RE: General Enquiry

James Ellis (james.ellis@hanningfield.com)


;SalesGroup@hanningfield.com :
12:45 2016 11

,Dear Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Awad

.Thank you for your email

To summarise, they offer the same function and milling action (raised rasp surface for milling hard products). However, the
C-type conidur screen can be produced with a smaller hole-size than a G-type grater screen - therefore you can achieve a
:smaller particle on a C-type screen. Please see detailed information herewith

/G-Type Screen: http://www.hanningfield.com/glossary/grater-hole-screen

/C-Type Screen: http://www.hanningfield.com/glossary/conidur-hole-screen

We are able to offer both types of screen, as well as conical mill machines (all manufactured by Hanningfield in the United

.Please let me know if you need any further assistance

,Kind regards

James Ellis
Direct Dial: +44 (0) 1702 209948


E: james.ellis@hanningfield.com

549777 1702 (0) 44+

W: www.hanningfield.com

501061 7545 (0) 44+

:T el

Han n in gfie ld Proce ss S yste m s Ltd

Millhead Way 17
P urdeys Industrial Estate
SS4 1LB 1/2


United Kingdom
Conveying and Transfer | Milling and Sizing | Lifting and Handling | Containment

Booth 2954

Ne w York , 26-28 April 2016

Visit u s at

[From: Hanningfield.com [mailto:website@hanningfield.com

Sent: 10 April 2016 19:58
To: Info; hanningfield@hotmail.co.uk
Subject: General Enquiry

:An enquiry has been made on your website. The following information has been received
Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Awad
(Conical Mills (Under-Driven
I am asking about the difference between C-Type & G-Type sieves of cone mill used in
Pharmaceutical industry ? Would you please send me a comparison between both types (C-Type
& G-Type sieves) via the E-mail ? Thanks a lot
:Country Contacting

This email was sent by Hanningfield

Address: www.hanningfield.com

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