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Business Communication Today, 12e (Bovee/Thill)

Chapter 19 Applying and Interviewing for Employment

1) The approach you take for an application letter depends on
A) how badly you want the job.
B) whether or not your rsum is up to date.
C) how long you have been on the job market.
D) whether it is a solicited letter or an unsolicited letter.
Answer: D
Explanation: D) A solicited letter approach is used when you are applying for a job that has been
identified either through an ad or a personal connection. An unsolicited approach is the
equivalent to prospecting for a job, trying to see if you can create an opening for yourself within
the company.
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Objective: 1
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to plan, write and complete a rsum and/or an application
2) Accompany your rsum with ________ when you're responding to an identified job opening.
A) a message of inquiry
B) an unsolicited follow-up letter
C) a solicited application letter
D) a letter of intent
Answer: C
Explanation: C) When you're responding to an identified job opening, send a solicited
application message along with your rsum.
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Objective: 1
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to plan, write and complete a rsum and/or an application

3) The ________ must clearly state your reason for writing and give the recipient a compelling
reason to keep reading.
A) career summary on your rsum
B) opening paragraph of your application letter
C) word cloud in your employment portfolio
D) keyword cluster included in your rsum
Answer: B
Explanation: B) The opening paragraph of your application letter must clearly convey the reason
you're writing and give the recipient a good reason to keep reading.
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Objective: 1
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to plan, write and complete a rsum and/or an application
4) Unsolicited application letters to prospective employers
A) require more research than solicited letters.
B) irritate the personnel office staff.
C) are never read.
D) are none of the above.
Answer: A
Explanation: A) Unsolicited letters require a great deal of research. To capture the interest of a
company without having prior contact with them requires the applicant to get an excellent feel of
what the company does and how he or she might fit in. This can only be done through
researching the company via websites, blogs, news articles, and other forms of information.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 1
AACSB: Analytical Skills
Learning Outcome: Explain how to plan, write and complete a rsum and/or an application

5) You'll impress prospective employers with your application letter if you

A) use a flashy, eye-catching layout that demonstrates how you might be able to upgrade the
company's correspondence.
B) show that you know something about the company and its place in the market.
C) use a personal, "chummy" tone.
D) do all of the above.
Answer: B
Explanation: B) Companies are generally looking for only one type of personsomeone who is
professional, thorough, and competent. The only way you can demonstrate these qualities to a
company who doesn't know you is to show that you can go about researching them in a
professional, thorough, and competent way. The more you show you know about the company,
the more impressed they will be with your letter.
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Objective: 1
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to plan, write and complete a rsum and/or an application
6) The best salutation for an application letter is
A) "Dear Hiring Manager."
B) "To Whom It May Concern."
C) one that addresses a specific individual by name.
D) one that addresses a specific individual by first name only.
Answer: C
Explanation: C) Addressing your letter to a specific person means that it is much more likely
that your letter will be read and seriously consideredas opposed to being tossed in a pile with
other applicants. Individuals are much more likely to respond when they are addressed as
individuals, not as generic titles.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 1
AACSB: Analytical Skills
Learning Outcome: Explain how to plan, write and complete a rsum and/or an application

7) Because application letters are ________ messages, the AIDA approach is ideally suited for
A) positive
B) negative
C) persuasive
D) routine
Answer: C
Explanation: C) Any persuasive document can employ the AIDA approach successfully
capturing the audience's attention, creating interest, cultivating desire, and inspiring action. Since
an application letter is an attempt to be considered for a job, it clearly qualifies as a persuasive
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 1
AACSB: Use of IT
Learning Outcome: Explain how to plan, write and complete a rsum and/or an application
8) Which of the following would be the best opening sentence for a solicited application letter?
A) "I am clearly the best person for the job you've advertised."
B) "I'm sure you get these letters all the time, but I hope you'll read mine carefully."
C) "I need a job, and I am very hard worker, so in my opinion you can't go wrong in hiring me
for any number of different positions."
D) "Based on my extensive training in forensic accounting, I think I may be of help to your
rapidly expanding forensic department."
Answer: D
Explanation: D) The key to catching the recipient's attention is to be able to offer something that
could be of potential benefit to the company. Extensive training in forensic accounting is
something that clearly could benefit a company that specializes in that field. The knowledge that
the company's forensic department is expanding shows that the applicant has done her
homework. The combination of possible benefit and an applicant who demonstrates knowledge
of the company is highly likely to pique the interest of the recipient.
Diff: 3
Skill: Application
Objective: 1
AACSB: Analytical Skills
Learning Outcome: Explain how to plan, write and complete a rsum and/or an application

9) In the middle section of a job application letter,

A) present your strongest selling points in terms of their potential benefit to the organization.
B) include your entire work history, in case the employer doesn't have time to review your
C) address your shortcomings but stress that you're willing to learn.
D) ask for an interview and include your contact information.
Answer: A
Explanation: A) In the middle section, build interest in you as a job candidate. Present what you
can do to benefit the company, and support your assertions with strong reasoning and details.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 1
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to plan, write and complete a rsum and/or an application
10) In the final paragraph of your application letter you should
A) show the reader you mean business and demand an interview.
B) say something philosophical.
C) request an interview and provide contact information.
D) cover your bases by saying something like, "If I've left anything important out, I'm sorry."
Answer: C
Explanation: C) The final paragraph has one primary function: to initiate action on the part of
the recipient, usually in the form of scheduling an interview. Provide as much information as
possible about yourself for the recipient to make the interview easy to set up. For example, offer
to be ready to come in at the recipient's earliest convenience.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 1
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to plan, write and complete a rsum and/or an application

11) If your application letter and rsum fail to bring a response within a week or so after the
position close date,
A) call the highest-ranking employee at the company and complain that you are being
B) follow up by email or telephone.
C) cross this particular job possibility off your list.
D) send another copy of your application letter and rsum.
Answer: B
Explanation: B) You may feel awkward in contacting the recipient, but it is important to push
ahead if you haven't heard a response after a reasonable amount of time. Keep in mind that most
employers are extremely busy and may have intended to respond to you but just haven't gotten
around to it. In that case, you are doing the recipient a favor with your follow-up. Remember
the squeaky wheel is the one that gets the attention.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 1
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
12) Most employers interview an applicant ________ before deciding to make a job offer.
A) once
B) multiple times
C) via email
D) anonymously
Answer: B
Explanation: B) Employers want to get a three-dimensional view of their applicants before
deciding to take them on. This can require multiple interviews. So don't be discouraged if instead
of being hired right away you are called for a second interviewit's a sign of keen interest.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 2
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an

13) An employment interview is

A) an unplanned dialogue with a representative from a potential employer.
B) a monologue about your knowledge, skills, and abilities.
C) a formal meeting during which you and the interviewer ask questions and exchange
D) a one-way communication pipeline in which the interviewer asks questions and you answer
Answer: C
Explanation: C) An employment interview is a formal meeting in which you and a potential
employer ask questions and exchange information.
Diff: 2
Skill: Critical Thinking
Objective: 2
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
14) During a behavioral interview, you'll be asked to
A) answer a specific sequence of questions.
B) deal with questions that are intended to upset you.
C) relate specific incidents or experiences from your past.
D) perform a number of work-related tasks.
Answer: C
Explanation: C) In a behavioral interview, you're asked to describe how you handled situations
from your past.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept/Application
Objective: 2
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
15) During ________ the interviewer will adapt the line of questioning according to the answers
you give and the questions you ask.
A) a stress interview
B) a behavioral interview
C) a situational interview
D) an open-ended interview
Answer: D
Explanation: D) In an open-ended interview, the interviewer adapts his or her questions based on
the answers you give and the questions you ask.
Diff: 2
Skill: Critical Thinking
Objective: 2
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an

16) During the selection stage of the interview processes, you should
A) ask the interviewer when you can start the job.
B) differentiate yourself from the other candidates.
C) use short answers to respond to the interviewer's questions.
D) relate your knowledge, skills, and experience to the organizations' needs.
Answer: D
Explanation: D) During the selection stage, continue to show how your skills and attributes can
help the company.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept/Application
Objective: 2
AACSB: Reflective Thinking skills
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
17) Employers use preliminary screening interviews to
A) find out as much as possible about each job candidate just in case the person they are
interested in turns them down.
B) give employment tests.
C) filter out applicants who are unqualified or otherwise not a good fit for the organization.
D) offer jobs to the best candidates.
Answer: C
Explanation: C) Companies are looking for a good fit, both for the job at hand and within their
general corporate culture. To find the best fit, companies use the screening interview process to
weed out individuals who are not well-suited to their way of doing things.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 2
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an

18) During a screening interview, your best approach is to

A) ask as many questions as possible.
B) keep your answers short, providing a few key details to distinguish you from other candidates.
C) expand on your answers as much as possible so that the interviewer knows you are at ease.
D) keep as low a profile as you can; this is not the time to try to differentiate yourself from other
Answer: B
Explanation: B) During screening interviews, time is limited so answers should be brief. The
goal of screening interviews is to weed out individuals who are a poor match for the company, so
researching the company can pay off if you can provide a few responses that show knowledge of
the company and demonstrate how you'll fit in with their goals.
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Objective: 2
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
19) Your goal in the initial screening interview is to
A) explain your greatest strengths in depth.
B) distinguish yourself from other candidates.
C) clinch the deal.
D) show the interviewer that your personality fits well with the job.
Answer: B
Explanation: B) Interviewers during a screening interview are looking for ways that you stand
out. Do you have special skills that could be valuable to the company? Do you have any creative
ideas that you can share with the company regarding its products or marketing? Anything that
makes you look special in the eyes of the interviewer can help you make the cut.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 2
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an

20) In the second stage of interviews, your best approach is to

A) stick to brief yes and no answers to the interview questions.
B) relate your training and experience to the organization's needs.
C) inquire about salary and benefits.
D) do all the above.
Answer: B
Explanation: B) During the second stage, the company looks to select the best candidates from
the group of qualifiers. The key in this situation is to be flexible and show that your skills and
experience fit what the company is looking for. Does the interviewer seem to be interested in
innovation and new ways of thinking? Then subtly shade your answers to emphasize creativity.
Alternatively, if the interviewer seems to be looking for specific skills such as analysis, focus on
your excellent problem-solving ability.
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Objective: 2
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
21) If you are asked back for a final job interview, you should expect the interviewer to focus on
A) your previous job experience.
B) selling you on the advantages of joining the organization.
C) your educational background.
D) checking your references.
Answer: B
Explanation: B) During the final stage of the interview process, the company has decided that it
wants you. Now you are the "buyer" and the company is the "seller." Try to stay relaxed and
focused while you listen to their pitch. Remember to think critically and ask good questionsif
you start acting smug or self-satisfied, the company could still change its mind and decide not to
make you an offer.
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Objective: 2
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an


22) Interviews in which job candidates are asked how they would respond to various
hypothetical situations on the job are known as ________ interviews.
A) stress
B) structured
C) screening
D) situational
Answer: D
Explanation: D) In a situational interview, the interviewer might pose a problem that you might
encounter on the job and ask you how you would handle the situation. Keep in mind that the
interviewer is trying to test two things herefirst, if you can solve the problem that she poses,
and second, how cool you can stay under pressure.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 2
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
23) Which type of interview would be likely to include a question such as, "You seem wholly
unqualified for this job, and your answers so far have been terrible. Why should we continue
with this?"
A) Stress
B) Structured
C) Screening
D) Situational
Answer: A
Explanation: A) The point of a stress interview is to ask unsettling questions and see how you
handle them. Most interviewers are looking for subjects to stay even-tempered and to be able to
make the best of a difficult situation.
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Objective: 2
AACSB: Analytical Skills
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an


24) When you're participating in a video interview with a prospective employer

A) focus on your computer screen.
B) read from a prepared script.
C) speak to the camera.
D) multitask via Twitter and Facebook.
Answer: C
Explanation: C) In a video interview, remember to sit up straight and focus on the camera.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 2
AACSB: Communication Abilities, Use of IT
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
25) In general, employers are looking for two things: proof that a candidate can handle the
responsibilities of the position and
A) excellent references.
B) high employment test scores.
C) evidence that the person will fit in with the organization.
D) long-term commitment to the organization.
Answer: C
Explanation: C) Like people, different companies tend to have different personalities. Some
companies, for example, are highly competitive, others thrive on teamwork. During the interview
the interviewer will be looking to see if your personality is a good match for the company's
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 2
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
26) If you're asked to submit to alcohol testing and drug screening during the hiring process,
remember that
A) only government agencies can require those tests.
B) a majority of companies require all applicants to submit to such tests.
C) what you do in your free time will not affect how you'll perform on the job.
D) the Supreme Court has determined that those tests violate workplace privacy laws.
Answer: B
Explanation: B) Most companies perform some level of drug and alcohol testing, in order to
promote workplace safety, maintain productivity, and forestall lawsuits.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 2
AACSB: Communication Abilities, Ethical Understanding and Reasoning Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an

27) When responding to questions during a job interview, you should

A) stick to neutral topics such as the weather.
B) look for opportunities to frame your answers as brief stories rather than simple declarative
C) limit yourself to yes or no answers only.
D) not be afraid to ask, "Could we move on?" if the employer asks a question you don't like.
Answer: B
Explanation: B) The narrative structure of a story is more likely to stick in the interviewer's
mind than a simple answer to a question. For that reason, try to frame your answers in story
form. Be extremely careful to keep your stories short.
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Objective: 3
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
28) When you're staging mock interviews to polish your interview style, pay attention to
A) your nonverbal behavior.
B) the quality of your voice.
C) the length and clarity of your answers.
D) all of the above.
Answer: D
Explanation: D) After each practice session, evaluate the length and clarity of your answers,
your nonverbal behavior, and the quality of your voice.
Diff: 2
Skill: Synthesis
Objective: 3
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an


29) For most interviews, asking your own questions is

A) necessary only if you are interviewing for a management position.
B) risky and a bad idea unless you are certain the interview is going well.
C) just as important as answering the employer's questions effectively.
D) usually viewed as a sign of arroganceafter all, the employer is in charge.
Answer: C
Explanation: C) Keep in mind that an interview is a two-way conversation. The interviewer is
looking for you to ask questions that show insight into the goals and workings of the
organization. It is usually a good idea to plan some of your questions ahead of time.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 3
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
30) When you're responding to questions during an interview, you're more likely to answer them
successfully if you
A) begin speaking before the employer finishes asking the question.
B) reply in a terse, matter-of-fact style throughout the interview.
C) pause for a moment before answering each question.
D) treat all questions as an opportunity to clarify your personal preferences.
Answer: C
Explanation: C) Use your pauses to gather your thoughts regarding the question. Sometimes just
a brief delay can help you see the best way to respond to a question.
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Objective: 3
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
31) When choosing the clothing you will wear for an interview, the best policy is to
A) pick something that will make you stand out from the crowd.
B) wear only bright colors.
C) dress as comfortably as possible.
D) dress conservatively.
Answer: D
Explanation: D) Your dress should be conservative in every wayeven if the people in the
company are dressed casually. You will have plenty of time after you are hired to express your
"true" personality. For the interview, the watchwords are conservative and professional.
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Objective: 3
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an

32) A recent survey of hiring professionals revealed that

A) most employers understand that candidates may need to answer their mobile phones during
the interview, and that doing so has no effect on the outcome.
B) candidates who answer mobile phone calls during interviews are more likely to get the job
because they are perceived as busy and important.
C) answering mobile phone calls or texting in the middle of an interview is the most common
mistake candidates make during their interviews.
D) candidates who warn the interviewer ahead of time that they might have to answer a call
during the interview have a better chance of getting the job than those who do not.
Answer: C
Explanation: C) Answering phones can be almost a reflex with some people. The only way to
make sure you are not interrupted by a call or message is to turn off your phone before you enter
the interview room.
Diff: 1
Skill: Application
Objective: 3
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
33) When going to a job interview for a graphic artist job, you may choose
A) to take along samples of your work.
B) not to bring copies of your rsum; you can assume the interviewer already has one.
C) not to be more than five or ten minutes late.
D) do all of the above.
Answer: A
Explanation: A) Bring anything that you think is relevant to an interview. If you are a designer,
bring some of your designs. If you create computer apps, bring samples of your apps. Be sure
that anything you bring is relevant to the job you are applying for.
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Objective: 3
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an


34) If you are a smoker and must go to a job interview

A) ask the interviewer politely if you can smoke.
B) smoke only if the interviewer smokes.
C) refrain from smoking before the interview.
D) smoke just prior to the interview to calm yourself.
Answer: C
Explanation: C) In today's world, many people frown on smoking. Nonsmokers can usually
smell smoke on your clothing if you have smoked just before the interview and may consciously
or unconsciously hold that against you.
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Objective: 3
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
35) Many interviewers begin making a decision about the applicant
A) within the first 20 seconds of the interview.
B) during the question-and-answer stage.
C) during the final minutes of the interview.
D) after the candidate has left.
Answer: A
Explanation: A) Fair or not, many interviewers make up their minds about a candidate
prematurely. For that reason, it is important to be in "performance mode" even before the
interview officially starts. Don't let your guard down if the interviewer wants to make small talk.
Make sure that you are "on" during the entire interview process, from start to finish.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 4
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
36) During the question-and-answer stage of an interview
A) control the conversation and stress your achievements.
B) let the interviewer lead the conversation.
C) respond to all questions without hesitation.
D) don't ask any questions of your own.
Answer: B
Explanation: B) Let the interviewer led the conversation and never answer a question before he
or she has finished asking it.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept/Application
Objective: 4
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an

37) The longest phase of a job interview is usually

A) the warm-up.
B) the question-and-answer stage.
C) the close.
D) none; all are about the same length.
Answer: B
Explanation: B) During the question-and-answer stage you might be asked about qualifications,
points in your resume, and how you handle situations. You can also ask questions yourself during
this phase of the interview.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 4
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
38) The employer should not ask you questions about
A) your marital status.
B) your ethnicity.
C) your religion.
D) any of the above.
Answer: D
Explanation: D) Race, religion, age, and ethnicity are all out of bounds as interview questions.
Age can be an exception if you're clearly younger than forty or older than seventy.
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Objective: 4
AACSB: Ethical Understanding and Reasoning Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an


39) If your interviewer asks you a potentially unlawful question,

A) you are required by law to end the interview and report it to the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission.
B) it is often a sign that the interview is going well.
C) you may choose to answer or not to answer.
D) you should ignore it unless it happens more than once.
Answer: C
Explanation: C) You are free to report the unlawful question after the interview, but in most
cases it will do little except cause problems for the interviewer and the company. If you end up
getting an offer from the company, think carefully before accepting.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 4
AACSB: Ethical Understanding and Reasoning Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
40) When a job interviewer indicates the interview is coming to a close, you should
A) try to prolong the interview, since the more the interviewer interacts with you, the better
impression you'll make.
B) leave as quickly as possible.
C) find out what will happen next.
D) press for an immediate decision on whether or not you got the job.
Answer: C
Explanation: C) You should not expect the interviewer to make a decision on the spot. You
should expect the interviewer to explain the next step, including when and how you will hear the
company's decision.
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Objective: 4
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an


41) When the interviewer makes an offer to you

A) you need to decide whether or not to accept the offer immediately.
B) say yes immediately no matter how much she offers.
C) thank the interviewer and inform her that you will take some time to make your decision.
D) hold out for more money, no matter how much she offers.
Answer: C
Explanation: C) Accepting a job offer is a big decision and you should be allowed to take time
for proper consideration of the decision. Therefore, the best option is to thank the interviewer and
inform her that you will give her an answer as soon as you can.
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Objective: 4
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
42) If the interviewer makes you a job offer and you begin to discuss salary you should
A) be sure to raise the topic before the interviewer.
B) pick a salary number that is 20 percent higher than the industry standard.
C) say that your salary requirements are negotiable.
D) do all of the above.
Answer: C
Explanation: C) When it comes to salary demands, rushing into a decision is a mistake. For the
moment, the best thing you can do is announce that your salary requirements are negotiable, and
that you expect the salary to be competitive with industry standards. Once the interview is over
and you have had time to consider and research the situation, you should initiate a salary
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Objective: 4
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an


43) Within two days after an employment interview, you should

A) have a friend call to see whether you got the job.
B) write a follow-up letter (using the format for persuasive messages) and include another copy
of your rsum.
C) send the interviewer a short note of thanks.
D) assume that you didn't get the job if you haven't heard anything.
Answer: C
Explanation: C) Even if you don't think you got the job, be sure to send a short note to the
interviewer, thanking him for his time. Showing that you are polite and professional almost
always pays dividends. For example, though you may not have been chosen for this job, the
interviewer might see you as a good candidate for other positions that might come up in the
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Objective: 5
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
44) You could send ________ after an interview if you haven't received the interviewer's
decision by the promised date or within two weeks.
A) a thank-you note
B) another version of your rsum
C) a message of inquiry
D) a message of intent
Answer: C
Explanation: C) If you're not advised of the interviewer's decision by the promised date or
within two weeks, you might make an inquiry.
Diff: 2
Skill: Critical Thinking
Objective: 5
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an


45) Use the model for positive messages when you write a
A) letter of resignation.
B) letter of acceptance.
C) letter declining a job offer.
D) none of the above.
Answer: B
Explanation: B) When you're responding to a job offer that you want to accept, base your
acceptance message on the model for positive messages.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept/Application
Objective: 5
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
46) Unsolicited application letters are sent in response to advertised job openings.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: When you send an unsolicited application letter, you are "prospecting" for an
unadvertised job opportunity.
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Objective: 1
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to plan, write and complete a rsum and/or an application
47) An unsolicited job application letter should begin with a statement designed to get the
reader's attention.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: In an unsolicited job application letter, you are "selling" yourself, so catching the
attention of your recipient is crucial. If you can arouse interest, the recipient is likely to read the
rest of your letter and spend some time considering whether her company has a place for
someone like you.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 1
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to plan, write and complete a rsum and/or an application


48) An application letter can follow the AIDA format for persuasive messages.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Whether solicited or unsolicited, an application letter is clearly a persuasive
document so it can follow an AIDA model. AIDA stands for: attention, interest, desire, and
action. In an ideal situation, you need to grab the attention of the reader, build interest in
yourself, stimulate desire to find out more about you, and provoke action to write back to you
and schedule an interview.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 1
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to plan, write and complete a rsum and/or an application
49) In the middle part of an application letter, you should spell out your "selling points" and
other potential benefits to your employer.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Once you have attracted the attention of the recipient in your opening paragraph,
the middle section of the letter needs to provide the details needed to build a case that you are
someone who merits serious consideration. Focus on how you might be able to help the recipient
in some way, using the skills, abilities, and experience you have.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 1
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to plan, write and complete a rsum and/or an application
50) In the final paragraph of your application letter, you should forcefully demand an interview.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: The goal of the final paragraph is to make a final pitch for yourself, and to initiate
action on the part of the recipient, preferably in the form of the scheduling of an interview. Make
sure you make it easy for the recipient to respond by providing several ways in which you can be
available: in person, by telephone, as part of a group, and so on. Though your ultimate goal here
is an interview, any kind of additional contact should be considered a success, because it allows
you to get your "foot in the door."
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Objective: 1
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to plan, write and complete a rsum and/or an application


51) In application letters it is acceptable to mention that you will follow up with a phone call in a
few days.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Announcing that you will follow up with a phone call is a confident move. If your
letter has managed to arouse the interest of your recipient, your call is likely to be answered.
Otherwise, don't be surprised if your call is routed to voicemail.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 1
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
52) Many employers interview an applicant multiple times before deciding whether to offer a
person a job.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: For good jobs, expect more than one interview before the employer makes an offer.
In today's job market, companies like to make sure that you fit in before they make an
investment in you.
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Objective: 2
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
53) Preliminary screening interviews are often conducted via telephone or Skype.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Preliminary screening interviews are used to weed out inappropriate candidates
and assemble a pool of qualified candidates. Since there are often dozens of candidates for these
interviews, they are frequently conducted from remote locations via telephone, Skype, or similar
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 2
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an


54) One challenge in a screening interview is to keep your answers short while distinguishing
yourself from other candidates.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: In a screening interview time is short so you do not get a chance to provide lengthy
answers. At the same time, you want to use the interview to show that you stand out from the
field of candidates.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 2
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
55) During a stress interview, you might be asked pointed questions designed to anger or unsettle
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: The purpose of a stress interview is to see how you respond to stressful situations.
The interviewer is looking for you to be cool and calm in difficult situations.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 2
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
56) You should prepare for a video interview in much the same way you would prepare for an inperson interview.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: A video or phone interview requires pretty much the same preparation that a live
interview requires. With a video interview, you should take time to make sure that you are
comfortable with the equipment and have identified a good camera angle. For example, don't
place a bright window behind you during the interview because it will cause you to be backlit
and your face will appear dark and hard to discern during the interview.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 2
AACSB: Use of IT
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an


57) During the question-and-answer phase of an interview, keep your answers short and to the
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: As much as possible, avoid one-word "yes" or "no" responses during this phase.
Instead, use this opportunity to expand on your positive qualities and overcome negative
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Objective: 2
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
58) When applying for jobs, you should assume that every interested employer will conduct a
general online search on you.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: A typical background check will verify college transcripts, credit records, and
social networking sites to make sure you don't have any moral, legal, or ethical issues. You can
avoid problems by doing a self-check and correcting any issues that come up before prospective
employers have a chance to see them.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 2
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
59) Part of preparing for a job interview involves anticipating the questions that will be asked
and rehearsing answers to each one.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Questions are obviously hard to predict, but most interviewers rely on at least some
stock questions, such as, "Where do you want to be five years from now?" or "How do you think
you can help this company?" Beyond that, it is helpful to think in general categories about how
you will respond to questions about such topics as: your qualifications, your past employment,
your special skills and abilities, and your character and sense of integrity.
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Objective: 3
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an


60) Staging mock interviews can help you identify undesirable nonverbal behaviors and speech
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Mock interviews can help you get comfortable with the interview format and get
used to answering the kinds of questions you will face. If possible, get someone you don't know
very well to pose as the interviewer to add realism to your session.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 3
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
61) Part of your preparation for job interviews is an evaluation of your vocal tone and speaking
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Your speaking style can be a crucial element to your success in an interview. You
may want to videotape yourself so you can work on your delivery, tone, and style. In general,
most people are helped in interviews if they are able to slow down and think about their answers
before they begin giving them.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 3
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
62) The appropriate clothing for most job interviews is something conservative, such as a dark
blue suit.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Conservative dress is mandatory for a job interview, no matter what the dress style
is for the company. Your goal in dress and grooming is to present a thoroughly professional
Diff: 1
Skill: Application
Objective: 3
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an


63) It's a good idea to take extra copies of your rsum with you to an interview.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Your interviewer should already have a copy of your rsum in most cases.
However, you may be introduced to other individuals in the companysuch as the department
head of where you might workduring your interview, so it could be useful to be able to hand
them a printed rsum.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 3
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
64) Most interviewers will make allowances for applicants to be a few minutes late for their
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Being late to an interview appointment is a major mistake. It signals disrespect for
both the interviewer personally and the company in general. More importantly, being late to an
interview marks you as someone who is unprofessional that doesn't understand how the business
world works.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 3
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
65) If you get off to a bad start in a job interview, you can usually turn things around with an
impressive close.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Keep in mind that many interviewers make up their mind about a candidate during
the first few seconds of the interview. So be determined to get off to a good start.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 4
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an


66) Body language is particularly important during the warm-up phase of a job interview.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Body language is critical for giving signals to the interviewer that you can fit into
the situation. Sit up straight, but avoid seeming rigid. Think of the interview as an "athletic"
event in which you need to have your body poised, yet highly alert. Maintain natural eye contact,
and avoid fidgeting or indulging in nervous habits.
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Objective: 4
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
67) It is potentially illegal for an interviewer to ask about your religious affiliation or marital
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Race, religion, marital status, and ethnicity are all out of bounds as interview
questions. Theoretically, you can refuse to answer these kinds of questions, but practically
speaking, the situation may call for you to answer the question to avoid jeopardizing your
chances for a job. If such questions arise, consider taking action after the interview has ended.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 4
AACSB: Ethical Understanding and Reasoning Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
68) At the close of an interview, you should impress the interviewer with your assertiveness by
pressing for an immediate decision.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Pressing for an immediate decision is likely to make you seem pushy and overly
aggressiveit could even cause the interviewer to change her mind about you and retract an
offer she was otherwise going to make. Instead of pressing for an immediate decision, simply
inquire about when the decision will be made and how you will be notified.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 4
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an


69) A job interviewer will expect you to raise the issue of salary.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: You are not expected to raise salary issues during the interview. Wait for the
interviewer to bring up the subject after a job offer has been made.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 4
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
70) You've just finished a job interview, and you know that you're not going to get the job. So,
don't worry about sending a thank-you message to the interviewer.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Be polite and professional in all of your interactions when job hunting. That means
sending a thank-you note, even if you feel that you have no chance of getting the job.
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Objective: 5
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
71) ________ interviews, such as those on college campuses, are a means of eliminating
unqualified applicants and identifying promising candidates.
Answer: Screening
Explanation: Screening interviews canvass large numbers of job seekers for the purpose of
assembling a pool of candidates who meet all of the basic qualifications for the job.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 2
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
72) In ________ interviews, the interviewer controls the situation by asking a series of prepared
questions in a predetermined order.
Answer: structured
Explanation: Structured interviews are common when interviews are conducted with multiple
candidates for the same position. Asking the same questions in the same order of all candidates
allows the interviewer to be able to compare answers side by side.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 2
AACSB: Analytical Skills
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an

73) In ________-________ interviews, the interviewer poses broad questions and encourages the
applicant to talk freely.
Answer: open-ended
Explanation: The answers of the interview subject guide the interview during an open-ended
interview. The interviewer conducts the session like a conversation, using answers to bridge from
one topic to another.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 2
AACSB: Analytical Skills
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
74) In ________ interviews, several candidates are interviewed simultaneously.
Answer: group
Explanation: The purpose of a group interview is two-fold. First, it allows the interviewer to
become acquainted with the candidates in person. Second, it allows the interviewer to observe
how candidates behave in the presence of potential peers.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 2
AACSB: Analytical Skills
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
75) In ________ interviews, candidates are asked pointed questions designed to upset or unsettle
Answer: stress
Explanation: Stress interviews are designed to put candidates into upsetting situations to see
how they respond to adversity.
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Objective: 2
AACSB: Analytical Skills
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an


76) In ________ interviews, candidates are asked how they would handle hypothetical work
Answer: situational
Explanation: As an example, in a situational interview a candidate for an executive position
might be asked how she would handle a situation in which a talented member of the company
needed to be fired for ethical violations.
Diff: 3
Skill: Concept
Objective: 2
AACSB: Analytical Skills
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
77) In ________ interviews, candidates are asked to describe real situations in the past and
explain how they responded.
Answer: behavioral
Explanation: In a behavioral interview, the interviewer asks you to relate specific incidents from
your past to interview questions. For example, the interviewer might ask you how you might use
lessons learned from your favorite college professor to solve a vexing problem that involves the
current situation of the company and its products.
Diff: 3
Skill: Concept
Objective: 2
AACSB: Analytical Skills
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
78) ________ language is especially crucial during the warm-up stage of an employment
Answer: Body
Explanation: Positive body language is critical to making a good impression during the allimportant warm-up stage of an interview. Try to sit or stand as erectly as possible while
remaining poised and relaxed. Make appropriate eye contact and avoid all fidgeting and
unnecessary movements.
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Objective: 4
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an


79) Inquiries about an applicant's religious affiliation, national origin, marital status, and so on
are considered to be potentially ________ interview questions.
Answer: unlawful
Explanation: Interviewers are not allowed to ask personal questions about race, age, ethnicity,
sexual orientation, marital status, religious affiliation, or national origin. If they do ask questions
of you on these topics, they are breaking the law.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 4
AACSB: Ethical Understanding and Reasoning Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
80) Following a job interview, you should send a(n) ________-________ message even if you
feel you have little chance of landing the job.
Answer: thank-you
Explanation: An email thanking the interviewer for his or her time will suffice for most
situations. Staying polite and professional is important, even if you think you have no chance to
land the job.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 5
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
81) If you haven't heard from an employer by the promised date or within two weeks after an
interview, you should send a message of ________.
Answer: inquiry
Explanation: The message of inquiry can be sent by email in most cases to find out the status of
your application. The message of inquiry is especially important if you have received an offer
from another company.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 5
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an


82) If you receive a job offer but are waiting to hear from other possible employers, request a
time ________.
Answer: extension
Explanation: When asking for a time extension explain your situation clearly and honestly and
assure the recipient that you will respond by a specific date.
Diff: 3
Skill: Concept
Objective: 5
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
83) When you receive a job offer that you want to accept, you should reply within ________
Answer: five
Explanation: A letter of acceptance officially acknowledges that you have accepted a job. You
may also wish to call your contact person at the company and inform him or her of your
Diff: 3
Skill: Concept
Objective: 5
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
84) A letter declining a job offer follows the organizational model for ________ messages.
Answer: negative
Explanation: Declining a job offer is an example of a message that delivers negative news. Be as
warm and tactful as possible in your letter, leaving the door open for future contact.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 5
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an


85) When resigning from your current job, it is vital to give your employer at least ________
________ notice.
Answer: two weeks
Explanation: Two weeks notice is standard in almost all job categories. Include the final day that
you will be leaving the organization in your resignation letter. Be as polite and tactful as possible
in your letter.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 5
AACSB: Ethical Understanding and Reasoning Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
86) Briefly explain the primary differences between solicited application letters and unsolicited
application letters.
Answer: Whereas a solicited application letter is written in response to an announced job
opening, an unsolicited letter is sent to an organization that has not announced an opening.
Writing unsolicited letters is more challenging because you don't have a position announcement
from which to work.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 1
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to plan, write and complete a rsum and/or an application
87) List the two functions of an application letter's final paragraph.
Answer: This paragraph is designed to (1) ask the reader for a specific action (usually an
interview) and (2) facilitate a reply.
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Objective: 1
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to plan, write and complete a rsum and/or an application
88) Explain the dual purposes of employment interviews.
Answer: The organization is trying to find the best person available for the job, while the
applicant is trying to find the best job for his or her goals and capabilities.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 2
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an


89) Explain what you should strive to achieve during a selection interview.
Answer: You should show keen interest in the job, relate your skills and experience to the
organization's needs, listen attentively, ask insightful questions, and show you've done your
Diff: 3
Skill: Application
Objective: 2
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
90) Briefly explain the difference between a structured interview and an open-ended interview.
Answer: In structured interviews, the employer asks a series of prepared questions in a set order.
In less formal open-ended interviews, the employer asks broad questions, encouraging the
applicant to talk freely.
Diff: 3
Skill: Concept
Objective: 2
AACSB: Analytical Skills
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
91) What two essential questions do employers seek to answer about each candidate in
Answer: Employers seek to answer two questions: (1) Can he or she handle the responsibilities
of the position? and (2) Will the candidate be a good fit with the organization?
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 2
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
92) What six tasks do you need to complete to prepare for a successful job interview?
Answer: (1) Learn about the organization and your interviewers. (2) Think ahead about
questions. (3) Bolster your confidence. (4) Polish your interview style. (5) Present a professional
image. (6) Be ready when you arrive.
Diff: 3
Skill: Synthesis
Objective: 3
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an


93) In evaluating your performance in mock interviews, what sorts of things should you (and
your interview partner) pay particular attention to?
Answer: Critique the quality and length of your answers, your nonverbal behavior, your
speaking voice, your use of filler words (such as "uh" and "um"), and whether or not you pause
to formulate coherent responses before answering.
Diff: 3
Skill: Concept
Objective: 3
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
94) List four guidelines to follow when deciding what to wear for an employment interview.
Answer: (1) Dress conservatively. (2) Wear limited jewelry (men should wear especially little
jewelry). (3) Wear stylish but professional looking shoes. (4) Avoid flamboyant styles, colors,
and prints even in companies where interviewers may dress casually. (Answers may vary.)
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Objective: 3
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
95) List at least five items to you should take to every interview.
Answer: (1) Small notebook, (2) pen, (3) list of the questions you want to ask, (4) several copies
of your rsum, (5) an outline of what you have learned about the organization, (6) any past
correspondence about the position.
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Objective: 3
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an


96) Explain the function of each phase of an application letter written in the AIDA format.
Answer: (1) Getting attention: The opening paragraph of your application letter has two
important jobs to do: clearly stating your reason for writing and giving the recipient a reason to
keep reading. (2) Building interest and increasing desire: The middle section of the application
letter presents your strongest selling points in terms of their potential benefit to the organization,
thereby building interest in you and creating a desire to interview you. (3) Motivating action: The
final paragraph of your application letter has two important functions: to ask the reader for a
specific action and to facilitate a reply. In almost all cases, the action you request is an interview.
Diff: 3
Skill: Concept
Objective: 1
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to plan, write and complete a rsum and/or an application
97) Describe the typical sequence of employment interviews, and what employers tend to look
for at each stage.
Answer: (1) Screening stagethese interviews usually occur on campus or via phone. They are
short; the focus is on screening out unqualified applicants. Try to make yourself memorable
while giving short, relevant examples about your experience. (2) Selection stagethese are
onsite interviews with several employees of the organization. They allow the applicant and the
organization to decide if they will be a good fit for one another. (3) Final stagethis is usually
an interview with a higher-level executive who can make the final decision and negotiate the
terms of an offer.
Diff: 3
Skill: Concept
Objective: 2
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an


98) Describe at least five types of employment interviews.

Answer: (Answers may vary.) (1) Structured interviewsGenerally used in the screening stage,
these interviews ask a series of prepared questions in a set order. All applicants are asked the
same questions, and their answers are compared. (2) Open-ended interviewsApplicants are
asked a series of unstructured, open-ended questions. These interviews are meant to bring out an
applicant's personality and test professional judgment. (3) Panel interviewsDuring this type,
several interviewers ask questions of the candidate during a single session. (4) Group interviews
To judge interpersonal skills, some employers meet with several candidates simultaneously to
see how they interact. (5) Stress interviewsThese interviews try to put applicants in a difficult
or stressful situation and then observe how well they can handle that. (6) Video interviews
These interviews are set up via videoconferencing to save time and money. (7) Situational
interviewsThis is a hands-on meeting between an employer who needs a job done and a
worker who must be fully prepared to do the work. Interviewers describe a situation and ask
applicants how they would handle it. (8) Online interviewsThese can range from simple
structured questionnaires and tests to sophisticated job simulations.
Diff: 3
Skill: Synthesis
Objective: 2
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an
99) Describe each of the three stages of a successful employment interview.
Answer: (1) The warm-up: This is the most important stage. Interviewers will make important
decisions about you based on their first impression. Sell yourself nonverbally. Offer a firm but
gentle handshake; use the interviewer's name; smile. Let the interviewer begin the discussion. (2)
The question-and-answer stage: Let the interviewer lead the conversation. Try to tailor your
answers to make a favorable impression. Be sure to ask questions of your own about the job and
the company. Explain how you will be able to help the company meet its needs. (3) The close:
Pay attention to the interviewer's signals that the interview is coming to a close. Thank the
interviewer and express your enthusiasm for the job and the organization.
Diff: 3
Skill: Synthesis
Objective: 4
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an


100) Describe at least three common employment messages that follow an interview.
Answer: (1) Thank-you letter: Send this type of message within two days of the interview.
Acknowledge the interviewer's time and courtesy and express your continued interest in the job.
(2) Message of inquiry: If you have not heard back from the company within two weeks of your
interview, you should send them a letter asking to be notified about the decision. Doing so shows
that you are still interested in the position. (3) Request for a time extension: If you receive an
offer while still waiting to hear back from another interview, you may write to the offering
company and ask for a time extension on your decision. (4) Letter of acceptance: Like the job
offer itself, this message is legally binding. (5) Letter declining a job offer: The indirect approach
for negative messages is ideal for this type of letter.
Diff: 3
Skill: Concept
Objective: 5
AACSB: Communication Abilities
Learning Outcome: Explain how to prepare for, conduct yourself during, and follow up after an


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