Lesson Plan 1 Business

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Subject: Business Studies

Group: 1st year

Lesson Plan Number: 1

Topic: Intro to Commercial Banks


No. of Students: 20
Date: 18th Jan
Time: 10:40
Length of
Lesson: 70min
What Key Concept(s) (ideas) will I teach in this lesson?
Introduction to Chapter
Types of bank accounts
Current Accounts
What am I going to teach?
I will explore the introduction to the chapter
I will examine the different types of bank accounts and advantages
I will examine what a current account is and how to open an account
At the end of this lesson students should be able to give a brief explanation of what commercial banks
are, name some different types of bank accounts and also they should have an in-depth knowledge of
current accounts the advantages of one and also be able to complete an application form.
How will I know that the learning outcomes are being achieved?
1. Learning outcome one will be assessed by: orally asking students to give a brief explanation of
commercial banks and where the term banking originated from
2. Learning outcome two will be assessed by: asking students to write on their mini whiteboards
different types of bank accounts and then orally asking different students to list some advantages
of such bank accounts
3. Learning outcome three will be assessed by: giving students a worksheet to complete which will
consist of, a definition for current account, advantages of a current account and also an
application form which they will have to complete. This worksheet will be taken up at the end of
class or have to be completed for homework if students fail to complete it in class time.

What prior knowledge do students have about this topic?
From previous chapters the students have covered they should be aware of money and bank accounts
and money transactions. Also they may have previously visited banks with their parents and be aware
there are many different banks.
The previous chapter in this book mentions current accounts and certain topics in this chapter, this
means that students have an awareness of some of the aspects of the chapter we will be covering.

What activities will I use to facilitate the teaching of EACH Key Concept? How much time for each activity?

What activities will the students be engaged in to understand EACH Key Concept? How much time for each


Please list lower and higher order questions that are linked to each Key Concepts. (A minimum of six
questions specifically related to the key concepts, identifying higher/lower order with HO/LO)
1. Key
6. Teacher Activity
7. Student Activity
8. Questions
Ask students question in
Students must engage prior
Who has heard of the term
order to gain prior
knowledge to think of what they commercial banks?
Concept 1
know about commercial banks.
Can anyone explain to me
what the term means?
Introduce the chapter to
Students must pay attention in
Introduction students, present them with order to take in learning
Can anyone give me examples
to the
learning outcomes,
outcomes and be aware of what
of a commercial bank?
is expected they know and listen
as I explain the introduction

10 min

Ask student to read

introduction chapter from

Students must read along with

the section being read aloud by a
student and take in information
being read.

Check that all students

understand by means of

Students must engage what they

have learned and give a brief
explanation of how the idea of
banking originated.

In your own words can you

tell me how the term banking

Concept 2

Types of

30 min

Ask students do they know

of any different types of
bank accounts.

Students must think if they know

of or have ever heard of different
types of bank accounts.

Does anyone know of any

different types of bank

Show students different

types of bank accounts

Students must take note of the

different types of bank account

Ask students do they know

what the term interest

Students must engage prior

knowledge on the term interest

Has anyone ever heard of the

term interest?
If so what does it mean?
Do we pay or earn interest on
bank accounts?

Explain the term interest to

students and give examples
of where its paid.

Students must take note of an

explanation for the term and
where it can be earned

Can anyone tell me what the

letters DIRT stand for?

List some advantages of

this type of bank account.

Students must think of some

advantages to having such a
bank account

Do we pay dirt directly or is it

taken from us?

What would be an advantage

of having this type of bank

Concept 3


30 min

Ask students do they

know what is
understood by the term
current account.
Make definition from
students explanation
and compare to one in
the book
Make a list of
advantages for having
this type of bank

Ask students if they

wanted to open an
account how would
they do it

Students must engage prior

knowledge and think if they
know what a current
account is.

Has anyone heard of the

term current account?
If so what is it?

Can we put all those ideas

Students must offer up their into a definition for the
thoughts on the definition
term current account?
for current account
Now that we know what
Students must think of
it is, what would be the
advantages of having this
advantages of having an
type of bank account and
account like this?
how it would be useful
Students must think of
what they would do or what
steps they would take if
they wanted to open an

If we wanted to open a
current account what
steps would we take to do

Students must examine the

application form
Show students an
application form
Ask students to
complete an
application form.

Students must attempt to

fill out the application form

Fill out the application

form as if you were
applying for a current

How will I differentiate the content knowledge of this lesson so as to include all learners in a mixed
ability class?
During this class I will ensure to have extra work prepared for the early finishers or those who may be
of a higher learning ability, this will ensure that boredom is not a factor of the class and students will
not have the opportunity to get distracted or misbehave as a result of boredom or having no work to do,
the content of the class caters for all abilities and I will ensure to allow extra time for those who may be
finding it hard to understand.
What materials/resources will I need/use?
Whiteboard, projector, pens, whiteboard markers, class business studies book Eurobusiness, mini
whiteboards, worksheets, computer.

What are the essential aspects of literacy/numeracy in this lesson?
Literacy is a factor in this lesson as students will be required to both read and write, also some new
words that they may not have seen before will appear in this lesson, these new words will be written on
the board for students who may have difficulty with spelling, also numeracy is a slight factor as
students will have to use the book on certain pages for this they will require a basic knowledge of

Were the Learning Outcomes achieved? Why /why not? How do I know they were/were not achieved?

What have I learned about my own practice from this lesson?

What will I do differently in my next class?

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