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i have a dream

marley pearce

i have a dream
that trans youth won't have to suffer
that the confusion and dysphoria will cease to exist
that children who were born into the wrong body won't feel like a mutant
a disaster
a mistake
i have a dream that trans youth won't have to painfully bind back their insecurities and wear
makeup to feel feminine
i have a dream that non binary and gender fluid children will have a place to go
that they won't be scared of themselves when they look in the mirror
that theyll be accepted by both trans and cis communities
i have a dream that a surgery these children so desperately desire
a surgery that would put them into the body they rightfully deserve
won't cost so much that they have to settle for dysphoria for the rest of their lives
i have a dream of acceptance
that people born into foreign bodies will no longer be feared
be shamed
be put down and hidden from the world
for something they did not choose
that trans children will feel safe
that their families will stay by their side
that they can be who they really are
i have a dream

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