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Direction of India's trade

By direction of trade we mean the countries with

which India keeps international trade relations. It also

helps us to understand the diplomatic relations
maintained by India with other countries in direction
of trade.
For the purpose of direction of trade, the countries to
which India exports are broadly divided into following
five groups.

Direction of India's trade

Direction of India's trade

The group of countries to which India Exports are : Organisation for Economic Co-operation &
Development (OECD) comprising of USA, Canada,
European Union (EU), Australia and Japan.
Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
(OPEC) which includes Kuwait, Iran, Iraq, Saudi
Arabia and others.
Eastern Europe which includes Romania, Russia and
Developing Nations which includes China, Hong
Kong, South Korea, Singapore and Malaysia.

Direction of India's trade

The above table reveals following changes in India's
Exports :1. OECD

The OECD group accounted for a major portion of

India's exports. The share of this group was 56.4% in
1990-91 & 44.3% in 2005-06. About 45% of these exports
have been to European Union (EU) countries.

Direction of India's trade

The share of OPEC which was 5.6% in 1990-91. In 200506 it has increased to 14.8% i.e. share of OPEC has been
showing an upward trend since 1990-91.

Direction of India's trade

3. Eastern Europe
There was a rapid decrease in the share of Eastern
Europe particularly U.S.S.R. Due to political problems &
disintegration of the U.S.S.R, the share of Eastern
Europe decreased from 17.9% in 1990-91 to 1.9% in 200506.

Direction of India's trade

4. Developing Countries
The share of developing nations increased from 17.1% in
1990-91 to 38.7% in 2005-06. Asian countries now
account for 1/4th of India's export earnings. Among the
Asian countries the major export destinations have been
Hong Kong, Singapore & Thailand.

Direction of India's trade

5. Other Countries
The share of other countries has declined from 3.00% in
1990-91 to 0.3% in 2005-06.

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